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IEC 61000-4-3:2006


Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-3 : Testing and measurement techniques - Radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field immunity test

Is applicable to the immunity requirements of electrical and electronic equipment to radiated electromagnetic energy. It establishes test levels and the required test procedures. The object of this standard is to establish a common reference for evaluating the immunity of electrical and electronic equipment when subjected to radiated, radio-frequency electromagnetic fields. The test method documented in this part of IEC 61000 describes a consistent method to assess the immunity of an equipment or system against a defined phenomenon. This part deals with immunity tests related to the protection against RF electromagnetic fields from any source. Particular considerations are devoted to the protection against radio-frequency emissions from digital radiotelephones and other RF emitting devices. It has the status of a basic EMC publication.
Published: 07/02/2006
Pages: 111
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