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ISO 7218:2007


Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - General requirements and guidance for microbiological examinations

ISO 7218:2007 gives general requirements and guidance/options intended for three main uses: implementation of ISO TC34/SC9 or TC34/SC5 standards for detection or enumeration of microorganisms;good laboratory practices for food microbiological laboratories (the purpose is not to detail them in this International Standard, manuals are available for that purpose);guidance for accreditation of food microbiological laboratories (this International Standard describes the technical requirements according to Appendix B of ISO/IEC 17025:2005 for the accreditation of a microbiological laboratory by national organizations). ISO 7218:2007 covers examination for bacteria, yeasts and moulds and can be used if supplemented with specific guidance for prions, parasites and viruses. It does not cover the examination for toxins or other metabolites (e.g. amines) from microorganisms. It applies to the microbiology of food, animal feeding stuffs, the food production environment and the primary production environment. The purpose of ISO 7218:2007 is to help to ensure the validity of food microbiology examinations, to assist in ensuring that the general techniques used for conducting these examinations are the same in all laboratories, to help achieve homogeneous results in different laboratories, and to contribute towards the safety of the laboratory personnel by preventing risks of infection.
Published: 15/08/2007
Pages: 66
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