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ISO/IEC 19795-1:2006


Information technology - Biometric performance testing and reporting - Part 1: Principles and framework

ISO/IEC 19795-1:2006 is concerned with the evaluation of biometric systems in terms of error rates and throughput rates. Metrics for the various error rates in biometric enrolment, verification and identification are unambiguously specified. Recommendations and requirements are given for the conduct of performance evaluations through the steps of planning the evaluation; collection of enrolment, verification or identification transaction data; analysis of error rates; and the reporting and presentation of results. The principles presented are generic to the range of biometric modalities, applications, and test purposes, and to both offline and online testing methodologies. These principles help avoid bias due to inappropriate data collection or analytic procedures; give better estimates of field performance for the expended effort; and clarify the limits of applicability of the test results.
Published: 24/03/2006
Pages: 56
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