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AS 5812:2023


Manufacturing and marketing of pet food - Cats and dogs

AS 5812:2023 provides requirements for the manufacture and marketing of pet food intended for consumption by domesticated cats and dogs.
Published: 22/12/2023
Pages: 33
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Normative references
1.3 Terms and definitions
1.4 New designs and innovations
2 Manufacturing
2.1 Management and production practices at pet food manufacturing establishments
2.1.1 Outcome
2.1.2 Quality assurance system
2.1.3 HACCP plan
2.2 Good manufacturing practices
2.2.1 Outcome
2.2.2 Controlling personal hygiene and other potential risks
2.2.3 Risk of physical hazard contamination Contamination by glass, wood, hard plastic and other physical hazards Contamination by metal or other foreign materials Stock rotation Water
2.3 Construction — premises and equipment
2.3.1 Outcome
2.3.2 Site
2.3.3 Buildings
2.3.4 External areas
2.3.5 Site security
2.3.6 Waste disposal
2.3.7 Contamination from environmental sources
2.4 Plant and equipment
2.4.1 Outcome
2.4.2 Design and operation
2.4.3 Chemicals, lubricants and hazardous materials
2.5 Cleaning and sanitation
2.5.1 Outcome
2.5.2 Cleaning and sanitation programs
2.6 Pest control
2.6.1 Outcome
2.6.2 Humane practices
2.6.3 Buildings and surrounds
2.6.4 Chemicals used in pest control
2.6.5 Pest control devices traps and bait
2.7 Raw materials
2.7.1 Outcome
2.7.2 Sourcing and purchasing
2.7.3 Incoming raw materials
2.7.4 Storage
2.7.5 Contaminants, residues, nutrition, and safety limits
2.8 Process control
2.8.1 Outcome
2.8.2 Quality assurance system
2.8.3 Documentation of procedures and corrective actions
2.8.4 Temperature control
2.8.5 Formulations
2.8.6 Rework
2.8.7 Heat treatment
2.8.8 Packaging
2.8.9 Processes specific to dry pet food
2.8.10 Processes specific to semi-moist and other pet foods including treats
2.8.11 Processes specific to hermetically sealed and retorted pet food
2.8.12 Processes specific to cooked pet food intended for refrigerated storage
2.8.13 Processes specific to uncooked pet food intended for refrigerated storage
2.9 Finished product storage
2.9.1 Outcome
2.9.2 Storage conditions
2.10 Sampling and Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)
2.10.1 Outcome
2.10.2 Sampling and testing methods
2.10.3 Laboratory analysis
2.11 Calibration
2.11.1 Outcome
2.11.2 Equipment
2.12 Documentation and record keeping
2.12.1 Outcome
2.12.2 Record management
2.13 Product tracing and recall
2.13.1 Outcome
2.13.2 Recall procedures and PetFAST
2.14 Training
2.14.1 Outcome
2.14.2 Training and competency programs
3 Labelling, marketing and nutrition
3.1 Labelling
3.1.1 Outcome
3.1.2 General
3.1.3 Pet food naming
3.1.4 Product changes and label updates
3.1.5 Identification as pet food
3.1.6 Nutrition information panel
3.1.7 Directions for use statement
3.1.8 Date labelling
3.1.9 Country of origin
3.1.10 Pet food business name and address
3.1.11 New product flashes
3.1.12 Ingredient lists Ingredient declaration and order Ingredient substitution Ingredient source species identification Ingredient categories, classes or generic names Inclusion of additives Additive naming
3.1.13 Quantifying namer ingredients
3.1.14 Irradiated pet food
3.2 Marketing
3.2.1 Outcome
3.2.2 General
3.2.3 Substantiation of endorsements
3.3 Nutrition
3.3.1 Outcome
3.3.2 Nutritionally complete pet food
3.3.3 Pet food not nutritionally complete
3.3.4 Descriptive marketing terms
3.3.5 Therapeutic pet foods Registration of therapeutic pet foods Excluded nutritional or digestive (END) products Veterinary chemical products
Appendix A
Cited references in this standard
General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories
Conformity assessment - Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services
Content history
DR AS 5812:2023

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