
AS/NZS ISO 17632:2006


Welding consumables — Tubular cored electrodes for gas shielded and non-gas shielded metal arc welding of non-alloy and fine grain steels — Classification (ISO 17632:2004, MOD)

Specifies a classification system for tubular cored electrodes in terms of tensile properties, impact properties, chemical composition of the all-weld metal, type of electrode core, shielding gas and welding position.
Published: 19/10/2006
Pages: 32
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Classification
3.1A Classification by yield strength and 47 J impact energy
3.1B Classification by tensile strength and 27 J impact energy
3.2A Compulsory and optional sections in the classification by yield strength and 47 J impact energy
3.2B Compulsory and optional sections in the classification by tensile strength and 27 J impact energy
4 Symbols and requirements
4.1 Symbol for the product/process
4.2 Symbol for tensile properties of all-weld metal or welded joint
4.2.1 Multi-run technique
4.2.1A Classification by yield strength and 47 J impact energy
4.2.1B Classification by tensile strength and 27 J impact energy
4.2.2 Single-run technique
4.3 Symbol for impact properties of all-weld metal or welded joint
4.3A Classification by yield strength and 47 J impact energy
4.3B Classification by tensile strength and 27 J impact energy
4.4 Symbol for chemical composition of all-weld metal
4.5 Symbol for type of electrode core or for the usability characteristics of the electrode
4.5A Classification by yield strength and 47 J impact energy
4.5B Classification by tensile strength and 27 J impact energy
4.6 Symbol for shielding gas
4.6A Classification by yield strength and 47 J impact energy
4.6B Classification by tensile strength and 27 J impact energy
4.7 Symbol for welding position
4.8 Symbol for hydrogen content of deposited metal
4.9 Symbol for condition of postweld heat treatment of all-weld metal
4.9A Classification by yield strength and 47 J impact energy
4.9B Classification by tensile strength and 27 J impact energy
5 Mechanical tests
5.1 Multi-run technique
5.1A Classification by yield strength and 47 J impact energy
5.1B Classification by tensile strength and 27 J impact energy
5.1.1 Preheating and interpass temperatures
5.1.1A Classification by yield strength and 47 J impact energy
5.1.1B Classification by tensile strength and 27 J impact energy
5.1.2 Procedure requirements for welding multi-run test assemblies.
5.1.3 Post-weld heat treatment (PWHT) condition
5.1.3A Classification by yield strength and 47 J impact energy
5.1.3B Classification by tensile strength and 27 J impact energy
5.2 Single-run technique
6 Chemical analysis
7 Fillet weld test
7A Classification by yield strength and 47 J impact energy
7B Classification by tensile strength and 27 J impact energy
8 Retests
9 Technical delivery conditions
10 Examples of designation
10A Classification by yield strength and 47 J impact energy
10B Classification by tensile strength and 27 J impact energy
Annex A
A.1 ISO 17632-A
A.2 ISO 17632-B
Annex B
B.1 R type
B.2 P type
B.3 B type
B.4 M type
B.5 V type
B.6 W type
B.7 Y type
B.8 Z type
Annex C
C.1 Electrodes having a usability designator of “T1”
C.2 Electrodes having a usability designator of “T2”
C.3 Electrodes having a usability designator of “T3”
C.4 Electrodes having a usability designator of “T4”
C.5 Electrodes having a usability designator of “T5”
C.6 Electrodes having a usability designator of “T6”
C.7 Electrodes having a usability designator of “T7”
C.8 Electrodes having a usability designator of “T8”
C.9 Electrodes having a usability designator of “T10”
C.10 Electrodes having a usability designator of “T11”
C.11 Electrodes having a usability designator of “T12”
C.12 Electrodes having a usability designator of “T13”
C.13 Electrodes having a usability designator of “T14”
C.14 Electrodes having a usability designator of “T15”
C.15 Electrodes having a usability designator of “TG”
Annex D
D.1 Hydrogen-induced cracks
D.2 Hydrogen source in tubular cored electrode
D.3 Effect of operating condition on hydrogen level
Annex ZA
Annex ZB
ZB.1 Electrical
ZB.2 Fumes
ZB.3 Burns and fires
ZB.4 Further information
ZB.5 References
Cited references in this standard
Content history
DR 06413
AS/NZS ISO 17632-2006 REC:2017

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