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AS/NZS 5149.3:2016


Refrigerating systems and heat pumps — Safety and environmental requirements, Part 3: Installation site (ISO 5149-3:2014, MOD)

This Standard specifies a simple means of referring to common refrigerants instead of using the chemical name, formula, or trade name. It also establishes a uniform system to be used in assigning the proper reference number and classification to refrigerants. The system for refrigerant classification is defined and physical data of common refrigerants listed.
Published: 19/10/2016
Pages: 17
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Location of refrigerating equipment
4.1 General
4.2 Refrigerating equipment located in the open air
4.3 Refrigerating equipment located in a machinery room
4.4 Refrigerating equipment located in the occupied space
4.5 Refrigerating equipment located in unoccupied areas not designated a machinery room
4.6 Refrigerating equipment located in a ventilated enclosure within an occupied space
4.7 Piping duct or shaft
5 Machinery rooms
5.1 Occupancy of machinery rooms and special machinery rooms
5.2 Venting from or through the machinery room
5.3 Combustion equipment and air compressors
5.4 Open flame
5.5 Storage
5.6 Remote emergency switch
5.7 Exterior openings of the machinery room
5.8 Piping and ducting
5.9 Normal lighting
5.10 Emergency lighting
5.11 Dimensions and accessibility
5.12 Doors, walls, and ducts
5.12.1 Doors and openings
5.12.2 Emergency
5.12.3 Walls, floor, and ceiling
5.12.4 Service ducts
5.12.5 Emergency ventilation ducts
5.13 Ventilation
5.13.1 General
5.13.2 Ventilation for normal operating conditions or when machinery room is occupied
5.13.3 Emergency mechanical ventilation
5.13.4 Required airflow for emergency mechanical ventilation
5.13.5 Mechanical ventilation openings
5.14 Machinery rooms for flammable refrigerants (groups A2L, A2, B2L, B2, B3, and A3)
5.14.1 General Location Emergency exhaust ventilation
5.14.2 Additional requirements for R-717 Drainage Specific equipment for emergency washing Fire sprinkler systems
5.14.3 Combustion equipment
5.14.4 Maximum surface temperature
6 Requirements for alternative provisions
6.1 General
6.2 Occupied space
6.3 Ventilation
6.3.1 General
6.3.2 Dilution transfer openings for natural convection
6.3.3 Mechanical ventilation Required airflow Mechanical ventilation openings Operation of mechanical ventilation
6.4 Safety shut-off valves
6.4.1 General
6.4.2 Location
6.4.3 Design
7 Electrical installations
7.1 General requirements
7.2 Main power supply
7.3 Electrical equipment in machinery rooms in which a refrigerating system contains class 2L flammability refrigerants
8 Safety alarms
8.1 General
8.2 Alarm system power
8.3 Alarm system warning
8.3.1 General
8.3.2 Alarm for machinery room
8.3.3 Alarm for occupancy
8.4 Additional alarm system requirements for R-717 systems with charges above 4 500 kg
9 Detectors
9.1 General
9.2 Location of detectors
9.3 Function of the detector
9.4 Type and performance of a detector
9.4.1 General
9.4.2 Refrigerant detectors for A2L, A2, B2L, B2 (except for R-717), A3, and B3 refrigerants
9.4.3 Refrigerant detectors for R-717
9.5 Installation
10 Instruction manuals, notices, and inspections
10.1 Instruction manual
10.2 Warning notice
10.3 Visual inspection of site
10.4 Maintenance of the site
11 Heat sources and temporary high temperatures located at the site
Appendix ZZ
ZZ1 Scope
ZZ2 Variations
Cited references in this standard
Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Safety and environmental requirements - Part 1: Definitions, classification and selection criteria
Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Safety and environmental requirements - Part 2: Design, construction, testing, marking and documentation
Safety of machinery - Emergency stop function - Principles for design
Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - Part 1: General requirements
Corrigendum 1 - Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 1: Fundamental principles, assessment of general characteristics, definitions
Content history
[Available Superseded]
DR AS/NZS 5149.3:2016

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