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ISO 8178-1:2017


Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Exhaust emission measurement - Part 1: Test-bed measurement systems of gaseous and particulate emissions

ISO 8178-1:2017 specifies the measurement methods for gaseous and particulate exhaust emissions from reciprocating internal combustion (RIC) engines on a test bed, necessary for determining one weighted value for each exhaust gas pollutant. Various combinations of engine load and speed reflect different engine applications (see ISO 8178‑4). ISO 8178-1:2017 is applicable to RIC engines for mobile, transportable and stationary use, excluding engines for motor vehicles primarily designed for road use. This document can be applied to engines used, for example, for earth-moving machines, generating sets and for other applications. In limited instances, the engine can be tested on the test bed in accordance with ISO 8178‑2, to test in field conditions. This can only occur with the agreement of the parties involved. It should be recognized that data obtained under these circumstances may not agree completely with previous or future data obtained under the auspices of this document. For engines used in machinery covered by additional requirements (e.g. occupational health and safety regulations, regulations for power plants), additional test conditions and special evaluation methods may apply. Where it is not possible to use a test bed or where information is required on the actual emissions produced by an in-service engine, the site test procedures and calculation methods specified in ISO 8178‑2 are appropriate.
Published: 01/04/2017
Pages: 150
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