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AS/NZS ISO 19123.2:2019


Geographic information — Schema for coverage geometry and functions, Part 2: Coverage implementation schema

The objective of this Standard is to specify a concrete, implementable, conformance-testable coverage structure based on the abstract schema for coverages defined in the AS/NZS ISO 19123 schema for coverage geometry.
Published: 02/05/2019
Pages: 30
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms, definitions, and abbreviated terms
3.1 Terms and definitions
3.2 Abbreviated terms
4 Conformance
5 Notation
5.1 Use of the term “coverage”
5.2 UML notation
5.3 Namespace prefix conventions
6 Coverage model
6.1 Coverage general
6.2 Overview
6.3 CoverageFunction
6.4 Metadata
6.5 RangeType
6.6 RangeSet coherence
6.7 Specific coverage types
6.7.1 Overview
6.7.2 Discrete Coverage
6.7.3 MultiPointCoverage
6.7.4 MultiCurveCoverage
6.7.5 MultiSurfaceCoverage
6.7.6 MultiSolidCoverage
6.7.7 GridCoverage
6.7.8 RectifiedGridCoverage
6.7.9 ReferenceableGridCoverage
6.8 Complete coverage example
7 GML representation requirements class
8 Multipart representation requirements class
8.1 Coverages as multipart messages
8.2 First part: GML coverage
8.3 Second part: encoded coverage range set
9 Special format requirements class
Annex A
A.1 Conformance Test Class: gml-coverage
A.1.1 Document validates
A.1.2 DataRecord range structure
A.1.3 No value component in rangeType
A.1.4 Admissible DataRecord subtypes
A.1.5 Exactly one range value
A.1.6 Range values adhere to range structure definition
A.1.7 Coverage type correctly derived
A.1.8 Correct structure of multi-point coverage
A.1.9 Correct structure of multi-curve coverage
A.1.10 Correct structure of multi-surface coverage
A.1.11 Correct structure of multi-solid coverage
A.1.12 Correct structure of grid coverage
A.1.13 Correct structure of rectified grid coverage
A.1.14 Correct structure of referenceable grid coverage
A.2 Conformance Test Class: gml
A.2.1 GML coverage
A.2.2 GML content type
A.2.3 GML special format
A.3 Conformance Test Class: multipart
A.3.1 Multipart coverage
A.3.2 Multipart mime
A.3.3 Multipart content type
A.3.4 Correct component number
A.3.5 Correct multipart start
A.3.6 First part of multipart coverage
A.3.7 RangeSet in file
A.3.8 Correct rangeParameter role
A.3.9 Correct rangeParameters arcrole
A.3.10 Correct rangeParameters href
A.3.11 Correct fileReference
A.3.12 Consistent mimeType
A.3.13 Correct Content-Disposition
A.3.14 Consistent target mimeType
A.3.15 Consistent target encoding
A.3.16 Consistent multipart coverage
A.4 Conformance Test Class: special-format
A.4.1 Special coverage
A.4.2 Special format
Cited references in this standard
OGC 07-011
ISO 19123:2005)
OGC 07-036
Geography Markup Language (GML) Encoding Standard version 3.2.1,
OGC 08-094
OGC® SWE Common Data Model Encoding Standard, version 2.0
Geographic information - Conceptual schema language
Geographic information - Schema for coverage geometry and functions
Content history
DR AS/NZS ISO 19123.2:2019
AS/NZS ISO 19123:2006 Rec:2016

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