ISO 105-A03:1993
[Superseded]Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Part A03: Grey scale for assessing staining
Describes the grey scale for determining staining of adjacent fabrics in colour fastness tests, and its use. A precise colorimetric specification of the scale is given as a permanent record against which newly prepared working standards and standards that may have changed can be compared. The essential scale (5 steps) consists of pairs of non-glossy grey or white colour chips (or swatches of grey or white cloth). In addition, an augmented scale includes four half-steps and, thus, 9 steps.
Published: 26/08/1993
Pages: 2
Content history
Content history
ISO 105-A03:1993/Cor 2:2005
ISO 105-A03:1993/Cor 1:1997
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