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IEC 61326-3-2:2008


Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements - Part 3-2: Immunity requirements for safety-related systems and for equipment intended to perform safety-related functions (functional safety) - Industrial applications with specified electromagnetic environment

IEC 61326-1 applies to this part of IEC 61326 but is limited to systems and equipment for industrial applications within a specified electromagnetic environment and intended to perform safety functions as defined in IEC 61508 with SIL 1-3. The electromagnetic environments encompassed by this product family standard are industrial, both indoor and outdoor, as they can be found in industrial applications with an electromagnetic environment having specified characteristics (for example, process industry). The difference between the electromagnetic environment covered by this standard compared to the general industrial environment (see IEC 61326-3-1) is due to the mitigation measures employed against electromagnetic phenomena leading to a specified electromagnetic environment. The contents of Interpretation Sheet 1 of June 2013 have been included in this copy.
Published: 30/01/2008
Pages: 65
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