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AS/NZS IEC 60079.10.1:2022
[Current]Explosive atmospheres, Part 10.1: Classification of areas — Explosive gas atmospheres
AS/NZS IEC 60079.10.1:2022 adopts IEC 60079 10 1:2020, which specify requirements for the classification of areas where flammable gas or vapour hazards may arise and may then be used as a basis to support the proper design, construction, operation and maintenance of equipment for use in hazardous areas.
Published: 24/06/2022
Pages: 103
Table of contents
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Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 General
4.1 Safety principles
4.2 Hazardous area classification objectives
4.3 Interior of equipment containing flammable materials
4.4 Explosion risk assessment
4.4.1 General
4.4.2 Zone of negligible extent
4.5 Catastrophic failures
4.6 Competence of personnel
5 Hazardous area classification methodology
5.1 General
5.2 Classification by sources of release method
5.3 Use of industry codes and national standards
5.3.1 General
5.3.2 Fuel gas installations
5.4 Simplified methods
5.5 Combination of methods
6 Release of flammable substance
6.1 General
6.2 Sources of release
6.3 Forms of release
6.3.1 General
6.3.2 Gaseous release
6.3.3 Liquefied under pressure release
6.3.4 Liquefied by refrigeration release
6.3.5 Flammable mists release
6.3.6 Vapours release
6.3.7 Liquid release
7 Ventilation (or air movement) and dilution
7.1 General
7.2 Main types of ventilation
7.2.1 General
7.2.2 Natural ventilation
7.2.3 Artificial ventilation General Artificial ventilation considerations Examples of artificial ventilation
7.2.4 Degree of dilution
8 Type of zone
8.1 General
8.2 Influence of grade of the source of release
8.3 Influence of dilution
8.4 Influence of availability of ventilation
9 Extent of zone
10 Documentation
10.1 General
10.2 Drawings, data sheets and tables
Annex A
A.1 Hazardous area – Preferred symbols for zones
A.2 Hazardous area suggested shapes
Annex B
B.1 Symbols
B.2 Examples of grade of release
B.2.1 General
B.2.2 Sources giving a continuous grade of release
B.2.3 Sources giving a primary grade of release
B.2.4 Sources giving a secondary grade of release
B.3 Assessment of grades of release
B.4 Summation of releases
B.5 Hole size and source radius
B.6 Forms of release
B.7 Release rate
B.7.1 General
B.7.2 Estimation of release rate
B.7.2.1 General
B.7.2.2 Release rate of liquids
B.7.2.3 Release rate of gas or vapour
B. General
B. Release rate of gas with non choked gas velocity (subsonic releases)
B. Release rate of gas with choked gas velocity (sonic releases)
B.7.3 Release rate of evaporative pools
B.8 Release from openings in buildings
B.8.1 General
B.8.2 Openings as possible sources of release
B.8.3 Openings classification
Annex C
C.1 Symbols
C.2 General
C.3 Assessment of ventilation and dilution and its influence on hazardous area
C.3.1 General
C.3.2 Effectiveness of ventilation
C.3.3 Criteria for dilution
C.3.4 Assessment of ventilation velocity
C.3.5 Assessment of the degree of dilution
C.3.6 Dilution in a room
C.3.6.1 General
C.3.6.2 Background concentration and releases in a ventilated room
C.3.7 Criteria for availability of ventilation
C.3.7.1 General
C.3.7.2 Criteria for natural ventilation
C.3.7.3 Criteria for artificial ventilation
C.4 Examples of ventilation arrangements and assessments
C.4.1 Introduction
C.4.2 Jet release in a large building
C.4.3 Jet release in a small naturally ventilated building
C.4.4 Jet release in a small artificially ventilated building
C.4.5 Release with low velocity
C.4.6 Fugitive emissions
C.4.7 Local ventilation-extraction
C.5 Natural Ventilation in buildings
C.5.1 General
C.5.2 Wind induced ventilation
C.5.3 Buoyancy induced ventilation
C.5.4 Combination of the natural ventilation induced by wind and buoyancy
Annex D
D.1 General
D.2 Estimating types of the zones
D.3 Estimating the extent of the hazardous area
Annex E
E.1 General
E.2 Examples
E.3 Example case study for hazardous area classification
Annex F
F.1 Schematic approach to classification of hazardous areas
F.2 Schematic approach to classification of hazardous areas
F.3 Schematic approach to classification of hazardous areas
F.4 Schematic approach to classification of hazardous areas
Annex G
Annex H
Annex I
I.1 General
I.2 Use of ventilation
I.3 Concentration limits
I.4 Chemical reactions
I.5 Energy/temperature limits
I.6 Zoning requirements
Annex J
J.1 General
J.2 Dilution with air of a flammable substance release
J.3 Estimate of the time required to dilute a flammable substance release
Annex K
K.1 General
Cited references in this standard
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