
AS/NZS 2815.2:2013


Training and certification of occupational divers, Part 2: Surface supplied diving to 30 m

Specifies the training activities and competencies required for the training and certification of divers to work safely and competently as members of an occupational diving team using surface-supplied breathing apparatus (SSBA), breathing air or enriched air nitrox (EAN) as the breathing gas, and undertaking no decompression dives to 30 m.
Published: 29/10/2013
Pages: 32
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Application
1.2.1 General
1.2.2 Certification
1.3 Normative references
1.4 Definitions
1.5 Purpose
1.6 Trainee application criteria
2 Training course content
3 Units of competency
3.1 SSBA equipment
3.1.1 General
3.1.2 Performance criteria for elements of competency
3.2 Emergency procedures—SSBA
3.2.1 General
3.2.2 Performance criteria for elements of competency
3.3 Pre-dive preparations—SSBA
3.3.1 General
3.3.2 Performance criteria for elements of competency
3.4 Underwater deployment—SSBA
3.4.1 General
3.4.2 Performance criteria for elements of competency
3.4.3 Dive requirements
3.4.4 Training dives
3.5 Post-dive procedures—SSBA
3.5.1 General
3.5.2 Performance criteria for elements of competency
3.6 Compression chamber dive
3.6.1 General
3.6.2 Performance criteria for elements of competency
3.7 Underwater work—Basic
3.7.1 General
3.7.2 Performance criteria for elements of competency
3.8 Underwater work—Powered tools
3.8.1 General
3.8.2 Performance criteria for elements of competency
3.9 Underwater work—Cutting and welding
3.9.1 General
3.9.2 Performance criteria for elements of competency
3.10 Underwater work—Construction
3.10.1 General
3.10.2 Performance criteria for elements of competency
3.11 Underwater work—Explosives
3.11.1 General
3.11.2 Performance criteria for elements of competency
3.12 Using enriched air nitrox (EAN)
3.12.1 General
3.12.2 Performance criteria for elements of competency
3.12.3 Dive requirements
4 Training plans, assessment and planned experience
4.1 Developing the training plan
4.1.1 General
4.1.2 Consultation with authorities
4.1.3 Compliance with statutory requirements
4.1.4 Syllabus
4.1.5 Training records
4.1.6 Course outline
4.2 Methods of trainee assessment
4.2.1 General conditions
4.2.2 Assessment methods
4.2.3 Conditions of assessment
4.2.4 Practical work
4.2.5 Theory assessments
4.2.6 Assessment of personnel with previous diving experience
4.3 Staffing, equipment and facilities
4.3.1 Staffing Diving instructors and assessors Dive supervision Other instructors Standby diver Minimum personnel for in-water diver training
4.3.2 Equipment and facilities General Trainee equipment Training equipment for boat diving Emergency first aid equipment
4.4 Planned experience
Cited references in this standard
Training and certification of occupational divers, Part 1: Occupational SCUBA diver
Occupational diving operations, Part 1: Standard operational practice
Training and certification of occupational divers, Part 5: Dive supervisor
Content history
DR AS/NZS 2815.2

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