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AS/NZS ISO 16900.12:2021


Respiratory protective devices — Methods of test and test equipment, Method 12: Determination of volume-averaged work of breathing and peak respiratory pressures

Identically adopts ISO 16900 12:2016, for Australia and New Zealand specifying the test methods for determining the volume-averaged work of breathing and peak respiratory pressures imposed by the respiratory protective device (RPD). Elastic work, elastic physiological effects, and information on physiological effects of work of breathing (WOB) are specified in AS ISO 16900.4 and are not included in this test method.
Published: 16/07/2021
Pages: 15
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Prerequisites
5 General test requirements
6 Principle
7 Apparatus
7.1 Breathing machine/metabolic simulator arrangement
7.2 RPD headform/RPD torso
7.3 Pressure measurements
7.4 Volume measurements
7.5 Data acquisition
8 Test procedure
9 Calculation of work of breathing (WOB)
9.1 General
9.2 Calculations
9.2.1 Work of breathing
9.2.2 Volume averaged pressure
9.2.3 Elastance
10 Test report
Annex A
A.1 Determination of compliance
Annex B
B.1 Pressure-volume plots
B.2 Characteristics noted in pressure-volume plots
B.2.1 General observations
B.3 Method of calculation of work of breathing
Cited references in this standard
Respiratory protective devices - Vocabulary and graphical symbols
Respiratory protective devices - Methods of test and test equipment - Part 5: Breathing machine, metabolic simulator, RPD headforms and torso, tools and verification tools
Content history
DR AS/NZS ISO 16900.12:2021

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