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ISO 22846-1:2003


Personal equipment for protection against falls - Rope access systems - Part 1: Fundamental principles for a system of work

ISO 22846-1:2003 gives the fundamental principles for the use of rope access methods for work at height. It is intended for use by employers, employees and self-employed persons who use rope-access methods, by those commissioning rope-access work and by rope-access associations. ISO 22846-1 is applicable to the use of rope-access methods on buildings, other structures (on- or offshore) or natural features (such as cliff faces), during which ropes are suspended from or connected to a structure or natural feature. It is applicable to situations where ropes are used as the primary means of access, egress or support and as the primary means of protection against a fall. ISO 22846-1 is not intended to apply to the use of rope-access methods for leisure activities, arboriculture, general steeplejack methods or emergency personal-evacuation systems, or to the use of rope-access (line rescue) techniques by the fire brigade and other emergency services for rescue work or for rescue training.
Published: 15/11/2003
Pages: 5
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