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Technical Specification

ISO/TS 22559-2:2010


Safety requirements for lifts (elevators) - Part 2: Safety parameters meeting the global essential safety requirements (GESRs)

ISO/TS 22559-2:2010 specifies global safety parameters (GSPs) for lifts (elevators), their components and their functions, and complements the system and methods specified in ISO/TS 22559-1 for mitigating safety risks that can arise in the course of the operation and use of, or work on, lifts (elevators). ISO/TS 22559-2:2010 is applicable to lifts that can a) be located in any permanent and fixed structure within or attached to a building, except lifts located in private residences (single family units) or means of transport, e.g. ships, b) have any rated load, size of load-carrying unit and speed, and travel distance and number of landings, c) be affected by fire in the load-carrying unit, earthquakes, weather or floods, and d) be foreseeably misused (e.g. overloaded), but not vandalized.
Published: 15/09/2010
Pages: 33
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