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AS/NZS 5601.1:2022


Gas installations, Part 1: General installations

This Standard sets out requirements and means of conformance for the design, installation and commissioning of gas installations that are associated with the use or intended use of fuel gases such as natural gas, LP Gas, or biogas.
Published: 30/09/2022
Pages: 315
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope, exclusions and application
1.1.1 Scope
1.1.2 Exclusions
1.1.3 Application Conformance Application in Australia Application in New Zealand Interpretation
1.2 Normative references
1.3 Terms and definitions
1.4 Work health and safety
1.5 System of units
2 Essential safety and performance-based design requirements
2.1 Essential safety requirements
2.1.1 Limitations on installation of an appliance
2.1.2 Push-on connectors limited to connecting laboratory Bunsen burners
2.1.3 Installation in a cupboard
2.1.4 [Text deleted]
2.1.5 Repair of pipe or pipe fittings
2.2 Performance-based design requirements
2.2.1 General work and safety requirements General Verification of gas supply Work on a gas installation Sealing of open ends Testing of consumer piping Testing of gas installations Safe practices and OHS Increasing pressure of gas installations Commissioning and recommissioning Decommissioning
2.2.2 Materials, fittings and components Materials Proprietary systems Jointing
2.2.3 Consumer piping General Design Prevention of reverse flow Location Support of consumer piping Provision for clearing condensate Gas pressure regulation Over-pressure protection Pressure test points Gas venting Gas pressure raising devices
2.2.4 Flues General Design Materials Installation Location Flue draught control Flue termination Common flues Power flues Use of existing flues or chimneys
2.2.5 Installing appliances Pre-installation General installation requirements Appliance location Ventilation of the appliance space and air supply to appliances Valve trains Appliance connection Commissioning
3 Means of conformance — General requirements and safe work practices
3.1 Gas supply
3.2 Gas demand
3.3 Safe work practices
3.3.1 General
3.3.2 Isolating gas supply
3.3.3 Purging after completion of work
3.4 Sealing of open pipe ends
3.4.1 Removal of debris
3.4.2 Open ends to be sealed while work is in progress
3.4.3 Outlet provided for future connection to be sealed
3.5 Testing of piping
3.5.1 Testing a new gas installation
3.5.2 Testing consumer piping after alteration, repair or extension
3.6 Acceptable substances for testing
3.7 Hot-tapping of branch fitting to consumer piping
3.8 Increasing the operating pressure of existing consumer piping
3.9 Dealing with dangerous gas installations
3.10 Methods of locating gas leaks
3.11 Safety requirements in the vicinity of gas leaks or suspected gas leaks
3.12 Safe discharge of static electricity
3.13 Electrical safety bonding or bridging
3.14 Clearing a blockage in consumer piping
4 Means of conformance — Materials, fittings and components
4.1 General
4.1.1 Suitability for use
4.1.2 Re-use of materials and components
4.1.3 Mating parts
4.2 Materials for consumer piping
4.3 Consumer piping restrictions
4.4 Prohibited types of joints and fittings
4.5 Proprietary systems
4.5.1 Suitability for intended use
4.5.2 Installation of proprietary systems
4.5.3 Substitution of components
4.5.4 Identification of proprietary piping systems
4.6 Material between LP gas cylinder valve and inlet to first regulator
4.7 Other materials
4.7.1 Gasket material
4.7.2 Jointing compounds and materials
4.7.3 Vent line material
4.7.4 Flue materials and limitations
4.8 Components
4.8.1 Miscellaneous components
4.8.2 Manual shut-off valves
4.8.3 Hose assemblies
4.8.4 Swivel joints and couplings
5 Means of conformance — Installation of consumer piping
5.1 General
5.1.1 Condition of pipe and pipe fittings
5.1.2 Prohibition of earthing through consumer piping
5.1.3 Protection from other materials
5.1.4 Storage and handling of pipe
5.1.5 Condition of pipe during installation
5.1.6 Restriction on repair of defective pipe or pipe fitting
5.1.7 Jointing
5.1.8 Restriction on use of thread sealant
5.1.9 Bending pipe
5.1.10 Re-making a flanged joint
5.1.11 Pipe installation not to reduce building strength or fire resistance
5.1.12 Identification of pipework Identification Marking
5.2 Design of consumer piping
5.2.1 Pressure rating of piping and components
5.2.2 Appliance pressure rating
5.2.3 Requirements where pressurized air, oxygen or a standby gas is to be used in conjunction with the fuel gas
5.2.4 Consumer piping size
5.2.5 Flexibility of piping
5.2.6 Pipe alignment at expansion joint
5.2.7 Occupancy isolation
5.2.8 Building isolation
5.2.9 Isolation for specific installations Isolation for installations in educational institutions Commercial kitchen isolation
5.2.10 Provision of emergency valve (steam boilers and hot water boilers)
5.2.11 Provision of fire emergency isolation for multilayer pipe
5.2.12 Reversion fittings for proprietary multilayer piping
5.3 Location of consumer piping
5.3.1 Prohibited locations
5.3.2 Piping in an air duct, plenum ceiling, air-handling plenum or ventilating duct
5.3.3 Piping not to be subject to physical damage
5.3.4 Separation from above-ground low and extra low voltage electrical equipment
5.3.5 Piping to not support an electrical conductor
5.3.6 Piping to not be exposed to liquid discharge
5.3.7 Above-ground piping to not touch the ground
5.3.8 Piping in a concealed location other than underground or embedded in concrete
5.3.9 Piping passing through a building’s exterior wall
5.3.10 Piping passing through floors and internal walls
5.3.11 Piping in the ground beneath a building
5.3.12 Ventilation of concealed piping
5.3.13 Piping embedded in concrete
5.3.14 Consumer piping in wooden joists or metal-framed walls General Timber wall framework Timber beams, bearers and joists Metal framework Consumer piping located in cavities
5.3.15 Piping in steel-framed buildings
5.3.16 Location of multilayer piping
5.4 Installation of consumer piping buried in the ground
5.4.1 Consumer piping beneath a building
5.4.2 Bedding and support of pipe in the ground
5.4.3 Depth of cover
5.4.4 Quality of bedding and backfill
5.4.5 Consolidation of bedding and backfill material
5.4.6 Marker tape and tracer wire
5.4.7 Termination of plastics or multilayer pipe and metallic continuation
5.4.8 Securing a riser
5.4.9 Separation from underground electrical cable
5.4.10 Separation from underground electrical earthing electrode
5.4.11 Separation from underground communication cable
5.4.12 Separation from underground services
5.4.13 Crossing other underground services
5.5 Corrosion control
5.5.1 Corrosion protection of bare steel
5.5.2 Corrosion protection of above-ground pipework
5.5.3 Joining of electrochemically incompatible materials
5.5.4 Requirement where coated steel pipe emerges from the ground
5.5.5 Requirement where consumer piping is to include cathodic protection
5.6 Water and dust clearing provision in consumer piping
5.6.1 Provision of tailpipe
5.6.2 Design and location of a tailpipe
5.6.3 Marking of tailpipes
5.6.4 Tailpipes that terminate below ground level
5.6.5 Provision for dust clearing
5.7 Consumer piping for a high-rise building
5.7.1 General
5.7.2 Prohibition on flexible hoses
5.7.3 Plan of consumer piping to be displayed on site
5.7.4 Manual shut-off valve in riser and lateral
5.7.5 Support and flexibility of riser
5.7.6 Minimizing strain at a lateral
5.8 Support of consumer piping
5.8.1 Consumer piping support system requirements
5.8.2 Spacing of supporting devices
5.8.3 Diameter of rod hangers
5.9 Use of hose assemblies
5.9.1 Hose assembly requirements
5.9.2 Prohibited location of hose assembly connection point
5.9.3 Location of connection point for hose assembly
5.9.4 Hose assembly — Prohibited installation methods
5.9.5 Hose assembly — Operating conditions
5.9.6 Hose assembly connecting an appliance
5.10 Quick-connect devices
5.10.1 Quick-connect device installed outside above ground
5.10.2 Quick-connect device socket installation method where subjected to water or dust
5.10.3 Quick-connect devices installed outdoors below ground
5.11 Installing gas equipment
5.11.1 Consumer piping gas pressure regulators Requirements for a consumer piping gas pressure regulator Consumer piping gas pressure regulator installation requirements Prohibited locations for a consumer piping regulator Where a consumer piping gas pressure regulator is required Where an appliance regulator is not required Consumer piping regulator outlet operating pressure notice
5.11.2 Over-pressure Over-pressure protection and its performance Maximum over-pressure of the installation Requirements where over-pressure protection system shuts off the gas supply
5.11.3 Protection of gas supply system from low pressure where a gas pressure-raising device or a gas engine is installed
5.11.4 Pressure test points
5.11.5 Venting Performance of vent line Vent line terminating outside a building Limitation on interconnection of vent lines Size of a common vent line Size of vent line for a consumer piping gas pressure regulator breather vent or relief device Size of vent line for a vented safety shut-off system Discharge from breather vents Non-domestic applications Domestic applications Restriction of breather vent Vent terminal location Vent terminal construction Vent line to be readily removable
5.11.6 Sub-meters Requirements for sub-meters Prohibited locations of a sub-meter Sub-meter location and identification Sub-meter in a recess or meter box in a cavity wall Ventilation requirements — Sub-meter in an enclosure Provision of manual shut-off valve Connection of the sub-meter
5.12 Gas pressure-raising devices
5.12.1 Protection against pulsation
5.12.2 Connection requirements
5.12.3 Required controls
5.12.4 Requirements of downstream pipe and equipment
5.13 Ventilation of gas equipment
5.13.1 General
5.13.2 Natural ventilation to outside General Enclosures containing meters or regulators Enclosures containing pressure-raising devices
5.13.3 Natural ventilation via adjacent room
5.13.4 Mechanical ventilation
5.13.5 Ventilation of an enclosure containing a meter or regulator and a gas pressure-raising device
5.13.6 Ventilation of an enclosure containing gas equipment and an appliance
5.13.7 Location of openings
6 Means of conformance — Installation of appliances
6.1 Requirements for appliances
6.1.1 New Zealand requirements
6.1.2 Australian requirements
6.1.3 Appliance conversion
6.2 General installation requirements
6.2.1 Determination of adequate gas supply
6.2.2 Manufacturer’s installation instructions
6.2.3 Restriction on flueless appliances
6.2.4 Restriction on appliance location
6.2.5 Temperature limitation on nearby combustible surface
6.2.6 Appliances using pressurized air or oxygen or having a standby gas connected
6.2.7 Automatic control to fail safe
6.2.8 Electrical requirements
6.2.9 Restoration of electricity supply
6.2.10 Appliance support
6.2.11 Earthquake restraint
6.2.12 Gas connections for appliances subject to vibration
6.2.13 Connection of an appliance designed to move on castors, rollers or wheels
6.2.14 Appliance restraint where a hose assembly is used
6.2.15 Push-on connectors limited to connecting laboratory Bunsen burners
6.3 Appliance location
6.3.1 Adverse effect of air movement systems
6.3.2 Protection from physical damage
6.3.3 Accessibility
6.3.4 Hazards to buildings or persons
6.3.5 Proximity of flammable goods or chemicals
6.3.6 Presence of water
6.3.7 Installation above a source of cooking vapour, steam, grease or heat
6.3.8 Installation in a cupboard
6.3.9 Installation in a bedroom
6.3.10 Installation in a residential garage
6.3.11 Appliance in a roof space
6.3.12 Location of appliances in residential premises
6.3.13 Appliance on roof, wall or elevated structure in locations other than single residential premises
6.3.14 Appliance under a floor
6.4 Air supply to appliances
6.4.1 Adequacy of air supply
6.4.2 Quality of air supply
6.4.3 Installation where atmosphere is contaminated
6.4.4 Specific appliance ventilation requirements
6.4.5 Air requirements for appliances General For Australia For New Zealand General requirements Natural ventilation Natural ventilation via adjacent room Location of ventilation openings
6.4.6 Air requirements for appliances — New appliance installations — Australia only General Ventilation requirements Calculation of natural ventilation areas Spaces containing only open flued appliances Spaces containing only flueless appliances other than flueless space heaters Spaces containing both open flued appliances and flueless appliances other than flueless space heaters
6.4.7 Special requirements for flueless space heaters
6.4.8 Appliance in a residential garage
6.4.9 Mechanical ventilation
6.4.10 Interlock for air supply to appliances
6.4.11 Air heating appliance in a confined space
6.4.12 Combustion and dilution air for an open flued appliances
6.5 Gas shut-off when automatic fire equipment operates
6.5.1 Interlock of automatic fire-extinguishing equipment with gas supply
6.5.2 Interlock of automatic fire damper and gas supply
6.5.3 Gas shut-off controls interfaced with fire alarm systems
6.6 Appliance connection
6.6.1 Restriction on appliance connection
6.6.2 Pipe connection
6.6.3 Means of isolation
6.6.4 Means of disconnection
6.6.5 Fitting of an appliance gas pressure regulator
6.7 Flue design
6.7.1 Provision of a flue
6.7.2 Effect on building strength or fire resistance
6.7.3 Material
6.7.4 Design requirements
6.7.5 Flue gases not to cause a nuisance
6.7.6 Common or combined flues
6.7.7 Draught diverters Flue with draught diverters Flue without draught diverters
6.7.8 Power flues
6.7.9 Flue cowls
6.7.10 Condensate drains
6.7.11 Use of existing flue or chimney
6.8 Flue installation
6.8.1 Provision for removal of appliance
6.8.2 Support independent of appliance
6.8.3 Soft-soldered flue joints
6.8.4 Flue joints
6.8.5 Weatherproofing through a roof or wall
6.8.6 Chimneys
6.8.7 Clearance around a draught diverter
6.8.8 Prohibited locations for flues
6.8.9 Concealed metal flues
6.8.10 Application of twin wall flues
6.8.11 Clearance between a single wall flue and a combustible surface
6.8.12 Protection of combustible surfaces
6.8.13 Protection of adjacent non-combustible materials from heat of flue
6.8.14 Clearance from wiring and other services
6.9 Flue terminals
6.9.1 Terminating an open flue — Location General Location of a power flue terminal
6.9.2 Terminating a flue above a roof
6.9.3 Location of flue terminals around the perimeter of a building or structure
6.9.4 Flue terminal under a covered area, in a recess or on a balcony
6.9.5 Terminating a flue in a roof space
6.9.6 Clearances of flue terminals around a GMS (New Zealand only)
6.10 Additional requirements for installation of specific appliances
6.10.1 Domestic gas cooking appliances Clearance around a gas cooking appliance, other than for indoor barbecues in residential premises Protection of a combustible surface near a gas cooking appliance Multiple gas cooker installations in classrooms Clearance above a high level griller Clearance from oven flue of elevated gas cooking appliance Connecting an elevated gas cooking appliance Indoor barbecues in residential premises Installation of LP Gas cook tops in New Zealand Connecting a freestanding cooking appliance using a hose assembly — High level connection Under cooker connection Stabilization of a freestanding cooking appliance Inbuilt oven Single boiling burners Domestic gas cooking appliances in combined living/sleeping areas Domestic gas cooking appliances in commercial installations
6.10.2 Commercial catering equipment Combination cooking ranges Clearances to a grease filter Clearances around commercial catering equipment Commercial catering equipment on a combustible surface Commercial catering equipment in residential premises Freestanding commercial catering equipment with under equipment connection Connecting freestanding commercial catering equipment using a hose assembly — High level connection Semi-rigid connectors in commercial catering installations Commercial catering equipment installed in classrooms
6.10.3 Instantaneous water heaters Prohibited locations Flueless instantaneous water heater Instantaneous water heater within a roof space
6.10.4 Storage water heaters
6.10.5 Pool heaters (including those for swimming, spa and therapeutic pools) Prohibited locations Supporting base Control systems Pool heater where flow and return water pipes are plastic Non-return valve Restriction on fitting of a valve in water flow line
6.10.6 Space heaters Limitation on installation Open flued appliance with rear register Restrictions on installation of flueless space heater Installation of space heater in an institution
6.10.7 Overhead radiant heaters General Overhead radiant heaters installed indoors Overhead radiant heaters installed outdoors or in quasi-outdoor situations
6.10.8 Patio heaters Limitation on installation Pole mounted Suspended other than by pole mounting
6.10.9 Decorative flame effect fires, other than flame effect gas space heaters Prohibited installation Requirements for fireplace and chimney Damper not permitted in chimney or flue Flue cowl requirements Ventilation requirements other than for a room sealed appliance
6.10.10 Ducted air heaters Location Interaction of heating air and air for combustion Ductwork to not prevent lighting or servicing
6.10.11 Air curtains
6.10.12 Direct fired air heaters Prohibited locations Restriction on air supply
6.10.13 Overhead radiant tube heaters General Requirements for installation Requirements for an installation where atmosphere is contaminated Clearance requirements
6.10.14 Laundry dryers Laundry dryer with exhaust fan Exhaust duct required Exhaust duct requirements Ventilation requirements Exhausting into a room or enclosure Dryers for community use — Operating instructions to be displayed
6.10.15 Gas lights
6.10.16 Incinerators Required clearances to combustible surfaces Flue for an incinerator Operating instructions to be displayed
6.10.17 Pottery kiln Support to be non-combustible and of adequate strength Flame safeguard system required Clearances between a hood or canopy and combustible material Flueing of a pottery kiln Flue dampers
6.10.18 Refrigerator Prohibited locations Required clearances Requirements where refrigerator is to be in a sealed recess Requirement for annealed copper tube connection
6.10.19 Gas barbecues and radiant gas heaters for outdoor use
6.11 Commissioning
6.11.1 General
6.11.2 Australian requirements
6.11.3 New Zealand requirements
6.11.4 Commissioning of appliances
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
C.1 Introduction
C.2 Specification for materials to provide thermal protection of combustibles
C.3 Methods of thermal protection of combustible materials adjacent to domestic cooking appliances
C.4 Examples to determine the required thickness of materials for thermal protection of combustible materials
Appendix D
D.1 Introduction
D.2 Precautions before purging commences
D.3 Purging a sub-meter
D.4 Purging a small volume installation with gas to remove air
D.4.1 Pipe length in a small volume installation
D.4.2 Commencing the purge
D.4.3 Purging through an appliance fitted with an open burner
D.4.4 Purging through an appliance fitted with a flame safeguard system
D.4.4.1 General
D.4.4.2 Electronic flame safeguard system fitted
D.4.4.3 Thermoelectric device fitted
D.5 Purging a large volume gas installation
D.6 Purging consumer piping to remove gas
Appendix E
E.1 Scope
E.2 General
E.3 Leakage testing of installations
E.3.1 New installations
E.3.2 Additions and alterations to installations
E.4 Pipework test procedure
E.5 Installation test procedure
E.6 Leakage test for existing installations
E.7 Testing a connection made after a test procedure
E.8 Additional tests for LP Gas piping upstream of first stage regulator
E.9 Additional tests for systems with a pressure relief device
E.10 Selecting the test instrument
Appendix F
F.1 Introduction
F.1.1 General
F.1.2 Pipe conditions
F.1.3 Fitting allowance
F.1.4 Equations used
F.1.5 Gas properties
F.1.6 Excessive gas velocity
F.1.7 Allowable pressure drop
F.1.8 Diversity
F.1.9 Intermediate pressure regulation (sub-regulators)
F.1.10 Utilizing available high pressure gas
F.2 Information required
F.3 Design procedure using pipe sizing graphs
F.3.1 General
F.3.2 Worked example — With allowable pressure drop of 0.0105 kPa/m
F.3.2.1 Introduction
F.3.2.2 Sketch the layout
F.3.2.3 Tabulate the pipe runs
F.3.2.4 Determine the length of the longest pipe run
F.3.2.5 Determine the allowable pressure drop per metre
F.3.2.6 Determine the required pipe size using the pipe sizing graphs
F.4 Pipe sizing graphs
F.5 Design procedure using pipe sizing tables
F.5.1 Introduction
F.5.2 Worked example
F.5.2.1 Introduction
F.5.2.2 Sketch the piping layout
F.5.2.3 Determine the main run
F.5.2.4 Select the piping material
F.5.2.5 Select the pipe sizing table
F.5.2.6 Tabulate the pipe runs
F.5.2.7 Select the pipe size
F.5.3 Comparative table showing the required pipe sizes with different pressure drops
F.6 Pipe sizing tables
Appendix G
G.1 Introduction
G.2 Using the tables
G.3 Example using a table (see Table G.1)
Appendix H
H.1 Natural draught flue design
H.1.1 Application
H.1.2 Manufacturer’s instructions
H.1.3 Introduction
H.1.4 Factors influencing natural draught flue design
H.1.4.1 Heat loss
H.1.4.2 Resistance to flow of flue gases
H.1.5 Designing natural draught flues for individual appliances
H.1.5.1 Design procedure
H.1.5.2 Example of natural draught flue design for an individual appliance
H.1.6 Common natural draught flues (combined and multiple flues)
H.1.6.1 Design principles
H.1.6.2 Performance of common natural draught flue
H.1.6.3 Flue connector — Change of direction
H.1.6.4 Resistance to flow of flue gases — Manifolds and laterals
H.1.6.5 Design of common natural draught flue — Appliances at different levels
H. Design factors
H. Example of common natural draught flue design for appliances at different levels
H. Alternative method using oversize common natural draught flue
H.1.6.6 Design of natural draught common flue — Appliances at same level
H. Total flue height
H. Example of flue design for appliances at same level
H.2 Power flue design
H.2.1 Power flue applications
H.2.2 Power flue design requirements
H.2.2.1 Appliance design
H.2.2.2 Air supply
H. General
H. Provision of dilution air for a power flue
H. Flue design requirements
H.2.2.3 Requirement for individual appliance dampers
H.2.2.4 Location and sizing of the power flue fan
H.2.2.5 Power flue fan requirements
H.2.2.6 Flow failure sensing devices
H.2.2.7 Noise and vibration reduction requirements
H.2.2.8 Commissioning the power flue
Appendix I
Appendix J
J.1 General
J.2 Cylinder requirements
J.3 Location of cylinders
J.3.1 General
J.3.2 Prohibited locations for cylinders
J.3.3 Cylinders on a veranda
J.3.4 Cylinders in an enclosure or recess
J.3.5 Cylinders under a building supported by piers
J.3.6 Cylinders in public locations
J.3.7 Site upkeep
J.4 Installation — Installing cylinders
J.5 Clearances around cylinders
J.6 Cylinder regulators
J.7 LP Gas cylinder capacity
J.8 Vaporization capacity for cylinders and tanks
J.9 Material between LP Gas cylinder valve and inlet to first regulator
Appendix K
K.1 Introduction
K.2 Gas supply
K.3 Consumer piping
K.4 Pipe riser shafts
K.5 Consumer pipe location
K.6 Components to be accessible
K.7 Pipe support systems
K.7.1 Components to be considered
K.7.2 Pipe anchor
K.7.3 Pipe riser clamp
K.7.4 Pipe guides
K.7.5 Spring clip
K.8 Expansion and contraction of consumer piping and buildings
K.8.1 Thermal expansion
K.8.1.1 General
K.8.1.2 Selecting a design temperature differential
K.8.1.3 Calculating the thermal expansion
K.8.2 Building shrinkage
K.8.3 Design for expansion/contraction
K.9 Branches (off-takes)
K.10 Valves
K.10.1 General
K.10.2 Pipe riser isolation valves
K.10.3 Off-take isolation valves
K.10.4 Apartment isolation valves
K.11 Plan of pipe
K.12 Boosters
K.13 Effect of altitude on gas supply pressure
Appendix L
L.1 For New Zealand
L.1.1 General
L.1.2 Exclusion areas and hazardous zones
L.1.2.1 General
L.1.2.2 Electrical equipment
L.1.2.3 Natural gas (NG)
L.1.2.4 LP Gas
L.2 For Australia
L.2.1 Meter location
L.2.2 Multiple meters
L.2.3 Subsequent work
Appendix M
M.1 Introduction
M.2 Technical regulators
M.3 Details of special local requirements
M.3.1 Quick-connect devices
M.3.1.1 Building and Energy Division of the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety, Western Australia
M.3.1.2 Energy Safe Victoria
M.3.2 Restriction on installation of a flueless space heater
M.3.2.1 Office of the Technical Regulator, South Australia
M.3.2.2 Building and Energy Division of the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety, Western Australia
M.3.2.3 Energy Safe Victoria
M. Flueless space heaters in residential premises
M. Flueless space heaters in premises other than residential
Appendix N
N.1 General
N.2 Stoves, cookers and hot plates
N.3 Instantaneous water heaters
N.4 Storage water heaters
Appendix O
Appendix P
Appendix Q
Q.1 General
Q.2 Equipment
Q.3 Testing the effect of mechanical extraction ventilation with appliances not operating
Q.3.1 Establish baseline conditions
Q.3.2 Smoke test
Q.4 Testing appliance and flue operation (Spillage test)
Q.4.1 Prerequisites
Q.4.2 Test conditions
Q.4.3 Test procedure
Q.4.4 Test results
Q.4.5 Identification and rectification of faults
Q.5 Location and installation for additional and permanent ventilation openings
Amendment control sheet
AS/NZS 5601.1:2022
Amendment No. 1 (2023)
Correction amendment
Amendment No. 2 (2024)
Revised text amendment
Cited references in this standard
Steel tubes and tubulars for ordinary service
Pressure vessels
Identification of the contents of pipes, conduits and ducts
Valves primarily for use in heated water systems, Part 1: Protection valves
Continuous hot-dip metallic coated steel sheet and strip — Coatings of zinc and zinc alloyed with aluminium and magnesium
Content history
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