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AS/NZS 4456.10:2003


Masonry units, segmental pavers and flags - Methods of test, Method 10: Determining resistance to salt attack

This Standard sets out methods for testing masonry units, segmental pavers and flags, to determine their resistance to salt attack.
Published: 25/09/2003
Pages: 9
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Principle
3 Referenced documents
4 Definitions
5 Apparatus and reagent
5.1 General
5.2 Method A
5.3 Method B
6 Test sample
6.1 Selection
6.2 Preparation of test specimens
6.2.1 Method A—stone
6.2.2 Method B—materials other than dimension stone
6.3 Conditioning
7 Test solution
7.1 General
7.2 Preparation of sodium sulfate solution
7.2.1 Drying of salt
7.2.2 Sodium sulfate solution
7.3 Preparation of sodium chloride test solution
7.3.1 Drying of salt
7.3.2 Sodium chloride solution
8 Procedure
8.1 General
8.2 Method A
8.3 Method B
9 Recording
9.1 General
9.2 Method A
9.3 Method B
10 Report
10.1 General
10.2 Method A
10.3 Method B
Amendment control sheet
AS/NZS 4456.10:2003
Amendment No. 1 (2004)
Amendment No. 2 (2009)
Cited references in this standard
Masonry structures — Commentary (Supplement 1 to AS 3700:2018)
Masonry units and segmental pavers
Masonry units, segmental pavers and flags - Methods of test, Part 0: General introduction and list of methods
Masonry units, segmental pavers and flags - Methods of test, Method 1: Sampling for test
Masonry units, segmental pavers and flags - Methods of test, Method 14: Determining water absorption properties
Content history
DR 02581
AS/NZS 4456.10:2003 REC:2023

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