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ISO 19426-2:2018
[Current]Structures for mine shafts - Part 2: Headframe structures
This document specifies the design loads and the design procedures for the structural design of headframe structures of mine shafts and their components for permanent and sinking operations. The headframe includes all structures and their foundations, that are required at the head of all vertical and decline mine shafts for the purposes of supporting and installing winding and sinking ropes, conveyance guides, rope guides and rubbing ropes, equipment for loading and unloading conveyances, safety devices, as well as ancillary sinking and maintenance equipment. The headframe also includes the bank and sub-bank levels.
This document does not cover matters of operational safety or layout of the headframe.
This document adopts a limit states design philosophy.
Published: 15/05/2018
Pages: 14
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