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AS 4276.23:2016
[Current]Water microbiology, Method 23: Soils, sediments, sludges, slurries and bio-solids — Procedures for sample preparation
Sets out a method for the preparation of soils, sediments, sludges [including high-particulate-content liquids (slurries)] and biosolids for culture-based bacterial analysis utilizing selective growth media and/or conditions, including most probable number (MPN), presence/absence (PA) and agar plating techniques.
Published: 12/04/2016
Pages: 18
Table of contents
Cited references
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Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Referenced documents
3 Definitions
4 Principle
5 Reagents (See Appendix C)
5.1 Soil extraction buffer (SEB)
5.2 Diluents
5.3 1 N and 10 N HCl solution, as required
5.4 1 N NaOH solution
5.5 pH calibration buffers
6 Apparatus
6.1 Apparatus and materials for homogenization
6.1.1 Sterile containers
6.1.2 Sterile container
6.1.3 Sterile wide bore pipettes or equivalent measuring devices
6.1.4 Sterile beakers
6.1.5 Sterilizing equipment
6.1.6 Magnetic stirrer and stir bars (magnetic fleas)
6.1.7 Sterile blender jars or blender homogenizer
6.1.8 Vortex mixer
6.1.9 pH meter
6.1.10 Gloves for handling samples and extraction equipment
6.1.11 Sample handling apparatus
6.1.12 Mechanical shakers
6.1.13 Stomacher (peristaltic blender) and sterile bags
6.1.14 Forceps
6.1.15 80% (v/v) or 70% (w/w) ethanol, or 70% (v/v) or 60% (w/w) isopropanol
6.2 Apparatus for percent solids by drying to constant weight
6.2.1 Evaporating dishes
6.2.2 Desiccator
6.2.3 Drying oven
6.2.4 Balance
6.2.5 Container handling apparatus
6.2.6 Sample handling apparatus
6.2.7 Watch glass
7 Samples
8 Procedures
8.1 Mixing
8.2 Subsampling and homogenization
8.2.1 General
8.2.2 Liquid samples (≤ approx. 7% solids)
8.2.3 Solid samples (> approx. 7% solids)
8.2.4 Direct addition to enrichment broths
8.3 pH neutralization
8.4 Homogenization techniques
8.4.1 Manual and/or mechanical mixing
8.4.2 Blending
8.4.3 Stomaching (peristaltic blending)
8.5 Post-homogenization analytical techniques
9 Quality control (QC)
10 Test report
11 Bibliography
Appendix A
Appendix B
B1 Protozoans and helminths
B1.1 General
B1.2 Protozoan extraction buffer
B1.2.1 Preparation of complete buffer
B1.2.2 Phosphate buffered saline
B2 Virus elution buffer
Appendix C
C1 Scope
C2 Soil extraction buffer
C2.1 Preparation of complete buffer
C2.2 Tween 20® stock solution or equivalent
C2.3 Potassium dihydrogen phosphate stock solution
Appendix D
D1 Percent solids
D2 Calculations
D2.1 Percent total solids
D2.2 Target microorganism per gram dry weight
D3 Flow chart
Appendix E
E1 Dilutions
E2 Methods
E2.1 MPN
E2.2 Presence-absence
E2.3 Membrane filtration and spread plating
E2.4 Molecular biological techniques
E2.5 Choice of microbiological analytical procedure
Cited references in this standard
[Pending Revision]
Water quality — Sampling for microbiological analysis (ISO 19458:2006, MOD)
Water microbiology, Method 1: General information and procedures (ISO 8199:2005, MOD)
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