
AS/NZS 4755.3.2:2012


Demand response capabilities and supporting technologies for electrical products, Part 3.2: Interaction of demand response enabling devices and electrical products — Operational instructions and connections for devices controlling swimming pool pump-units

This Standard defines a set of operational instructions that will meet the requirements of remote agents wishing to control the energy consumption of pump-units, and establishes a consistent approach to the method of connecting the demand response interface to the demand response enabling device (DRED).
Published: 17/05/2012
Pages: 30
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Referenced documents
1.3 Definitions
2 Operational instructions and demand response modes
2.1 General principles
2.2 Demand response modes
2.3 Manual override
2.4 Automatic override
2.5 Response times
2.6 Operation of auxiliary equipment
2.7 Run-time adjustment
2.8 Standby power
3 Interfaces
3.1 General
3.2 Physical interfaces
3.3 Terminal block
3.3.1 Terminal block pin assignments
3.3.2 Terminal block specifications
3.4 RJ45 socket
3.4.1 RJ45 socket pin assignment
3.4.2 RJ45 socket specifications
3.5 Circuit to dred
3.6 Optional electrical supply
3.7 Location and access
4 Labelling and marking of demand response capability
4.1 General
4.2 Registration
4.3 Point of sale labelling
4.4 Marking
4.5 Manufacturer’s literature
5 Testing and verifying demand response capability
5.1 Verification of claimed demand response capability
5.2 Set-up for testing
5.3 Verification of claimed compliance with DRM 1
5.3.1 Sequence of operations
5.3.2 Integral pump-unit controller Interrupting operation during a DRM 1 event Switching on during a DRM 1 event
5.3.3 Separate pump-unit controller Interrupting operation during a demand response event Switching on during a DRM 1 event
5.4 Verification of claimed compliance with DRM 2
5.4.1 Integral pump-unit controller Interrupting operation during a DRM 2 event Switching on during a DRM 2 event
5.4.2 Separate pump-unit controller Interrupting operation during a DRM 2 event Switching on during a DRM 2 event
5.5 Verification of claimed compliance with DRM 4
5.5.1 Interrupting operation during a DRM 4 event
5.5.2 Switching on during a DRM 4 event
5.6 Test report
Appendix A
Appendix B
Cited references in this standard
Electricity metering equipment (ac) — General requirements, tests and test conditions, Part 21: Tariff and load control equipment (IEC 62052-21:2016 (ED.1.1) MOD)
Framework for demand response capabilities and supporting technologies for electrical products
Performance of household electrical appliances — Swimming pool pump-units, Part 1: Measurement of energy consumption and performance
Performance of household electrical appliances — Swimming pool pump-units, Part 2: Energy labelling and minimum energy performance standard requirements
Electrical installations (known as the Australian/New Zealand Wiring Rules)
Content history
DR AS/NZS 4755.3.2

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