AS/NZS 60745.2.3:2011
[Superseded]Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety, Part 2.3: Particular requirements for grinders, polishers and disk-type sanders (IEC 60745-2-3 Ed 2.2, MOD)
This Standard applies to grinders, polishers and disk-type sanders, including angle, straight and vertical tools, with a rated capacity not exceeding 230 mm. For grinders, the rated speed does not exceed a peripheral speed of the accessory of 80 m/s at rated capacity. This Standard does not apply to dedicated cut-off machines which are covered by IEC 60745-2-22. This Standard does not apply to random-orbit polishers and random-orbit sanders which are covered by IEC 60745-2-4.
Published: 29/04/2011
Pages: 35
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IEC 60745-2-3 Ed. 2.1
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