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AS/NZS ISO 19162:2020


Geographic information - Well-known text representation of coordinate reference systems

Identically adopts ISO 19162:2019, defining the structure and content of a text string implementation of the abstract model for coordinate reference systems. The string defines frequently needed types of coordinate reference systems and coordinate operations in a self-contained form that is easily readable by machines and by humans. Excludes parameter grouping and pass-through coordinate operations.
Published: 18/09/2020
Pages: 118
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms
3.1 Terms and definitions
3.2 Abbreviated terms
4 Conformance requirements
5 Backus-Naur Form notation and syntax
6 WKT string form
6.1 Overview
6.2 Encoding
6.3 Characters used in WKT
6.3.1 Basic characters
6.3.2 Numbers
6.3.3 Date and time
6.3.4 CRS WKT characters
6.3.5 Double quote
6.4 Delimiter
6.5 Case sensitivity
6.6 Reserved keywords
6.7 Backward compatibility
7 WKT representation of common attributes
7.1 General
7.2 Name
7.3 Scope, extent, identifier and remark
7.3.1 General
7.3.2 Usage (scope and extent) Usage Scope Extent General Area description Geographic bounding box Vertical extent Temporal extent Examples of WKT describing usage
7.3.3 Identifier
7.3.4 Remark
7.4 Unit and unit conversion factor
7.4.1 Unit description
7.4.2 Conversion factor — Spatial and parametric units
7.4.3 Conversion factor — Temporal quantities
7.4.4 Default unit
7.5 Coordinate system
7.5.1 Syntax
7.5.2 Coordinate system type, dimension and coordinate data type
7.5.3 Axis name and abbreviation
7.5.4 Axis direction
7.5.5 Axis order
7.5.6 Axis unit and coordinate system unit General Axis unit for spatial and parametric coordinate systems Axis unit for ordinal coordinate systems Axis unit for temporal coordinate systems
7.5.7 Examples of WKT describing coordinate systems Coordinate systems for geodetic CRSs Coordinate systems for geographic CRSs Coordinate systems for projected CRSs Coordinate systems for vertical CRSs Coordinate systems for engineering CRSs
7.6 Datum ensemble
7.7 Dynamic coordinate reference systems
8 WKT representation of geodetic and geographic coordinate reference systems
8.1 Overview
8.2 Geodetic reference frame (geodetic datum)
8.2.1 Ellipsoid
8.2.2 Prime meridian
8.2.3 Geodetic reference frame (datum)
8.3 Coordinate systems for geodetic and geographic CRSs
8.4 Examples of WKT describing a geodetic or geographic CRS
9 WKT representation of projected CRSs
9.1 Overview
9.2 Base CRS
9.2.1 General
9.2.2 Ellipsoidal CS unit
9.3 Map projection
9.3.1 Introduction
9.3.2 Map projection name and identifier
9.3.3 Map projection method
9.3.4 Map projection parameter
9.4 Coordinate systems for projected CRSs
9.5 Examples of WKT describing a projected CRS
10 WKT representation of vertical CRSs
10.1 Overview
10.2 Vertical reference frame (vertical datum)
10.3 Vertical coordinate system
10.4 Example of WKT describing a vertical CRS
11 WKT representation of engineering CRSs
11.1 Overview
11.2 Engineering datum
11.3 Coordinate systems for engineering CRSs
11.4 Examples of WKT describing an engineering CRS
12 WKT representation of parametric CRSs
12.1 Overview
12.2 Parametric datum
12.3 Parametric coordinate system
12.4 Example of WKT describing a parametric CRS
13 WKT representation of temporal CRSs
13.1 Temporal CRS
13.2 Temporal datum
13.3 Temporal coordinate system
13.3.1 General
13.3.2 Axis unit for temporalDateTime coordinate systems
13.3.3 Axis unit for temporalCount and temporalMeasure coordinate systems
13.4 Examples of WKT describing a temporal CRS
14 WKT representation of derived CRSs
14.1 Overview
14.2 Deriving conversion
14.2.1 General
14.2.2 Derived CRS conversion method
14.2.3 Derived CRS conversion parameter
14.2.4 Derived CRS conversion parameter file
14.2.5 Derived CRS conversion example
14.3 Derived geodetic CRS and derived geographic CRS
14.3.1 Representation
14.3.2 Example of WKT describing a derived geographic CRS
14.4 Derived projected CRS
14.4.1 Representation
14.4.2 Example of WKT describing a derived projected CRS
14.5 Derived vertical CRS
14.6 Derived engineering CRS
14.7 Derived parametric CRS
14.8 Derived temporal CRS
15 WKT representation of compound coordinate reference systems
15.1 Overview
15.2 Examples of WKT describing a compound CRS
16 WKT representation of coordinate epoch and coordinate metadata
16.1 Coordinate epoch
16.2 Coordinate metadata
17 WKT representation of coordinate transformations and coordinate conversions excluding map projections
17.1 Coordinate operations
17.2 Transformation and conversion components
17.2.1 Operation name and version
17.2.2 Source and target CRS
17.2.3 Transformation and conversion name and identifier
17.2.4 Coordinate operation method
17.2.5 Coordinate operation parameter
17.2.6 Coordinate operation parameter file
17.2.7 Interpolation CRS
17.2.8 Coordinate operation accuracy
17.2.9 Other coordinate operation attributes
17.3 Examples of WKT describing a coordinate transformation
18 WKT representation of point motion operations
19 WKT representation of concatenated coordinate operations
19.1 General
19.2 Examples of WKT describing a concatenated coordinate operation
20 WKT representation of CRS and coordinate operation couplets
20.1 Bound CRS
20.2 Bound CRS components
20.2.1 Abridged coordinate transformation
20.2.2 Coordinate operation method in abridged coordinate transformations
20.2.3 Abridged coordinate transformation parameter
20.2.4 Coordinate operation parameter file
20.3 Examples of WKT describing a bound CRS
Annex A
A.1 Conformance of a WKT string describing a geodetic or geographic CRS
A.1.1 Structure
A.1.2 Content
A.2 Conformance of a WKT string describing a projected CRS
A.2.1 Structure
A.2.2 Content
A.3 Conformance of a WKT string describing a vertical CRS
A.3.1 Structure
A.3.2 Content
A.4 Conformance of a WKT string describing an engineering CRS
A.4.1 Structure
A.4.2 Content
A.5 Conformance of a WKT string describing a parametric CRS
A.5.1 Structure
A.5.2 Content
A.6 Conformance of a WKT string describing a temporal CRS
A.6.1 Structure
A.6.2 Content
A.7 Conformance of a WKT string describing a derived geodetic or derived geographic CRS
A.7.1 Structure
A.7.2 Content
A.8 Conformance of a WKT string describing a derived projected CRS
A.8.1 Structure
A.8.2 Content
A.9 Conformance of a WKT string describing a derived vertical CRS
A.9.1 Structure
A.9.2 Content
A.10 Conformance of a WKT string describing a derived engineering CRS
A.10.1 Structure
A.10.2 Content
A.11 Conformance of a WKT string describing a derived parametric CRS
A.11.1 Structure
A.11.2 Content
A.12 Conformance of a WKT string describing a derived temporal CRS
A.12.1 Structure
A.12.2 Content
A.13 Conformance of a WKT string describing a compound CRS
A.13.1 Structure
A.13.2 Content
A.14 Conformance of a WKT string describing coordinate metadata
A.14.1 Structure
A.14.2 Content
A.15 Conformance of a WKT string describing a coordinate transformation
A.15.1 Structure
A.15.2 Content
A.16 Conformance of a WKT string describing a point motion operation
A.16.1 Structure
A.16.2 Content
A.17 Conformance of a WKT string describing a concatenated coordinate operation
A.17.1 Structure
A.17.2 Content
A.18 Conformance of a WKT string describing a bound CRS
A.18.1 Structure
A.18.2 Content
Annex B
B.1 General
B.2 Keywords
B.2.1 Keyword case sensitivity
B.2.2 Alternative keywords
B.2.3 Handling of unrecognised keywords
B.3 Characters
B.3.1 Handling of unrecognised characters
B.3.2 String length
B.4 White space
B.4.1 Insertion of white space
B.4.2 Parsing of white space outside of quoted text
B.4.3 Parsing of white space within quoted text
B.5 Identifiers
B.5.1 Use of identifiers
B.5.2 Using names to interpret identity
B.6 Numbers
B.6.1 Precision
B.6.2 Defining parameters for a sphere
B.6.3 Implied units
B.7 Attribute order
B.8 Version of CRS WKT
Annex C
C.2 Backward compatibility of CRS common attributes
C.2.1 Name
C.2.2 ID (Authority)
C.3 Backward compatibility of coordinate reference system components
C.3.1 Ellipsoid
C.3.2 Prime meridian
C.3.3 Datum
C.3.4 Map projection
C.3.5 Coordinate system
C.4 Backward compatibility of coordinate reference systems
C.4.1 Geodetic CRS
C.4.2 Projected CRS
C.4.3 Vertical CRS and engineering (local) CRS
C.4.4 Compound CRS
C.4.5 Fitted CS
C.5 Backward compatibility of coordinate operations
C.6 Mapping of tokens and keywords from previous versions of CRS WKT to this document
Annex D
Annex E
Annex F
F.1 General
F.2 Map projection methods
F.3 Map projection parameters
F.4 Coordinate transformation methods
F.5 Coordinate transformation parameters
Amendment 1
Amendment control sheet
Amendment No. 1 (2024)
Revised text amendment
Cited references in this standard
Date and time - Representations for information interchange - Part 1: Basic rules - AMENDMENT 1: Technical corrections
Information technology - Universal coded character set (UCS) - Amendment 1: CJK Unified Ideographs Extension H, Vithkuqi, Old Uyghur, Cypro-Minoan, and other characters
Geographic information - Referencing by coordinates
Content history
DR AS/NZS ISO 19162:2020

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