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HB 262-2012


Guidelines for messaging between diagnostics providers and health service providers

This Handbook provides support for AS 4700.2-2007, which is the Standard for implementing external messaging using HL7 between diagnostics providers and all health service providers in Australia, using HL7 Version 2.4.
Published: 14/02/2012
Pages: 155
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Important notes for diagnostics messaging
3 Overview of HL7 messaging
3.1 General
3.2 The pathology processing cycle
3.3 The diagnostic imaging processing cycle
4 HL7 messaging structures
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Messaging elements
4.3 Segment names
4.4 Message composition
5 Messaging file structure
6 Acknowledging messages
7 Notes on terms and formats
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Message types
7.3 Field length
7.4 Message length
7.5 Segment ID
7.6 Message ID
7.7 Fields
7.8 Components
7.9 Sub-components
7.10 Check digit
7.11 Tables
7.12 General
7.13 Field type and formats
7.14 Result data types
7.15 Reference ranges
7.16 Abnormal flagging
7.17 Encapsulated data
7.18 Compliance, conformance and accreditation (CCA)
8 Terms and definitions
9 Units of measure
10 Data types
10.1 Introduction
10.2 CD—Channel definition
10.3 CE—Coded element
10.4 CM—Composite
10.5 CX—Extended composite ID with check digit
10.6 DT—Date
10.7 ED—Encapsulated data
10.8 EI—Entity identifier
10.9 FC—Financial class
10.10 FT—Formatted text
10.11 HD—Hierarchic designator
10.12 ID—Coded values for HL7 tables
10.13 IS—Coded values for user-defined tables
10.14 NA—Numeric array
10.15 NM—Numeric
10.16 PL—Person location
10.17 RP—Reference pointer
10.18 SI—Sequence ID
10.19 SN—Structured numeric
10.20 ST—String
10.21 TM—Time
10.22 TQ—Timing quantity
10.23 TS—Time stamp
10.24 TX—Text
10.25 VID—Version identifier
10.26 XAD—Extended address
10.27 XCN—Extended composite ID number and name for persons
10.28 XON—Extended organization name
10.29 XPN—Extended person name
10.30 XTN—Extended telecommunications number
11 Message identifiers
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Message control ID
11.3 Acknowledgment messages
11.4 Order
11.5 Order acknowledgment
11.6 Results from filler
11.7 Results acknowledgment
12 Site sequence number and file naming
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Acknowledgment files
12.3 Order acknowledgement files
12.4 Result acknowledgement files
13 Important information and concepts
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Placer facility or site
13.3 Filler facility or site
13.4 Representation of Health Identifiers in HL7 V2 messaging (as defined by AHML)
13.4.1 General
13.4.2 Assigning authority
13.4.3 Identifier type code
13.5 Diagnostics order
13.6 Placer Group Number
13.7 Placer Order Number
13.8 Filler Order Number
13.9 Order acknowledgement
13.10 Non-requested tests (add-on or reflex test)
13.11 Patient identifiers
13.11.1 Patient identifier list
13.12 Billing information
13.13 Result identifiers
13.14 Unique ID values
13.15 Display format of results
13.16 Image and other advanced data type support
13.17 HL7 V2 standards based message signing and digital signatures
13.18 Escaping/Un-escaping Reserved Characters and Character sets
13.19 Common display issues and their solution
13.20 Diagnostics orders and reports grouping
13.20.1 Prerequisites
13.20.2 Requests
13.20.3 Reports
13.21 Structured reporting
13.22 Sending results
13.23 An unavailable result
13.24 Receiving/Sending application and facility
13.25 Site sequence number
13.26 Doctor references
13.27 Recommended terminology for diagnostics
13.28 Universal service ID
13.29 Specimen source
13.30 Diagnostic service section ID
13.31 Observation identifier
13.31.1 Diagnostic imaging
13.31.2 Pathology
13.32 Observation value
13.33 Observation method
13.34 Security, privacy and confidentiality
13.35 Date and time fields
13.36 Corrected results
13.37 Result/Report comments
13.38 Processing OBX-FT value type
13.39 Cancelling an order
13.40 Special field items
13.41 Special results formats
13.42 Microbiology
13.43 Histopathology
13.44 Blood Bank
13.45 Notifiable conditions
13.46 Using tables
13.47 Parsing negative numbers
13.48 Report and result delete messages
14 Identified tables and occurrences
15 Message structure
15.1 Introduction
15.2 ORM Diagnostics order message
15.3 ORR Diagnostics order response
15.4 Order Accept
15.5 Order Reject
15.6 ORU Results reporting
15.7 No order received
15.8 Order received
15.9 ACK Message acknowledgment
15.10 Results accept
15.11 Results reject
16 Segment fields and references
16.1 Introduction
16.2 FHS/BHS/BTS/FTS Segments
16.3 MSH Segment
16.4 MSA Segment
16.5 PID Segment
16.6 PV1 Segment
16.7 IN1 Segment
16.8 GT1 Segment
16.9 ORC Segment
16.10 OBR Segment
16.11 OBX Segment
16.12 FHS File Header Segment
16.13 FTS File Trailer Segment
16.14 BHS Batch Header Segment
16.15 BTS Batch Trailer Segment
17 HL7 segments
17.1 Introduction
17.2 MSH—Message Header segment
17.3 MSA—Message Acknowledgment segment
17.4 PID—Patient Identification segment
17.5 PV1—Patient Visit segment
17.6 IN1—Insurance segment
17.7 GT1—Guarantor segment
17.8 ORC—Common Order segment
17.9 OBR—Observation Request segment
17.10 OBX—Observation Result segment
17.11 FHS—File Header segment
17.12 FTS — File Trailer segment
17.13 BHS—Batch Header segment
17.14 BTS—Batch Trailer segment
18 Sample format
18.1 Introduction
18.2 HL7 order
18.3 HL7 Order Acknowledgment—Receipt of Order Message (ACK)
18.4 HL7 Order Acknowledgment—Second stage (ORR)
18.5 HL7 Results
18.6 HL7 Result acknowledgment
18.7 HL7 Results to the Copy Doctor
18.8 HL7 Results with an XHTML display segment
Appendix A
Appendix B
B1 Introduction
B1.1 General
B1.2 Changes from previous ballot
B1.3 Overview
B2 Protocol specification
B2.1 General
B2.2 Content exchange model
B2.3 Block Format
B2.3.1 HL7 Content Block
B2.3.2 Commit Acknowledgement Block
B2.4 Limitations of MLLP
B3 Examples
B3.1 General
B3.2 HL7 V2 Example
B3.3 CDA Release 2 Example
B3.4 MLLP Commit Acknowledgement Example
B3.5 MLLP Negative Commit Acknowledgement Example
Appendix C
C1 Introduction
C2 HL7 message encoding
C3 HL7 message structure
C4 Segments
C5 Datatypes
C6 Parsing HL7 V2
C7 Dealing with reserved characters and delimiters
C8 Free text formatting
C9 Unicode characters
Appendix D
D1 Introduction
D6.1 General
D6.2 PIT colour table
Appendix E
E1 Scope
E2 Introduction
E2.1 HTML display segment
E2.1.1 A standards based mechanism for using HTML as display segments in HL7 V2 messages
E2.1.2 Advantages of using html as a display segment
E2.1.3 The disadvantages of html
E2.1.4 Constraints on html profile for display segments
Appendix F
Appendix G
Appendix H
Appendix I
Cited references in this standard
Document management — Portable document format, Part 1: PDF 1.7
The international system of units (SI) and its application
Location of digital signatures in HL7 V2 Messages
Interchange of client information
Implementation of Health Level Seven (HL7) Version 2.4, Part 1: Patient administration
Content history

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