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AS/NZS 5263.1.2:2020


Gas appliances, Part 1.2: Gas fired water heaters for hot water supply and/or central heating

This Standard provides specific requirements and test methods for gas water heaters and central heating boilers, with an energy input not exceeding 500 MJ/h, and includes types intended for the supply of hot water at a maximum temperature of 99 °C for - (a) sanitary, potable and drinking purposes; (b) hydronic space heating; and (c) a combination of Item (a) and Item (b).
Published: 24/01/2020
Pages: 86
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope and application
1.1.1 Scope
1.1.2 Application
1.2 Normative references
1.3 Terms and definitions
1.4 Test methods
2 Design and construction
2.1 Scope
2.2 General design requirements
2.2.101 Covers on cold water feed tanks
2.2.102 Venting of central heating waterways
2.3 Materials
2.4 Design for assembly and installation
2.4.5 Restraint where a hose assembly is used
2.5 Design for maintenance
2.5.8 Means for gas pressure measurement
2.5.101 Collection and removal of corrosion product
2.5.102 Provision for draining
2.5.103 Drain valves
2.6 Design for operation
2.6.4 Primary guards openings
2.7 Controls and safety devices
2.7.3 Main burner shut off provision
2.7.101 Relief valves for unvented appliances containing more than 1 L of water
2.7.102 Relief devices for unvented appliances containing less than 1 L of water
2.7.103 Thermostats
2.7.104 Over-temperature cut-out devices
2.7.105 Controls for manually operated instantaneous water heaters
2.7.106 Controls for automatic instantaneous water heaters
2.7.107 Cold water feed tank overflow
2.7.108 Temperature controls for central heating boilers and combination appliances General Control thermostats Limit thermostats Overheat cut-off devices and safety temperature limiters Sensors
2.7.109 Expansion vessel and pressure gauge for central heating boilers
2.8 Gas train
2.8.5 Main burner automatic shut off valves
2.9 Combustion air and flue systems
2.9.5 Design of flue connection
2.9.101 Flueing of indoor appliances
2.10 Fan assisted combustion systems
2.11 Burners and ignition systems
2.11.10 Tray type burners-turndown limits
2.12 Components
2.13 Cylinders and cylinder compartments
2.14 Markings
2.14.2 Permanent markings on appliances
2.14.12 Label on guard
2.14.14 Markings on packaging
2.14.101 Identification of connections
2.14.102 Relief valve warning notice
2.14.103 Temperature setting markings
2.14.104 Marking of cold water feed tank water levels
2.14.105 Energy label — Water heaters and combination appliances Energy label format and content Energy label to be fitted
2.15 Instructions
2.15.2 Installation Instructions supplied with the appliance
3 Preliminary test — Line gases
3.1 General
3.2 Preparation for testing
3.2.101 Additional setting up for hydronic heating appliances
3.3 Gas leakage
3.4 Gas consumption
3.4.2 Determined gas consumption of permanent pilots
3.5 Gas pressure regulators
3.6 Ignition and safety shut off systems
3.6.1 General requirements Proving of start flame Start flame establishment period — Non-permanent pilot systems
3.6.2 Additional requirements for atmospheric burners with automatic burner ignition systems not based on permanent pilots Start flame proving period
3.6.3 Additional requirements for fan assisted combustion systems with automatic ignition not based on permanent pilots Start flame proving period
3.7 Ignition of draped fabric
4 Tests under limiting conditions
4.1 General
4.2 CO/CO2 ratio limits for any independent surface combustion burner — Underload
4.3 CO/CO2 ratio limits for any independent burner — Overload
4.4 CO/CO2 ratio limits for permanent pilots — Overload
4.5 Flame characteristics at maximum and minimum limiting conditions
4.6 Burner ignition at maximum and minimum limiting conditions
4.7 Delayed ignition at maximum and minimum limiting conditions
4.8 Reignition at turndown under draught conditions
4.9 Pilot ignition and stability at maximum and minimum limiting conditions
4.10 Burner stability when changing setting
4.11 Unburnt gas release from burner system
4.12 Blocked flueway terminal
4.13 Case pressure test
4.14 Effect of opening and closing doors at turndown condition
4.15 Sooting — Luminous effect appliances
4.16 Burner interference at ignition or during combustion
5 Performance specifications
5.1 Combustion air supply
5.2 Flue operation
5.2.3 Performance with updraught, downdraught and blocked flue Open flued appliances with a draught diverter or similar device Forced or induced draught open flued appliances without a draught diverter or similar device
5.2.7 Safety shutdown — Combustion products limits
5.2.101 Combustion products spillage device — Storage water heaters
5.3 Condensate
5.4 Temperature hazards
5.4.2 Appliance operating conditions
5.4.6 Temperature limits — Appliance safety Expansion vessel
5.4.7 Temperature limits — Protection from contact with the heat source
5.5 Heat resistance of appliance
5.5.1 Resistance to temperatures Test conditions
5.5.3 Minimum temperature requirements of heat exchangers during warming-up period
5.5.4 Maximum temperature requirements for heat exchanger materials
5.6 Durability
5.6.101 Hydrostatic cycling requirements — Water heaters and combination appliances
5.6.102 Water operated automatic gas valves
5.7 Electrical supply variation or failure
5.8 Appliance operation under linting conditions
5.9 Rain test for outdoor and room sealed appliances
5.10 Operation under windy conditions
5.11 Strength and stability
5.11.4 Hydrostatic strength Water heaters Central heating boilers Combination appliances
5.11.7 Attachment of primary guard
5.11.8 Strength of primary guard incorporating glass
5.12 Thermal efficiency
5.12.101 Minimum thermal efficiency Water heaters (Australia only) Central heating boilers (Australia only) Combination appliances
5.12.102 Maintenance gas consumption — Storage water heaters (Australia only)
5.12.103 Stratification Storage water heaters (Australia only) Automatic heat exchange water heaters (Australia only)
5.13 Vitiation and emissions
5.101 Operation of controls and relief devices
5.101.1 Drain performance
5.101.2 Over-temperature cut-out device — Water heaters
5.101.3 Temperature control — Storage water heaters
5.101.4 Instantaneous water heaters without automatic outlet temperature control Maximum water temperature rise Start-up time
5.101.5 Instantaneous water heaters with automatic outlet temperature control Maximum and minimum water temperatures Outlet water temperature variation
5.101.6 Relief device of unvented water heaters containing less than 1 L of water
5.101.7 Central heating boilers and combination appliances Thermostat accuracy Control thermostat performance Limit thermostat performance Overheat cut-off device performance Safety temperature limiter performance
5.102 Verification of marked values
5.102.1 Heat output
5.102.2 Water heating capacity — Instantaneous water heaters
5.102.3 Storage capacity tolerance for storage water heaters
Appendix AA
AA.1 Scope
AA.2 General
AA.3 Calculations
AA.3.1 Annual energy consumption
A.3.1.1 Storage water heaters
A.3.1.2 Instantaneous water heaters
AA.3.2 Energy saving
A.3.3 Star allocation and red band shading
A.4 Label format
AA.5 Report
Appendix BB
BB.1 Scope
BB.2 Background
BB.3 Derivation of discharge rate
Appendix ZA
ZA.2 Gas consumption test
ZA.2.2 Principle
ZA.2.4 Materials
ZA.2.5 Preparation of apparatus
ZA.2.6 Procedure
ZA.2.7 Test report
Appendix ZB
ZB.2 Determination of CO/CO2 ratio for any independent burner — Overload test
ZB.2.4 Materials
ZB.2.5 Preparation of apparatus
ZB.2.6 Procedure
ZB.4 Flame characteristics at maximum and minimum limiting conditions test
ZB.4.3 Apparatus
ZB.4.4 Materials
ZB.4.6 Procedure
ZB.4.7 Test report
Appendix ZC
ZC.34 Spillage monitoring system test for appliances with a combustion products discharge safety device
ZC.34.3 Apparatus
ZC.34.4 Materials
ZC.34.5 Preparation of apparatus
ZC.34.6 Procedure
ZC.34.6.1 Nuisance shutdown
ZC.34.6.2 Test with complete blockage
ZC.34.6.3 Test with partial blockage — Appliances with atmospheric burner
ZC.34.6.4 Test with partial blockage — Appliances with fan assisted combustion systems
ZC.101 Blocked flue test — Open flued appliances without draught diverters
ZC.101.1 Scope
ZC.101.2 Principle
ZC.101.3 Apparatus
ZC.101.4 Materials
ZC.101.5 Preparation of apparatus
ZC.101.6 Procedure
ZC.101.7 Test report
ZC.102 Combustion products spillage device test
ZC.102.1 Scope
ZC.102.2 Principle
ZC.102.3 Apparatus
ZC.102.4 Materials
ZC.102.5 Preparation of apparatus
ZC.102.6 Procedure
ZC.102.7 Test report
ZC.103 Hydrostatic cycling test — Instantaneous water heaters
ZC.103.1 Scope
ZC.103.2 Principle
ZC.103.3 Apparatus
ZC.103.4 Materials
ZC.103.5 Preparation of apparatus
ZC.103.6 Procedure
ZC.103.7 Test report
ZC.104 Hydrostatic cycling test — Circulators and storage water heaters
ZC.104.1 Scope
ZC.104.2 Principle
ZC.104.3 Apparatus
ZC.104.4 Materials
ZC.104.5 Preparation of apparatus
ZC.104.6 Procedure
ZC.104.7 Test report
ZC.105 Endurance test — Water operated gas valves
ZC.105.1 Scope
ZC.105.2 Principle
ZC.105.3 Materials
ZC.105.4 Apparatus
ZC.105.5 Preparation of apparatus
ZC.105.6 Procedure
ZC.105.7 Test report
ZC.106 Thermal efficiency test — Storage water heaters
ZC.106.1 Scope
ZC.106.2 Principle
ZC.106.3 Apparatus
ZC.106.4 Materials
ZC.106.5 Preparation of apparatus
ZC.106.6 Procedure
ZC.106.7 Test report
ZC.107 Thermal efficiency, water heating capacity, start-up heat capacity and electrical power consumption test — Instantaneous water heaters and circulators
ZC.107.1 Scope
ZC.107.2 Principle
ZC.107.3 Apparatus
ZC.107.4 Materials
ZC.107.5 Preparation of apparatus
ZC.107.6 Procedure
ZC.107.6.1 Thermal efficiency
ZC.107.6.2 Water heating capacity — Instantaneous water heaters
ZC.107.6.3 Start-up heat capacity — Instantaneous water heaters
ZC.107.6.4 Electrical energy consumption — Instantaneous water heaters
ZC.107.7 Test report
ZC.108 Thermal efficiency test — Central heating boilers
ZC.108.1 Scope
ZC.108.2 Principle
ZC.108.3 Apparatus
ZC.108.4 Materials
ZC.108.5 Preparation of apparatus
ZC.108.6 Procedure
ZC.108.7 Test report
ZC.109 Maintenance gas consumption test — Storage water heaters
ZC.109.1 Scope
ZC.109.2 Principle
ZC.109.3 Apparatus
ZC.109.4 Materials
ZC.109.5 Preparation of apparatus
ZC.109.6 Procedure
ZC.109.7 Test report
ZC.110 Stratification test — Storage water heaters
ZC.110.1 Scope
ZC.110.2 Principle
ZC.110.3 Apparatus
ZC.110.4 Materials
ZC.110.5 Preparation of apparatus
ZC.110.6 Procedure
ZC.110.7 Test report
ZC.111 Stratification test — Automatic heat exchange water heaters
ZC.111.1 Scope
ZC.111.2 Principle
ZC.111.3 Apparatus
ZC.111.4 Materials
ZC.111.5 Preparation of apparatus
ZC.111.6 Procedure
ZC.111.7 Test report
ZC.112 Drain performance test
ZC.112.1 Scope
ZC.112.2 Principle
ZC.112.3 Apparatus
ZC.112.4 Materials
ZC.112.5 Procedure
ZC.112.6 Test report
ZC.113 Over-temperature cut-out device test
ZC.113.1 Scope
ZC.113.2 Principle
ZC.113.3 Apparatus
ZC.113.4 Materials
ZC.113.5 Preparation of apparatus
ZC.113.6 Procedure
ZC.113.7 Test report
ZC.114 Temperature control test — Storage water heaters
ZC.114.1 Scope
ZC.114.2 Principle
ZC.114.3 Apparatus
ZC.114.4 Materials
ZC.114.5 Preparation of apparatus
ZC.114.6 Procedure
ZC.114.7 Test report
ZC.115 Water temperature rise test — Instantaneous water heaters
ZC.115.1 Scope
ZC.115.2 Principle
ZC.115.3 Apparatus
ZC.115.4 Materials
ZC.115.5 Preparation of apparatus
ZC.115.6 Procedure
ZC.115.7 Test report
ZC.116 Start-up time test — Automatic instantaneous water heaters
ZC.116.1 Scope
ZC.116.2 Principle
ZC.116.3 Apparatus
ZC.116.4 Materials
ZC.116.5 Preparation of apparatus
ZC.116.6 Procedure
ZC.116.7 Test report
ZC.117 Water temperature on start-up test — Instantaneous water heaters with automatic outlet temperature control
ZC.117.1 Scope
ZC.117.2 Principle
ZC.117.3 Apparatus
ZC.117.4 Materials
ZC.117.5 Preparation of apparatus
ZC.117.6 Procedure
ZC.117.7 Test report
ZC.118 Temperature control test — Instantaneous water heaters with automatic outlet temperature control
ZC.118.1 Scope
ZC.118.2 Principle
ZC.118.3 Apparatus
ZC.118.4 Materials
ZC.118.5 Preparation of apparatus
ZC.118.6 Procedure
ZC.118.6.1 Over a range of inlet water pressures
ZC.118.6.2 Over a range of water flow rates
ZC.118.6.3 Over a range of inlet water temperatures
ZC.118.7 Test report
ZC.119 Relief device test — Unvented water heaters containing less than 1 L of water
ZC.119.1 Scope
ZC.119.2 Principle
ZC.119.3 Apparatus
ZC.119.4 Materials
ZC.119.5 Preparation of apparatus
ZC.119.6 Procedure
ZC.119.7 Test report
ZC.120 Control thermostat test — Central heating boilers
ZC.120.1 Scope
ZC.120.2 Principle
ZC.120.3 Apparatus
ZC.120.4 Materials
ZC.120.5 Preparation of apparatus
ZC.120.6 Procedure
ZC.120.6.1 Appliances with on/off thermostats
ZC.120.6.2 Appliances with modulating thermostats
ZC.120.7 Test report
ZC.121 Temperature safety limiting devices test — Central heating boilers
ZC.121.1 Scope
ZC.121.2 Principle
ZC.121.3 Apparatus
ZC.121.4 Materials
ZC.121.5 Preparation of apparatus
ZC.121.6 Procedure
ZC.121.7 Test report
ZC.122 Safety temperature limiter test
ZC.122.1 Scope
ZC.122.2 Principle
ZC.122.3 Apparatus
ZC.122.4 Materials
ZC.122.5 Preparation of apparatus
ZC.122.6 Procedure
ZC.122.7 Test report
ZC.123 Storage capacity test
ZC.123.1 Scope
ZC.123.2 Principle
ZC.123.3 Apparatus
ZC.123.4 Materials
ZC.123.5 Preparation of apparatus
ZC.123.6 Procedure
ZC.123.7 Test report
Cited references in this standard
Valves primarily for use in heated water systems, Part 1: Protection valves
Gas appliances, Part 0: General requirements
Automatic electrical controls - Part 2-9: Particular requirements for temperature sensing control
EN 15502-2-1
Gas-fired central heating boilers, Part 2-1: Specific standard for type C appliances and type B2, B3 and B5 appliances of a nominal heat input not exceeding 1 000 kW
EN 15502-2-2
Gas-fired central heating boilers, Part 2-2: Specific standard for type B1 appliances
Content history
[Available Superseded]
DR AS/NZS 5263.1.2:2019

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