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ISO 10619-2:2011


Rubber and plastics hoses and tubing - Measurement of flexibility and stiffness - Part 2: Bending tests at sub-ambient temperatures

ISO 10619-2:2011 specifies two methods for measuring the stiffness and one method for the determination of the flexibility of rubber and plastics hoses and tubing when they are bent to a specific radius at sub-ambient temperatures. Method A is suitable for non-collapsible rubber and plastics hoses and tubing with a bore of up to and including 25 mm. This method provides a means of measuring the stiffness of the hose or tubing when the temperature is reduced from a standard laboratory temperature. Method B is suitable for rubber and plastics hoses and tubing with a bore of up to 100 mm and provides a means of assessing the flexibility of the hose or tubing when bent around a mandrel at a specified sub-ambient temperature. It can also be used as a routine quality control test. Method C is suitable for rubber and plastics hoses and tubing with a bore of 100 mm and greater. This method provides a means of measuring the stiffness of the hose and tubing at sub-ambient temperatures. This method is only suitable for hoses and tubing which are non-collapsible.
Published: 01/12/2011
Pages: 9
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