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AS/NZS 5328:2022


Flushable products

AS/NZS 5328:2022 specifies test methods and criteria for determining if products are suitable for disposal by flushing them down a toilet. It also provides guidance on and requirements for the labelling and marking of products that are likely to be disposed via the toilet. It applies to products that are intended for toilet flushing. It excludes toilet paper, liquids and soluble products.
Published: 20/05/2022
Pages: 79
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Normative references
1.3 Terms and definitions
2 Framework
2.1 General
2.2 Toilets
2.3 Drain lines
2.4 Wastewater transport systems
2.5 Screening
2.6 Treatment processes
2.6.1 General
2.6.2 Settling
2.6.3 Liquid phase of treatment plants
2.6.4 Management of settled solids
2.7 Environmental considerations
3 General requirements
3.1 Determining if a product conforms to this document
3.2 Testing for compatibility with toilet flushing
4 Labelling
4.1 Acknowledgement
4.2 Packaging
4.3 Location
4.4 Colour
4.5 Size
4.6 Wording
4.7 Examples
Appendix A
A.1 Acknowledgement
A.2 Scope
A.3 Principle
A.4 Apparatus
A.4.1 Toilet and drain line configuration
A.4.2 Laboratory equipment
A.5 Test pieces
A.5.1 Simulated faecal material
A.5.2 Toilet tissue
A.6 Baseline procedure
A.6.1 Establishing a baseline for a test system
A.6.2 General procedures used during baseline testing
A.6.3 Procedure for evaluating a baseline
A.6.4 Calculation of the centre of movement
A.7 Product test procedure
A.7.1 Preparation of test samples
A.7.2 Preparation of other materials used in the test
A.7.2.1 Simulated faecal material
A.7.2.2 Toilet tissue
A.7.3 Preparation of the test system
A.7.4 General procedures used during testing
A.7.5 Product testing
A.8 Pass/fail criteria
A.9 Ongoing maintenance of the toilet and drain line
A.10 Test report
Appendix B
B.1 Acknowledgement
B.2 Scope
B.3 Principle
B.4 Apparatus
B.4.1 Test system
B.4.2 Safe practices
B.5 Test pieces
B.6 Procedure
B.6.1 Loading sequence
B.6.2 Testing schedule
B.7 Preparation of the test system
B.8 Flushing procedures
B.9 Product testing
B.10 Scenarios for system failure
B.11 Test termination in the absence of a system failure
B.12 Calculations and data handling
B.13 Pass/fail criteria
B.14 Test report
B.15 Examples of ejector pumps
B.16 Optional pre-test for buoyancy in tap water
Appendix C
C.1 Acknowledgement
C.2 Scope
C.3 Principle
C.4 Apparatus
C.4.1 Slosh box test system
C.4.2 Functional parameters
C.4.3 Laboratory equipment
C.4.4 Safety
C.5 Test pieces
C.5.1 Sample preparation and unit dose
C.6 Procedure
C.6.1 Pre-conditioning for the test
C.6.2 Test set-up
C.6.3 Photography and reference grid recommendations
C.6.3.1 Photography
C.6.3.2 Reference grid
C.6.4 Product testing
C.6.5 Test termination
C.7 Calculations
C.8 Pass/fail criteria
C.9 Test report
C.10 Variability
C.11 Alternative approach for recovering and rinsing materials from slosh boxes
C.11.1 Additional equipment
C.11.2 Procedure
C.12 Ancillary methods for slosh box testing
C.12.1 Slosh box angle measurement
C.12.1.1 Illustrated procedure
C.12.1.2 Worksheet example
C.12.2 Slosh box disintegration test report template example
C.12.2.1 General information example
C.12.2.2 Loss of mass calculation data input sheet example
Appendix D
D.1 Acknowledgement
D.2 Scope
D.3 Principle
D.4 Apparatus
D.4.1 Test system
D.4.2 Additional apparatus
D.5 Test pieces
D.6 Procedure
D.6.1 Preparation of the test system
D.6.2 Sample testing
D.6.3 System cleaning between test runs
D.7 Data handling and calculations
D.8 Pass/fail criteria
D.9 Test report
Appendix E
E.1 Acknowledgement
E.2 Scope
E.3 Principle
E.4 Apparatus
E.4.1 Settling column
E.4.2 Additional apparatus
E.5 Test pieces
E.6 Procedure
E.6.1 Test system preparation
E.6.2 Sample testing
E.7 Pass/fail criteria
E.8 Test validation
E.9 Data handling and calculations
E.10 Test report
Appendix F
F.1 Acknowledgement
F.2 Scope
F.3 Principle
F.4 Apparatus
F.4.1 Laboratory equipment
F.4.2 Safe practices
F.5 Test pieces
F.6 Procedure
F.6.1 Collection and preparation of activated sludge mixed liquor
F.6.2 Test set-up
F.6.3 Test termination and analyses
F.7 Calculations
F.8 Pass/fail criteria
F.9 Test validation
F.10 Test report
Appendix G
G.1 Acknowledgement
G.2 Scope
G.3 Principle
G.4 Apparatus
G.5 Test pieces
G.5.1 Product material
G.5.2 Reference material
G.6 Procedure
G.6.1 Safe practices
G.6.2 Collection and preparation of digester sludge
G.6.3 Anaerobic techniques
G.6.4 Test set-up
G.6.5 Test termination and analyses
G.7 Calculations
G.8 Pass/fail criteria
G.9 Test validation
G.10 Test report
Appendix H
H.1 Preparation of simulated faecal material
H.1.1 Acknowledgement
H.1.2 Scope
H.1.3 Safe practices
H.1.4 Recipe 1: Dog food based SFM
H.1.4.1 Ingredients
H.1.4.2 Equipment
H.1.4.3 Procedure
H.1.4.4 Storage
H.1.5 Recipe 2: Feclone® based SFM
H.1.5.1 Ingredients
H.1.5.2 Equipment
H.1.5.3 Procedure
H.1.5.4 Storage
H.1.5.5 Preparation for use
H.1.5.6 Cleaning procedure
H.2 Pre-rinsing of test products
H.2.1 Acknowledgement
H.2.2 Scope
H.2.3 Test product selection
H.2.4 Toilet and drain line method
H.2.4.1 Equipment
H.2.4.2 Procedure
H.2.5 Alternative method 1 — Bucket swirling method
H.2.5.1 Equipment
H.2.5.2 Procedure
H.2.6 Alternative method 2 — Bucket transfer method
H.2.6.1 Equipment
H.2.6.2 Procedure
H.3 Determination of dry weight of products and product residues
H.3.1 Acknowledgement
H.3.2 Scope
H.3.3 Test sample selection
H.3.4 Drying and weighing of samples and sample residues
H.3.4.1 Equipment
H.3.4.2 Procedure
H.4 Collection, transport, storage, characterization and preparation of wastewater and sludges
H.4.1 Acknowledgement
H.4.2 Scope
H.4.3 Safe practices
H.4.4 Collection, transport and storage of environmental samples
H.4.4.1 Equipment
H.4.4.2 Untreated wastewater
H.4.4.3 Activated sludge
H.4.4.4 Anaerobic digester sludge
H.4.5 Characterization and preparation of environmental samples for testing
H.4.5.1 Equipment
H.4.5.2 Untreated wastewater
H.4.5.3 Activated sludge
H.4.5.4 Anaerobic digester sludge
H.5 Sieving and recovery of product residues
H.5.1 Acknowledgement
H.5.2 Scope
H.5.3 Equipment
H.5.4 Procedure for sieving, rinsing and recovery
H.5.5 Procedure for separating sludge solids from sample residue
Appendix I
Cited references in this standard
Test sieves - Technical requirements and testing - Part 2: Test sieves of perforated metal plate
Test sieves - Technical requirements and testing - Part 1: Test sieves of metal wire cloth
Standard Specification for Woven Wire Test Sieve Cloth and Test Sieves
Content history
DR AS/NZS 5328:2022

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