Technical Specification
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ATS 4888.6-2013


Electronic transfer of prescriptions, Part 6: Platform implementation specific web service

Defines an implementable, platform-dependent technical services specification for an Electronic Transfer of Prescriptions package using web services; also defines the role behaviours and service interfaces for the six documents in the ATS 4888 series, Electronic transfer of prescriptions, which collectively define a method for the electronic transfer of prescriptions in Australia.
Published: 20/05/2013
Pages: 82
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Intended audience
1.3 Normative references
1.4 Terms, definitions and acronyms
1.4.1 Terms and definitions
1.4.2 Definitions
1.4.3 Acronyms
1.5 Keyword interpretation
2 Introduction
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Technology platform
2.3 Overview
3 Common behaviours
3.1 Web service profile
3.2 Document access keys
3.2.1 General
3.2.2 Creation
3.2.3 DAK usage
3.3 Signed clinical document
3.3.1 Creation
3.3.2 Verification and validation
3.4 Secured clinical document
3.5 Public key infrastructure
3.6 Authorization and authentication
3.7 Identification
3.7.1 Introduction
3.7.2 Provider and individual identifiers
3.7.3 Event, request, notification, document and clinical process identifiers
3.7.4 Document type identifiers
3.7.5 Fault codes
3.8 Date and time values
3.9 Reliable communication
3.10 Transporting notifications using SMD
3.10.1 General
3.10.2 Sending Notifications
3.10.3 Receiving Notifications
4 E-prescribing system
4.1 Interface implementation
4.2 Service categories
4.3 Common processing behaviour
4.4 Invocation
4.4.1 E-prescribing prescribe operation
4.4.2 E-prescribing retrievePrescription operation
4.4.3 E-prescribing cancelPrescription operation
4.4.4 Prescription required interface provider
4.4.5 Prescription receiving interface invoker
4.4.6 Facility managed supply interface invoker
5 E-dispensing system
5.1 General
5.2 Interface implementation
5.3 Service categories
5.4 Common processing behaviour
5.5 Invocation
5.5.1 E-dispensing retrievePrescription operation
5.5.2 E-dispensing initiateDispense operation
5.5.3 E-dispensing finaliseDispense operation
5.5.4 E-dispensing terminateDispense operation
5.5.5 E-dispensing reverseDispense operation
5.5.6 E-dispensing cancelPrescription operation
5.5.7 Prescription required interface invoker
5.5.8 Prescription receiving interface provider
5.5.9 Contracted Dispensing Interface Provider
5.5.10 Last supply notification interface invoker
6 Facility based supply manager
6.1 General
6.2 Interface implementation
6.3 Service categories
6.4 Common processing behaviour
6.5 Invocation
6.5.1 Facility managed supply interface provider
6.5.2 Contract dispensing interface invoker
7 Last supply notification agent
7.1 General
7.2 Interface implementation
7.3 Service categories
7.4 Invocation
7.4.1 Last supply notification provider
8 Prescription exchange
8.1 General
8.2 Interface implementation
8.3 Service categories
8.4 Common processing behaviour
8.5 Invocation
8.5.1 E-prescribing prescribe operation
8.5.2 E-prescribing retrievePrescription operation
8.5.3 E-prescribing cancelPrescription operation
8.5.4 E-dispensing initiateDispense operation General Direct provision of service Indirect provision of service
8.5.5 E-dispensing finaliseDispense operation General Direct provision of service Indirect provision of service
8.5.6 E-dispensing terminateDispense operation General Direct provision of service Indirect provision of service
8.5.7 E-dispensing reverseDispense operation General Direct provision of service Indirect provision of service
8.5.8 E-dispensing cancelPrescription operation General Direct provision of service Indirect provision of service
8.5.9 E-dispensing retrievePrescription operation
8.5.10 E-dispensing indirect provision of service
Appendix A
A1 Introduction
A2 Notification data types
A3 Signed clinical document
A3.1 Signed package metadata
A3.2 Package index
A3.3 Package Metadata
A3.4 Example (informative)
A4 PES Event and Event ACK types
A5 E-prescribing interface
A5.1 Interface definition
A5.2 TLS binding
A6 E-dispensing interface
A6.1 Interface definition
A6.2 TLS binding
Cited references in this standard
Electronic transfer of prescriptions, Part 2: Platform independent (logical) services model to support electronic transfer of prescriptions
Electronic transfer of prescriptions, Part 3: Platform implementation specific e-prescription HL7 Clinical Document Architecture implementation guide
Electronic transfer of prescriptions, Part 4: Platform implementation specific dispense record HL7 Clinical Document Architecture implementation guide
Electronic transfer of prescriptions, Part 5: Platform implementation specific prescription request HL7 Clinical Document Architecture implementation guide
Electronic transfer of prescriptions, Part 1: Platform independent (logical) information model to support electronic transfer of prescriptions
Content history

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