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ISO 15614-8:2016


Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials - Welding procedure test - Part 8: Welding of tubes to tube-plate joints

ISO 15614-8:2016 specifies requirements for the qualification testing of welding procedures for the arc welding of tube to tube-plate joints in metallic materials by manual, partly mechanized, fully mechanized, or automatic processes. ISO 15614-8:2016 is a part of a series of standards. Details of this series are given in ISO 15607, Annex A. Qualification by tube to tube-plate joint tests can be used for all joints even if they are fully loaded or only seal welded as required in application standards. ISO 15614-8:2016 applies to fusion welding of metallic materials for tube to tube-plate joints with a remaining gap between the tube and the tube-plate for some length of the tube-plate thickness. This part of ISO 15614 does not apply to tube-sheets with forged end connections with welded tubes (external/internal bore welds). For welding of tube to tube-plate joints with mechanical expansion which is load bearing, welding procedure test is to be defined. For other applications and/or requirements, this part of ISO 15614 can be used if required by the specification. Repair welding is to be considered in the welding procedure test.
Published: 01/03/2016
Pages: 18
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