AS 3600-2009 Supp 1:2014
[Superseded]Concrete Structures — Commentary (Supplement to AS 3600-2009)
Provides background reference material to AS 3600-2009, indicates the origin of particular requirements and departures from previous practice, and explains the application of certain Clauses.
Published: 05/12/2014
Pages: 257
Table of contents
Cited references
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Table of contents
About this publication
C1 Scope and general
C1.1 Scope and application
C1.1.1 Scope
C1.1.2 Application
C1.1.3 Exclusions
C1.2 Normative references
C1.3 Existing structures
C1.4 Documentation
C1.5 Construction
C1.6 Definitions
C1.7 Notation
C2 Design procedures, actions and loads
C2.1 Design procedures
C2.1.1 Design for strength and serviceability
C2.1.2 Design for earthquake actions
C2.1.3 Design for robustness
C2.1.4 Design for durability and fire resistance
C2.1.5 Material properties
C2.2 Design for strength
C2.2.1 General
C2.2.2 Strength check procedure for use with linear elastic methods of analysis, with simplified analysis methods and for statically determinate structures
C2.2.3 Strength check procedure for use with linear elastic stress analysis
C2.2.4 Strength check procedure for use with strut-and-tie analysis
C2.2.5 Strength check procedure for use with non-linear analysis of framed structures
C2.2.6 Strength check procedure for use with non-linear stress analysis
C2.3 Design for serviceability
C2.3.1 General
C2.3.2 Deflection
C2.3.3 Cracking
C2.3.3.1 General
C2.3.3.2 Control of cracking
C2.3.4 Vibration
C2.4 Actions and combinations of actions
C2.4.1 Actions and loads
C2.4.2 Combinations of actions and loads
C2.4.3 Construction effects
C2.4.4 Arrangements of vertical loads on continuous beams, frames and floor systems
C3 Design properties of materials
C3.1 Properties of concrete
C3.1.1 Strength
C3.1.1.1 Characteristic compressive strength
C3.1.1.2 Mean in situ compressive strength
C3.1.1.3 Tensile strength
C3.1.2 Modulus of elasticity
C3.1.3 Density
C3.1.4 Stress-strain curves
C3.1.5 Poisson’s ratio
C3.1.6 Coefficient of thermal expansion
C3.1.7 Shrinkage
C3.1.7.1 Calculation of design shrinkage strain
C3.1.7.2 Design shrinkage strain
C3.1.8 Creep
C3.1.8.1 General
C3.1.8.2 Basic creep coefficient
C3.1.8.3 Design creep coefficient
C3.2 Properties of reinforcement
C3.2.1 Strength and ductility
C3.2.2 Modulus of elasticity
C3.2.3 Stress-strain curves
C3.2.4 Coefficient of thermal expansion
C3.3 Properties of tendons
C3.3.1 Strength
C3.3.2 Modulus of elasticity
C3.3.3 Stress-strain curves
C3.3.4 Relaxation of tendons
C3.3.4.1 General
C3.3.4.2 Basic relaxation
C3.3.4.3 Design relaxation
C3.4 Loss of prestress in tendons
C3.4.1 General
C3.4.2 Immediate loss of prestress
C3.4.2.1 General
C3.4.2.2 Loss of prestress due to curing conditions
C3.4.2.3 Loss of prestress due to elastic deformation of concrete
C3.4.2.4 Loss of prestress due to friction
C3.4.2.5 Loss of prestress during anchoring
C3.4.2.6 Loss of prestress due to other considerations
C3.4.3 Time-dependent losses of prestress
C3.4.3.1 General
C3.4.3.2 Loss of prestress due to shrinkage of the concrete
C3.4.3.3 Loss of prestress due to creep of the concrete
C3.4.3.4 Loss of prestress due to tendon relaxation
C3.4.3.5 Loss of prestress due to other considerations
C3.5 Material properties for non-linear structural analysis
C4 Design for durability
C4.1 General
C4.2 Method of design for durability
C4.3 Exposure classification
C4.3.1 General
C4.3.2 Concession for exterior exposure of a single surface
C4.4 Requirements for concrete for exposure classifications A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2
C4.5 Requirements for concrete for exposure classification U
C4.6 Abrasion
C4.7 Freezing and thawing
C4.8 Aggressive soils
C4.8.1 Sulfate and acid sulfate soils
C4.8.2 Saline soils
C4.9 Restriction on chemical content in concrete
C4.10 Requirements for cover to reinforcing steel and tendons
C4.10.1 General
C4.10.2 Cover for concrete placement
C4.10.3 Cover for corrosion protection
C4.10.3.1 General
C4.10.3.2 Standard formwork and compaction
C4.10.3.3 Required cover where repetitive procedures or intense compaction are used in rigid formwork
C4.10.3.4 Required cover where self-compacting concrete is used
C4.10.3.5 Cast against ground
C4.10.3.6 Structural members manufactured by spinning or rolling
C4.10.3.7 Embedded items cover
C5 Design for fire resistance
C5.1 Scope
C5.2 Definitions
C5.3 Design performance criteria
C5.3.1 General performance criteria
C5.3.2 General rules for the interpretation of tabulated data and figures
C5.3.3 Increase in axis distance for prestressing tendons
C5.3.4 Dimensional limitations to achieve fire-rating
C5.3.5 Joints
C5.3.6 The effect of chases
C5.3.7 Increasing FRPs by the addition of insulating materials
C5.4 Fire resistance periods (FRPs) for beams
C5.4.1 Structural adequacy for beams incorporated in roof or floor systems
C5.4.2 Structural adequacy for beams exposed to fire on all sides
C5.5 Fire resistance periods (FRPs) for slabs
C5.5.1 Insulation for slabs
C5.5.2 Structural adequacy for slabs
C5.6 Fire resistance periods (FRPs) for columns
C5.6.1 Insulation and integrity for columns
C5.6.2 Structural adequacy for columns
C5.6.3 Restricted tabular method to determine structural adequacy for columns
C5.6.4 General tabular method to determine structural adequacy for braced columns
C5.7 Fire resistance periods (FRPs) for walls
C5.7.1 Insulation for walls
C5.7.2 Structural adequacy for walls
C5.7.3 Effective height limitations for walls
C5.7.4 Other requirements for walls
C5.7.4.1 Recesses for services in walls
C5.7.4.2 Effect of chases on structural adequacy of walls
C5.7.4.3 Effect of chases on integrity and insulation of walls
C5.8 Increase of fire resistance periods (FRPs) by use of insulating materials
C5.8.1 Increase of FRP by the addition of insulating materials
C5.8.1.1 General
C5.8.1.2 Acceptable forms of insulation
C5.8.1.3 Thickness of insulating material
C5.8.1.4 Reinforcement in sprayed or trowelled insulating materials
C5.8.2 Increase of insulation period of slabs by application of toppings
C6 Methods of structural analysis
C6.1 General
C6.1.1 Basis for structural analysis
C6.1.2 Interpretation of the results of analysis
C6.1.3 Methods of analysis
C6.1.4 Geometrical properties
C6.2 Linear elastic analysis
C6.2.1 General
C6.2.2 Span length
C6.2.3 Critical sections for negative moments
C6.2.4 Stiffness
C6.2.5 Deflections
C6.2.6 Secondary bending moments and shears resulting from prestress
C6.2.7 Moment redistribution in reinforced and prestressed members for strength design
C6.2.7.1 General requirements
C6.2.7.2 Deemed-to-comply approach for reinforced and prestressed members
C6.3 Elastic analysis of frames incorporating secondary bending moments
C6.3.1 General
C6.3.2 Analysis
C6.4 Linear elastic stress analysis
C6.4.1 General
C6.4.2 Analysis
C6.4.3 Sensitivity of analysis to input data and modelling parameters
C6.5 Non-linear frame analysis
C6.5.1 General
C6.5.2 Non-linear material effects
C6.5.3 Non-linear geometric effects
C6.5.4 Values of material properties
C6.5.5 Sensitivity of analysis to input data and modelling parameters
C6.6 Non-linear stress analysis
C6.7 Plastic methods of analysis
C6.7.1 General
C6.7.2 Methods for beams and frames
C6.7.3 Methods for slabs
C6.7.3.1 Lower-bound method for slabs
C6.7.3.2 Yield line method for slabs
C6.8 Analysis using strut-and-tie models
C6.8.1 General
C6.8.2 Sensitivity of analysis to input data and modelling parameters
C6.9 Idealized frame method of analysis
C6.9.1 General
C6.9.2 Idealized frames
C6.9.3 Analysis for vertical loads
C6.9.4 Analysis for horizontal loads
C6.9.5 Idealized frame method for structures incorporating two-way slab systems
C6.9.5.1 General
C6.9.5.2 Effective width
C6.9.5.3 Distribution of bending moments between column and middle strips
C6.9.5.4 Torsional moments
C6.9.5.5 Openings in slabs
C6.10 Simplified methods of flexural analysis
C6.10.1 General
C6.10.2 Simplified method for reinforced continuous beams and one-way slabs
C6.10.3 Simplified method for reinforced two-way slabs supported on four sides
C6.10.4 Simplified method for reinforced two-way slab systems having multiple spans
C6.10.4.1 General
C6.10.4.2 Total static moment for a span
C6.10.4.3 Design moments
C6.10.4.4 Transverse distribution of the design bending moment
C6.10.4.5 Moment transfer for shear in flat slabs
C7 Strut-and-tie modelling
C7.1 General
C7.2 Concrete struts
C7.2.1 Types of struts
C7.2.2 Strut efficiency factor
C7.2.3 Design strength of struts
C7.2.4 Bursting reinforcement in bottle-shaped struts
C7.3 Ties
C7.3.1 Arrangements of ties
C7.3.2 Design strength of ties
C7.3.3 Anchorage of ties
C7.4 Nodes
C7.4.1 Types of nodes
C7.4.2 Design strength of nodes
C7.5 Analysis of strut-and-tie models
C7.6 Design based on strut-and-tie modelling
C8 Design of beams for strength and serviceability
C8.1 Strength of beams in bending
C8.1.1 General
C8.1.2 Basis of strength calculations
C8.1.3 Rectangular stress block
C8.1.4 Dispersion angle of prestress
C8.1.5 Design strength in bending
C8.1.6 Minimum strength requirements
C8.1.6.1 General
C8.1.6.2 Prestressed beams at transfer
C8.1.7 Stress in reinforcement and bonded tendons at ultimate strength
C8.1.8 Stress in tendons not yet bonded
C8.1.9 Spacing of reinforcement and tendons
C8.1.10 Detailing of flexural reinforcement and tendons
C8.1.10.1 General procedure for detailing reinforcement and tendons
C8.1.10.2 Distribution of reinforcement
C8.1.10.3 Continuation of negative moment reinforcement
C8.1.10.4 Anchorage of positive-moment reinforcement
C8.1.10.5 Shear strength requirements near terminated flexural reinforcement
C8.1.10.6 Deemed-to-comply arrangement of flexural reinforcement
C8.1.10.7 Restraint of compressive reinforcement
C8.1.10.8 Bundled bars
C8.1.10.9 Detailing of tendons
C8.2 Strength of beams in shear
C8.2.1 General
C8.2.2 Design shear strength of a beam
C8.2.3 Tapered members
C8.2.4 Maximum transverse shear near a support
C8.2.5 Requirements for shear reinforcement
C8.2.6 Shear strength limited by web crushing
C8.2.7 Shear strength of a beam excluding shear reinforcement
C8.2.7.1 Reinforced beams
C8.2.7.2 Prestressed beams
C8.2.7.3 Secondary effects on Vuc
C8.2.7.4 Reversal of loads and members in torsion
C8.2.8 Minimum shear reinforcement
C8.2.9 Shear strength of a beam with minimum reinforcement
C8.2.10 Contribution to shear strength by the shear reinforcement
C8.2.11 Hanging reinforcement
C8.2.12 Detailing of shear reinforcement
C8.2.12.1 Types
C8.2.12.2 Spacing
C8.2.12.3 Extent
C8.2.12.4 Anchorage of shear reinforcement
C8.2.12.5 End anchorage of mesh
C8.3 Strength of beams in torsion
C8.3.1 General
C8.3.2 Secondary torsion
C8.3.3 Torsional strength limited by web crushing
C8.3.4 Requirements for torsional reinforcement
C8.3.5 Torsional strength of a beam
C8.3.6 Longitudinal torsional reinforcement
C8.3.7 Minimum torsional reinforcement
C8.3.8 Detailing of torsional reinforcement
C8.4 Longitudinal shear in composite and monolithic beams
C8.4.1 General
C8.4.2 Design shear stress
C8.4.3 Shear stress capacity
C8.4.4 Shear plane reinforcement
C8.4.5 Minimum thickness of structural components
C8.5 Deflection of beams
C8.5.1 General
C8.5.2 Beam deflection by refined calculation
C8.5.3 Beam deflection by simplified calculation
C8.5.3.1 Short-term deflection
C8.5.3.2 Long-term deflection
C8.5.4 Deemed to comply span-to-depth ratios for reinforced beams
C8.6 Crack control of beams
C8.6.1 Crack control for tension and flexure in reinforced beams
C8.6.2 Crack control for flexure in prestressed beams
C8.6.3 Crack control in the side face of beams
C8.6.4 Crack control at openings and discontinuities
C8.7 Vibration of beams
C8.8 T-beams and L-beams
C8.8.1 General
C8.8.2 Effective width of flange for strength and serviceability
C8.9 Slenderness limits for beams
C9 Design of slabs for strength and serviceability
C9.1 Strength of slabs in bending
C9.1.1 General
C9.1.2 Reinforcement and tendon distribution in two-way flat slabs
C9.1.3 Detailing of tensile reinforcement in slabs
C9.1.3.1 General procedure for arrangement
C9.1.3.2 Deemed-to-comply arrangement for one-way slabs
C9.1.3.3 Deemed-to-comply arrangement for two-way slabs supported on beams or walls
C9.1.3.4 Deemed-to-comply arrangement for two-way flat slabs
C9.1.4 Minimum reinforcement for distributing loads
C9.1.5 Spacing of reinforcement and tendons
C9.2 Strength of slabs in shear
C9.2.1 Definitions and symbols
C9.2.2 Strength
C9.2.3 Ultimate shear strength where MV∗ is zero
C9.2.4 Ultimate shear strength where MV∗ is not zero
C9.2.5 Minimum area of closed fitments
C9.2.6 Detailing of shear reinforcement
C9.3 Deflection of slabs
C9.3.1 General
C9.3.2 Slab deflection by refined calculation
C9.3.3 Slab deflection by simplified calculation
C9.3.4 Deemed to comply span-to-depth ratio for reinforced slabs
C9.4 Crack control of slabs
C9.4.1 Crack control for flexure in reinforced slabs
C9.4.2 Crack control for flexure in prestressed slabs
C9.4.3 Crack control for shrinkage and temperature effects
C9.4.3.1 General
C9.4.3.2 Reinforcement in the primary direction
C9.4.3.3 Reinforcement in the secondary direction in unrestrained slabs
C9.4.3.4 Reinforcement in the secondary direction in restrained slabs
C9.4.3.5 Reinforcement in the secondary direction in partially restrained slabs
C9.4.4 Crack control in the vicinity of restraints
C9.4.5 Crack control at openings and discontinuities
C9.5 Vibration of slabs
C9.6 Moment resisting width for one-way slabs supporting concentrated loads
C9.7 Longitudinal shear in composite slabs
C10 Design of columns for strength and serviceability
C10.1 General
C10.1.1 Design strength
C10.1.2 Minimum bending moment
C10.1.3 Definitions
C10.2 Design procedures
C10.2.1 Design procedure using linear elastic analysis
C10.2.2 Design procedure incorporating secondary bending moments
C10.2.3 Design procedure using rigorous analysis
C10.3 Design of short columns
C10.3.1 General
C10.3.2 Short column with small compressive axial force
C10.3.3 Short braced column with small bending moments
C10.4 Design of slender columns
C10.4.1 General
C10.4.2 Moment magnifier for a braced column
C10.4.3 Moment magnifier for an unbraced column
C10.4.4 Buckling load
C10.5 Slenderness
C10.5.1 General
C10.5.2 Radius of gyration
C10.5.3 Effective length of a column
C10.5.4 End restraint coefficients for regular rectangular framed structures
C10.5.5 End restraint coefficients for any framed structure
C10.5.6 End restraint provided by footings
C10.6 Strength of columns in combined bending and compression
C10.6.1 Basis of strength calculations
C10.6.2 Strength of cross-sections calculated using the rectangular stress block
C10.6.2.1 General
C10.6.2.2 Squash load (Nuo)
C10.6.2.3 Decompression point
C10.6.2.4 Transition from decompression point to squash load
C10.6.2.5 Transition from decompression point to bending strength
C10.6.3 Design based on each bending moment acting separately
C10.6.4 Design for biaxial bending and compression
C10.7 Reinforcement requirements for columns
C10.7.1 Limitations on longitudinal steel
C10.7.2 Functions of fitments
C10.7.3 Confinement to the core
C10.7.3.1 General requirements
C10.7.3.2 Calculation of core confinement by rational calculation
C10.7.3.3 Calculation of core confinement by simplified calculation
C10.7.3.4 Deemed to comply core confinement
C10.7.4 Restraint of longitudinal reinforcement
C10.7.5 Splicing of longitudinal reinforcement
C10.8 Transmission of axial force through floor systems
C11 Design of walls
C11.1 General
C11.2 Design procedures
C11.2.1 General
C11.2.2 Groups of walls
C11.3 Braced walls
C11.4 Effective height
C11.5 Simplified design method for braced walls subject to vertical compression forces
C11.5.1 Design axial strength of a wall
C11.5.2 Eccentricity of vertical load
C11.6 Design of walls for in-plane shear forces
C11.6.1 Critical section for shear
C11.6.2 Strength in shear
C11.6.3 Shear strength without wall reinforcement
C11.6.4 Contribution to shear strength by wall reinforcement
C11.7 Reinforcement requirements for walls
C11.7.1 Minimum reinforcement
C11.7.2 Horizontal reinforcement for crack control
C11.7.3 Spacing of reinforcement
C11.7.4 Restraint of vertical reinforcement
C12 Design of non-flexural members, end zones and bearing surfaces
C12.1 General
C12.2 Strut-and-tie models for the design of non-flexural members
C12.3 Additional requirements for continuous concrete nibs and corbels
C12.4 Additional requirements for stepped joints in beams and slabs
C12.5 Anchorage zones for prestressing anchorages
C12.5.1 General
C12.5.2 Reinforcement
C12.5.3 Loading cases to be considered
C12.5.4 Calculation of tensile forces along line of an anchorage force
C12.5.5 Calculation of tensile forces induced near the loaded face
C12.5.6 Quantity and distribution of reinforcement
C12.6 Bearing surfaces
C12.7 Crack control
C13 Stress development of reinforcement and tendons
C13.1 Stress development in reinforcement
C13.1.1 General
C13.1.2 Development length for a deformed bar in tension
C13.1.2.1 Development length to develop yield strength
C13.1.2.2 Basic development length
C13.1.2.3 Refined development length
C13.1.2.4 Development length to develop less than the yield strength
C13.1.2.5 Development length around a curve
C13.1.2.6 Development length of a deformed bar with a standard hook or cog
C13.1.2.7 Standard hooks and cogs
C13.1.3 Development length of plain bars in tension
C13.1.4 Development length of headed reinforcement in tension
C13.1.5 Development length of deformed bars in compression
C13.1.5.1 Development length to develop yield strength
C13.1.5.2 Basic development length
C13.1.5.3 Refined development length
C13.1.5.4 Development length to develop less than the yield strength
C13.1.6 Development length of plain bars in compression
C13.1.7 Development length of bundled bars
C13.1.8 Development length of welded plain or deformed mesh in tension
C13.1.8.1 Development length to develop yield strength
C13.1.8.2 Two or more cross-bars within development length
C13.1.8.3 One cross-bar within development length
C13.1.8.4 No cross-bars within development length
C13.1.8.5 Development length to develop less than the yield strength
C13.2 Splicing of reinforcement
C13.2.1 General
C13.2.2 Lapped splices for bars in tension
C13.2.3 Lapped splices for mesh in tension
C13.2.4 Lapped splices for bars in compression
C13.2.5 Lapped splices for bundled bars
C13.2.6 Welded or mechanical splices
C13.3 Stress development in tendons
C13.3.1 General
C13.3.2 Transmission lengths of pretensioned tendons
C13.3.2.1 Transmission lengths of pretensioned tendons
C13.3.2.2 Development length of pretensioned strand
C13.3.2.3 Development length of pretensioned wire
C13.3.2.4 Development length of untensioned strand or wire
C13.3.3 Stress development in post-tensioned tendons by anchorages
C13.4 Coupling of tendons
C14 Joints, embedded items and fixings
C14.1 Joints
C14.1.1 General
C14.1.2 Construction joints
C14.1.3 Movement joints
C14.1.4 Joint fillers and sealants
C14.2 Embedded items
C14.3 Fixings
C15 Plain concrete pedestals and footings
C15.1 General
C15.2 Durability
C15.3 Pedestals
C15.4 Footings
C15.4.1 Dimensions
C15.4.2 Strength in bending
C15.4.3 Strength in shear
C16 Slab-on-ground floors, pavements and footings
C16.1 General
C16.2 Design considerations
C16.3 Footings
C17 Material and construction requirements
C17.1 Material and construction requirements for concrete and grout
C17.1.1 Materials and limitations on constituents
C17.1.2 Specification and manufacture of concrete
C17.1.3 Handling, placing and compacting of concrete
C17.1.4 Finishing of unformed concrete surfaces
C17.1.5 Curing and protection of concrete
C17.1.5.1 Curing
C17.1.5.2 Protection
C17.1.6 Sampling and testing for compliance
C17.1.7 Rejection of concrete
C17.1.8 Requirements for grout and grouting
C17.2 Material and construction requirements for reinforcing steel
C17.2.1 Materials
C17.2.1.1 Reinforcement
C17.2.1.2 Protective coatings
C17.2.2 Fabrication
C17.2.3 Bending
C17.2.4 Surface condition
C17.2.5 Fixing
C17.2.6 Lightning protection by reinforcement
C17.3 Material and construction requirements for prestressing ducts, anchorages and tendons
C17.3.1 Materials for ducts, anchorages and tendons
C17.3.1.1 Ducts
C17.3.1.2 Anchorages
C17.3.1.3 Tendons
C17.3.2 Construction requirements for ducts
C17.3.2.1 Surface condition
C17.3.2.2 Sealing
C17.3.2.3 Fixing
C17.3.3 Construction requirements for anchorages
C17.3.3.1 Fixing
C17.3.3.2 Surface condition
C17.3.4 Construction requirements for tendons
C17.3.4.1 Fabrication
C17.3.4.2 Protection
C17.3.4.3 Surface condition
C17.3.4.4 Fixing
C17.3.4.5 Tensioning
C17.3.4.6 Maximum jacking force
C17.3.4.7 Grouting
C17.3.5 Construction requirements for unbonded tendons
C17.4 Construction requirements for joints and embedded items
C17.5 Tolerances for structures and members
C17.5.1 General
C17.5.2 Tolerances for position and size of structures and members
C17.5.3 Tolerance on position of reinforcement and tendons
C17.6 Formwork
C17.6.1 General
C17.6.2 Stripping of forms and removal of formwork supports
C17.6.2.1 General
C17.6.2.2 Removal of formwork from vertical surfaces
C17.6.2.3 Stripping of soffit forms from reinforced beams and slabs where control samples are available
C17.6.2.4 Stripping of soffit forms from reinforced slabs of normal-class concrete
C17.6.2.5 Removal of formwork supports from reinforced members not supporting structures above
C17.6.2.6 Removal of formwork supports from reinforced members in multistorey structures
C17.6.2.7 Stripping of forms and removal of supports from soffits of prestressed concrete slabs and beams
C17.6.2.8 Control tests
Appendix CA
Appendix CB
CB1 General
CB2 Testing of members
CB2.1 Purpose of testing
CB2.2 Test set-up
CB2.3 Test load
CB2.4 Test deflections
CB3 Proof testing
CB3.1 Test procedures
CB3.2 Criteria for acceptance
CB3.3 Damage incurred during test
CB3.4 Test reports
CB4 Prototype testing
CB4.1 Construction of prototypes
CB4.2 Number of prototypes
CB4.3 Test load
CB4.4 Test procedure
CB4.5 Criteria for acceptance
CB4.6 Test reports
CB5 Quality control
CB5.1 General
CB5.2 Statistical sampling
CB5.3 Product certification
CB5.4 Quality system
CB6 Testing of hardened concrete in place
CB6.1 Application
CB6.2 Preparation of samples
CB6.3 Non-destructive testing
CB6.4 Tests on samples taken from the structure
CB6.4.1 Test requirements
CB6.4.2 Interpretation of results
Appendix CC
CC1 General
CC2 Definitions
CC3 Structural ductility factor (µ) and structural performance factor (Sp)
CC4 Intermediate moment-resisting frames (IMRFs)
CC4.1 General
CC4.2 Beams
CC4.2.1 Longitudinal reinforcement
CC4.2.2 Shear reinforcement
CC4.3 Slabs
CC4.3.1 General
CC4.3.2 Reinforcement detailing in flat slabs
CC4.4 Columns
CC4.5 Column joints
CC4.6 Prestressed IMRFs
CC4.6.1 General
CC4.6.2 Connections
CC4.6.3 Supports
CC4.6.4 Prestressed beams
CC4.6.5 Prestressed columns
CC4.6.6 Beam-column joints
CC5 Ductile shear walls
CC5.1 General
CC5.2 Reinforcement
CC5.3 Boundary elements
Cited references in this standard
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