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AS/NZS 4456.12:2003


Masonry units and segmental pavers and flags - Methods of test, Method 12: Determining coefficients of contraction

This Standard sets out the methods for determining the coefficients of contraction of masonry units, pavers and flags.
Published: 25/09/2003
Pages: 7
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Referenced documents
3 Definitions
4 Notation
5 Apparatus
6 Coefficient of residual curing contraction
6.1 Principle
6.2 Preparation of test specimens
6.3 Procedure
6.4 Calculation of curing contraction
6.5 Recording
6.6 Report
7 Coefficient of drying contraction
7.1 Principle
7.2 Preparation of test specimens
7.3 Procedure
7.4 Calculations of drying contraction
7.5 Recording
7.6 Report
Amendment control sheet
AS/NZS 4456.12:2003
Amendment No. 1 (2004)
Cited references in this standard
Masonry units, segmental pavers and flags - Methods of test, Part 0: General introduction and list of methods
Masonry units, segmental pavers and flags — Methods of test, Method 2: Assessment of mean and standard deviation
Masonry units, segmental pavers and flags - Methods of test, Method 1: Sampling for test
Content history
AS/NZS 4456.12:2003 REC:2023

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