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AS/NZS ISO 23081.2:2022
[Current]Information and documentation - Metadata for managing records, Part 2: Conceptual and implementation issues
AS/NZS ISO 23081.2:2022 identically adopts ISO 23081.2:2021, which establishes a framework for defining metadata elements consistent with the principles and implementation considerations outlined in AS ISO 23081.1:2018.
Published: 23/12/2022
Pages: 33
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Purpose and benefits of metadata
4.1 Purposes of metadata for managing records
4.1.1 General
4.1.2 Amount of metadata
4.2 Business benefits for metadata for managing records
4.2.1 General
4.2.2 Capturing and managing records in business systems
4.2.3 Interoperability
4.2.4 Risk management
4.2.5 Metadata for records as an organizational information asset
4.2.6 Preventing unauthorized access to records
4.2.7 Sustainability of business systems through administrative change
4.2.8 Long-term retention of digital records
4.2.9 Incorporation of metadata into archival systems
5 Policy and responsibilities
5.1 Policy decisions
5.2 Responsibilities for implementing metadata for managing records
6 Metadata conceptual model
6.1 Entities
6.2 Relationships between entities
6.3 Flattening the entity model
7 Concepts relating to metadata implementation
7.1 Aggregation
7.1.1 General
7.1.2 Entity class aggregation scheme Scheme of entity classes represented in business systems or records application software Limitation
7.2 Inheritance
7.3 Reuse of metadata values
7.4 Interdependence of metadata elements
7.5 Extensibility and modularity
8 Metadata model for managing records
8.1 Metadata model
8.2 Dynamic metadata model
8.3 Metadata as a record
9 Generic metadata elements
9.1 Identity metadata
9.2 Description metadata
9.3 Use metadata
9.4 Event plan metadata
9.5 Event history metadata
9.6 Relation metadata
10 Developing a metadata schema for managing records
10.1 Metadata schema
10.2 Metadata registries
10.3 Designing metadata schemas for managing records
10.3.1 Selecting elements to form a schema
10.3.2 Structuring elements and establishing relationships
10.3.3 Encoding schemes
10.3.4 Rules for syntax, obligation levels, default values and repeatability
10.3.5 Reusing existing metadata schemas for the purposes of managing records
10.4 Metadata schema presentation
10.4.1 Documenting a metadata schema for managing records
10.4.2 Machine readable presentations
11 Implementing metadata for managing records
11.1 General
11.2 Storage and management
11.2.1 Centralized versus decentralized storage and management
11.2.2 Metadata repository
11.3 Metadata capture
11.4 Creating a metadata record for managing records
11.5 Registration
11.6 Metadata as control tools for managing records
11.7 Linking metadata
11.8 Appraisal
11.9 Transferring records
11.10 Preservation and storage formats
11.10.1 General
11.10.2 Storage in specified formats
11.10.3 Encapsulating
11.11 Ensuring management of metadata over time
Cited references in this standard
Information and documentation - Records management - Part 1: Concepts and principles
Information and documentation - Records management processes - Metadata for records - Part 1: Principles
Information and documentation - Records management - Core concepts and vocabulary
Content history
AS/NZS ISO 23081.2-2007 REC:2017
DR AS/NZS ISO 23081.2:2022
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