Technical Specification
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SA TS 90007.1:2014


Consumer entered information, Part 1: Logical content specification

Specifies the essential clinical data groups and elements to be captured in a consumer entered health summary exchange and the constraints that should be applied.
Published: 22/09/2014
Pages: 49
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope and application
1.2 Intended audience
1.3 Referenced documents
1.4 Terms, definitions and acronyms
1.4.1 Terms and definitions
1.4.2 Consumer entered health summary definition
1.4.3 Consumer entered notes definition
1.4.4 Acronyms
1.5 Keyword interpretations
1.5.1 Interpretation of normative language
1.5.2 Cardinality obligations legend
2 Consumer entered health summary structured document
2.1 Purpose
2.2 Use
2.3 Misuse
2.4 Consumer entered health summary
2.4.1 Identification
2.4.2 Definition
2.4.3 Data hierarchy
2.5 Subject of care
2.5.1 Identification
2.5.2 Definition
2.5.3 Usage
2.5.4 Relationships
2.6 Document author
2.6.1 Identification
2.6.2 Definition
2.6.3 Usage
2.6.4 Relationships
2.7 Datetime authored
2.7.1 Identification
2.7.2 Definition
2.7.3 Relationships
2.8 Adverse reactions
2.8.1 Identification
2.8.2 Definition
2.8.3 Relationships
2.9 Medication orders
2.9.1 Identification
2.9.2 Definition
2.9.3 Usage
2.9.4 Relationships
3 Adverse reaction data group
3.1 Purpose
3.2 Use
3.3 Misuse
3.4 Adverse reaction
3.4.1 Identification
3.4.2 Definition
3.4.3 Usage
3.4.4 Relationships
3.5 Substance/agent
3.5.1 Identification
3.5.2 Definition
3.5.3 Usage
3.5.4 Relationships
3.6 Reaction event
3.6.1 Identification
3.6.2 Definition
3.6.3 Relationships
3.7 Manifestation
3.7.1 Identification
3.7.2 Definition
3.7.3 Usage
4 Medication instruction data group
4.1 Purpose
4.2 Use
4.3 Misuse
4.4 Medication instruction
4.4.1 Identification
4.4.2 Definition
4.4.3 Usage
4.4.4 Relationships
4.5 Therapeutic good identification
4.5.1 Identification
4.5.2 Definition
4.5.3 Usage
4.5.4 Relationships
4.6 Directions
4.6.1 Identification
4.6.2 Definition
4.6.3 Usage
4.6.4 Relationships
4.7 Clinical indication
4.7.1 Identification
4.7.2 Definition
4.7.3 Usage
4.7.4 Relationships
4.8 Medication instruction comment
4.8.1 Identification
4.8.2 Definition
4.8.3 Usage
4.8.4 Relationships
5 Consumer entered notes structured document
5.1 Purpose
5.2 Use
5.3 Misuse
5.4 Consumer entered notes
5.4.1 Identification
5.4.2 Definition
5.5 Data hierarchy
5.6 Subject of care
5.6.1 Identification
5.6.2 Definition
5.6.3 Usage
5.6.4 Relationships
5.7 Document author
5.7.1 Identification
5.7.2 Definition
5.7.3 Usage
5.7.4 Relationships
5.8 Datetime authored
5.8.1 Identification
5.8.2 Definition
5.8.3 Relationships
5.9 Clinical synopses
5.9.1 Identification
5.9.2 Definition
5.9.3 Relationships
6 Clinical synopsis data group
6.1 Purpose
6.2 Use
6.3 Misuse
6.4 Clinical synopsis
6.4.1 Identification
6.4.2 Definition
6.4.3 Relationships
6.5 Clinical synopsis topic
6.5.1 Identification
6.5.2 Definition
6.5.3 Usage
6.5.4 Relationships
6.6 Clinical synopsis description
6.6.1 Identification
6.6.2 Definition
6.6.3 Usage
6.6.4 Relationships
7 UML class diagram
Appendix A
A1 Overview
A2 The logical content specification metamodel
A2.1 General
A2.2 Context
A2.3 Content
A2.3.1 General
A2.3.2 Section
A2.3.3 Data group
A2.3.3.1 General
A2.3.3.2 Participation
A2.3.3.3 Choice
A2.3.4 Data element
A2.3.5 Value domain
A3 Icon legend
A3.1 General
A3.2 Metadata types legend
A3.3 Data types legend
A4 Logical content model specification parts legends
A4.1 General
A4.2 Data hierarchy
A4.3 Chapter name
A4.4 Identification section legend
A4.5 Definition section legend
A4.6 Value domain section legend
A4.7 Usage section legend
A4.8 Relationships section legend
Appendix B
Cited references in this standard
AS 5017—2006
Health Care Client Identification. Available at
AS 4846—2006
Health Care Provider Identification. Available at
Content history

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