AS/NZS 2243.10:2004
[Superseded]Safety in laboratories, Part 10: Storage of chemicals
Specifies procedures and requirements for the segregation and storage of chemicals in laboratories and stores associated with laboratories.
Published: 01/06/2004
Pages: 30
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Application
1.3 Referenced documents
1.4 Definitions
1.5 Interpretation
2 Basic principles of storage
2.1 Scope of section
2.2 Documentation
2.3 Knowledge of materials
2.4 Choice of risk control measures
2.5 Storage procedures
2.6 Principles of storage
2.6.1 Information on chemicals
2.6.2 Classification for segregation
3 Required features for a laboratory, storeroom or space, chemical storage cabinets, laboratory cupboards, racks and shelves
3.1 Scope of section
3.2 Laboratory
3.3 Chemical storage cabinets
3.3.1 General
3.3.2 Cabinet storage capacity
3.3.3 Design
3.3.4 Ventilation
3.3.5 Location
3.4 Laboratory cupboards
3.5 Display of hazard identification information
3.6 Storeroom or space
3.7 Room for opening packages
3.8 Shelves and racks
4 Use and storage of chemicals and gas cylinders within a laboratory
4.1 Scope of section
4.2 Gases and cryogenic liquids
4.2.1 Gas cylinders
4.2.2 Class 2.3 toxic gases
4.2.3 Cryogenic liquids Flammable or toxic cryogenic liquids Other cryogenic liquids
4.3 Size of packages
4.3.1 Liquids and solids
4.3.2 Gases
4.4 Quantities of chemicals in storage within a laboratory
4.4.1 General
4.4.2 Maximum quantities of hazardous chemicals in storage within a laboratory other than in chemical storage cabinets
4.4.3 Maximum quantities of hazardous chemicals in chemical storage cabinets within a laboratory Cabinet storage capacity Separation
4.5 Method of keeping chemicals
4.5.1 Enclosed storage
4.5.2 Open storage
4.5.3 Burettes
4.6 Restriction on opening packages
4.7 Segregation in storage
4.7.1 Incompatible chemicals General Horizontal and vertical storage on open shelving Chemical storage cabinets
4.7.2 Class 3 dangerous goods (flammable liquids) and combustible liquids
4.7.3 Class 4.1 dangerous goods (flammable solids)
4.7.4 Class 4.2 dangerous goods (substances liable to spontaneous combustion)
4.7.5 Class 4.3 dangerous goods (substances that, in contact with water, emit flammable gases)
4.7.6 Class 5.1 dangerous goods (oxidizing substances)
4.7.7 Class 5.2 dangerous goods (organic peroxides)
4.7.8 Class 6.1 (toxic substances) and other poisonous substances
4.7.9 Class 8 dangerous goods (corrosive substances)
4.7.10 Class 9 dangerous goods (miscellaneous dangerous goods and articles)
5 Storing chemicals in a separate store
5.1 Scope of section
5.2 Store location
5.2.1 General
5.2.2 Internal store
5.2.3 External store
5.3 Exclusions
5.4 Store requirements
5.4.1 General
5.4.2 Maximum storage quantities
5.4.3 Store construction General Floor
5.4.4 Ventilation
5.4.5 Cooled stores
5.4.6 Heating
5.4.7 Ignition sources
5.4.8 Spillage containment
5.5 Method of storage
5.5.1 Chemical storage cabinets
5.5.2 Other storage General Pallet storage Shelving Access
5.6 Management of movement of goods
5.7 Restriction on opening of packages
5.8 Segregation in storage
5.9 Fire protection
5.10 Display of hazard identification information
5.11 Safety equipment
6 Storing gases and cryogenic liquids in a dedicated store
6.1 Scope of section
6.2 General
6.3 Requirements and location of store
6.3.1 General
6.3.2 Ventilation
6.3.3 Electrical equipment
6.4 Maximum quantities
6.5 Method of storage
6.6 Segregation in storage
6.7 Separation from other occupancies
6.7.1 Separation distance
6.7.2 Mixed storage of gases
6.7.3 Fire-resistant walls
6.7.4 Ignition sources
6.8 Display of hazard identification information
7 Package opening and transfer
7.1 General
7.2 Work procedures for package opening
7.3 Transferring and repackaging
7.4 Liquid transfer
7.5 Spillage containment
7.6 Fire protection
Appendix A
Cited references in this standard
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