ISO 3166-2:2013
[Superseded]Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions - Part 2: Country subdivision code
ISO 3166-2:2013 establishes a universally applicable code for the representation of the names of principal administrative divisions of countries and territories included in ISO 3166-1. It is intended to be used in conjunction with ISO 3166-1.
Clauses 4 to 7 of ISO 3166-2:2013 provide the structure for a code for the representation of names of principal administrative divisions, or similar areas, of the countries and geopolitical entities included in ISO 3166-1.
Clause 8 contains a list of names of subdivisions of countries and geopolitical entities, together with the code element developed for each one of them.
Published: 15/11/2013
Pages: 192
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