Track updates
HB 332-2011
[Pending Revision]Coaching in organizations
Provides guidelines for the professional practice of coaching in organizations and for the training of professional coaches who work in organizations. The intended audience includes: (a) Providers and purchasers of coaching in organizations. (b) Those involved in the training and education of coaches. (c) Professional bodies concerned with organizational coaching. Covers coaching that is provided by a formally designated coach and conducted within organizational settings for the purpose of improving clients’ job-related skills, job performance or work-related personal development.
Published: 18/05/2011
Pages: 169
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 The scope of this Handbook
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Who are organizational coaches?
1.3 How will this Handbook be helpful?
1.4 What is not covered by this Handbook?
2 Key terms and definitions
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Language conventions used in this Handbook
2.2.1 The terms coaching and organizational coaching
2.2.2 The terms profession and professional
2.3 Definitions used in this Handbook
3 The coaching context
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Who coaches?
3.2.1 Education, training and background
3.2.2 Background and management experience
3.2.3 Coaching experience
3.2.4 Coaching approach/Theoretical perspectives
3.2.5 Ongoing professional development
3.2.6 Professional associations
3.3 How are coaching services sourced?
3.3.1 External coaching Selecting external coaches
3.3.2 Formal internal coaching
3.3.3 The line manager as coach
3.4 Who receives coaching in organizations and why?
3.4.1 Common goals are found in coaching in organizations?
3.5 Costs and benefits
3.5.1 Time commitment
3.5.2 Fees
3.5.3 Benefits of coaching
3.6 Stakeholders and their roles: Who’s involved in the coaching engagement?
3.6.1 Strict one-to-one coaching
3.6.2 Three and four cornered coaching
3.6.3 Measuring effectiveness
3.6.4 Impacts on other stakeholders
4 Defining coaching in organizations
4.1 Introduction
4.1.1 Exploring the boundaries: organizational coaching and other change processes Coaching and mentoring Coaching and counselling/therapy Coaching and workplace training Coaching and consulting
4.2 Types of coaching
4.2.1 Domain of focus
4.2.2 Descriptions that focus on methodological approach
4.2.3 Descriptions that focus on outcomes or goals Skills coaching Performance coaching Developmental coaching Remedial coaching
4.3 Professional status of coaching
5 Coaching knowledge and competencies
5.1 Introduction: Belief-based and evidence-based practice, and practice based evidence
5.1.1 Understanding the knowledge and evidence base for coaching
5.2 Knowledge and competency
5.2.1 The role of experience
5.3 Foundational coaching skills and ability
5.4 Specialist coaching applications and contexts
5.5 Core knowledge and competences required for particular types of coaching outcomes
5.6 A final word on competencies and knowledge: Coaching as a science and an art
6 Training and continuing professional development of coaches
6.1 Introduction: Multiple pathways to coaching practice
6.2 Foundational or initial coach training
6.2.1 Typical pathways to coaching practice
6.3 The content of foundational or initial coach training
6.3.1 Training for professional practice
6.3.2 Basic skills and competencies
6.3.3 Core coaching competencies for skills, performance, developmental and remedial outcomes
6.4 Ongoing professional development
6.4.1 Reflective practice
6.4.2 The importance of reflective practice for the client
6.5 Processes and structures for supporting and enabling reflective practice
6.5.1 Formal and informal learning
6.5.2 Professional supervision One-to-one professional supervision Peer supervision Group supervision led by a designated supervisor
6.5.3 Developing coach training material
6.5.4 Reading and networking
6.6 Coach supervisors and educators
6.7 Conclusion
7 Establishing the client-coach relationship
7.1 Introduction
7.1.1 Coaching with one’s expertise
7.2 Contracting: Establishing goals, expectations and processes
7.2.1 Agreeing the scope of work
7.2.2 Goal setting processes and outcomes
7.2.3 Agreeing methods and processes
7.3 Confidentiality
7.3.2 The organization’s right to confidentiality
7.4 Logistical processes associated with coaching
7.4.1 Duration and frequency of coaching sessions
7.4.2 Reporting and session notes
7.4.3 Fees and costs
7.4.4 Missed session and rescheduling
7.4.5 Conflict resolution processes
7.4.6 Termination of the coaching engagement
7.5 Insurance
7.6 The use of assessment and evaluation instruments
7.6.1 Variety of instruments
7.6.2 Qualifications needed to administer and interpret instruments
7.6.3 Important considerations in measurement
7.6.4 Agreeing the purpose of assessment
7.6.5 Test selection - fitness for context and purpose?
7.6.6 How will the results be received and used in practice?
7.6.7 Ownership and dissemination of results
7.6.8 Limits of interpretation
7.7 Mental health
7.7.1 Identifying mental health issues
7.7.2 Determining suitability for coaching
7.7.3 Defining the limits of one’s practice
7.7.4 Working with clients in multiple modalities—coaching and therapy
7.8 Referral
8 Evaluating the coaching engagement
8.1 The context for evaluation
8.1.1 Evaluation: meeting the key stakeholder needs
8.1.2 Assumptions about cause and effect, change and the need for flexibility
8.2 Designing evaluations
8.2.1 Key questions
8.2.2 Intended purpose
8.2.3 Designing procedures that meet the intended purpose of evaluation
8.2.4 Selecting measures and instruments Quantitative instruments Qualitative assessments
8.2.5 Building flexibility into the assessment process
8.3 Timing
8.4 Potential impacts and unintended consequences
8.4.1 Performance expectations and consequences
8.4.2 Ownership and dissemination of results
8.4.3 Role conflicts
8.4.4 Measurement is an intervention
9 Ethics
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Ethical codes
9.3 Key ethical considerations
9.3.1 Confidentiality
9.3.2 Conflicts
9.3.3 Multiple relationships
9.3.4 Record keeping
9.3.5 Contracting
9.3.6 Integrity
9.3.7 Competence
9.3.8 Supervision and ongoing professional development
9.3.9 Professional responsibility
9.3.10 Referrals
9.3.11 Termination
9.3.12 Self management
9.3.13 Professional indemnity and public liability insurance
10 Purchasing coaching
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Setting up coaching for individuals and/or organizations
10.2.1 Structures
10.2.2 When to use coaching
10.2.3 Identifying the coaching need
10.2.4 Identifying the type of coaching required
10.3 Selecting coaches
10.4 Matching the individual with the coach
10.5 Stakeholder roles and responsibilities
10.5.1 Key stakeholders
10.5.2 Stakeholder involvement in goal setting
10.5.3 Triangulation in the coaching process.
10.6 Contracting
11 Providers of coaching
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Range of providers
11.3 The importance of the coachee, organization and coach relationship
11.3.1 Multiple stakeholders
11.4 Contracting
11.5 Confidentiality
11.6 Multi-stakeholder conversations
11.7 Recruitment and ongoing professional development of coaches
11.7.1 Induction
11.7.2 On-boarding
11.7.3 Professional development
11.8 The coach-coachee working alliance
11.8.1 Coach matching process
11.8.2 Changing coaches
11.9 Delivery, reporting and evaluation
11.9.1 Reporting
11.9.2 Monitoring the coaching process
11.10 Account and project management
11.11 Referral fees and written endorsements
12 Conclusion and afterword
Appendix A
A1 Introduction
A1.1 Background
A1.2 Data collection
A2 Overview
A3 Methodology
A4 Type of coaching
A5 Academic qualifications
A6 Coaching qualifications
A7 Management experience
A8 Coaching experience
A9 Theoretical underpinnings
A10 Structuring coaching sessions
A11 Assessment and diagnostics
A12 Measuring coaching outcomes
A13 Professional development
A14 Professional associations
Appendix B
Appendix C
Case example 1 Coaching in EnergyAustralia
C1 Background
C2 Coaching procurement
C3 Commencement, project management and evaluation
Case Example 2 Coaching in support of organizational change Sydney Water
Case example 3. Purchasing executive coaching services Corrective Services NSW
Appendix D
Appendix E
Cited references in this standard
Content history
DR HB 332
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