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AS/NZS 62196.1:2023


Plugs, socket-outlets, vehicle connectors and vehicle inlets - Conductive charging of electric vehicles, Part 1: General requirements (IEC 62196-1:2022, MOD)

AS/NZS 62196.1:2023 identically adopts and modifies IEC 62196-1:2022, which specifies requirements for EV plugs, EV socket-outlets, vehicle connectors, vehicle inlets, herein referred to as "accessories", and to cable assemblies for electric vehicles (EV) intended for use in conductive charging systems which incorporate control means, with a rated operating voltage not exceeding 690 V AC 50 Hz to 60 Hz at a rated current not exceeding 250 A and 1 500 V DC at a rated current not exceeding 800 A.
Published: 19/05/2023
Pages: 90
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