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AS/NZS 4266.1:2017
[Current]Reconstituted wood-based panels - Methods of testing, Part 1: Base panels
Covers methods of test for properties specified in the following Standards for reconstituted wood-based panels: AS/NZS 1859.1, AS/NZS 1859.2, AS/NZS 1859.4 and AS/NZS 1860.1.
Published: 13/12/2017
Pages: 57
Table of contents
Cited references
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Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Referenced documents
1.3 Test equipment
1.3.1 Thickness measurement
1.3.2 Length and width measurement
1.3.3 Drying oven
1.3.4 Balance
1.3.5 Deviation measurement
1.3.6 Thermometer
1.4 Definitions
1.5 Conditioning
1.6 Expression of results
1.7 Evaluation of results
1.7.1 General
1.7.2 Confirmation by mean value
1.7.3 Statistical analysis
1.8 Test method variations
1.9 Test report
2 Sampling and preparation of test pieces
2.1 Sampling
2.1.1 General
2.1.2 Initial type testing
2.1.3 Production control
2.1.4 Batch assessment
2.2 Test pieces
2.2.1 Cutting
2.2.2 Cutting plan
2.2.3 Marking
2.2.4 Asymmetric surfaces
2.3 Conditioning
2.4 Sampling report
3 Dimensions of test pieces
3.1 Principle
3.2 Test equipment
3.3 Procedure
3.3.1 Measuring points
3.3.2 Thickness measurement
3.3.3 Length and width measurement
4 Dimensions, squareness, flatness and edge straightness of panels
4.1 Principle
4.2 Test equipment
4.2.1 Measuring instruments
4.2.2 Steel measuring tape or mechanical square
4.2.3 String line
4.3 Procedure
4.3.1 Determination of thickness of panels
4.3.2 Determination of length and width of panels
4.3.3 Determination of squareness of panels
4.3.4 Determination of edge straightness of panels
4.3.5 Determination of flatness of panels
4.4 Expression of results
4.4.1 Thickness
4.4.2 Length and width
4.4.3 Squareness of panels
4.4.4 Straightness of panel edges
4.4.5 Flatness
5 Moisture content
5.1 Principle
5.2 Test equipment
5.3 Test pieces
5.4 Procedure
5.4.1 Weighing before drying
5.4.2 Drying
5.4.3 Weighing after drying
5.5 Expression of results
6 Density
6.1 Principle
6.2 Test equipment
6.3 Test pieces
6.4 Procedure
6.5 Expression of results
7 Modulus of elasticity in bending and bending strength
7.1 Principle
7.2 Test equipment
7.2.1 Measuring instruments
7.2.2 Testing machine
7.3 Test pieces
7.4 Procedure
7.5 Expression of results
7.5.1 Modulus of elasticity
7.5.2 Bending strength (modulus of rupture)
8 Tensile strength perpendicular to the plane of the panel (internal bond strength)
8.1 Principle
8.2 Test equipment
8.2.1 Dimensions
8.2.2 Testing machine
8.2.3 Loading blocks
8.3 Test pieces
8.3.1 Sampling and cutting
8.3.2 Dimensions
8.3.3 Bonding of test pieces to the loading blocks
8.4 Procedure
8.4.1 Application of load
8.4.2 Measurement of failing load
8.5 Expression of results
9 Surface soundness
9.1 Principle
9.2 Test equipment
9.3 Test pieces
9.3.1 Sampling and cutting
9.3.2 Preparing the groove in the test piece
9.4 Procedure
9.4.1 Bonding the steel plate to the surface
9.4.2 Determination of force at fracture
9.5 Expression of results
10 Thickness swelling
10.1 Principle
10.2 Test equipment
10.2.1 Dimensions
10.2.2 Water bath
10.3 Test pieces
10.3.1 Sampling
10.3.2 Dimensions
10.4 Procedure
10.4.1 Thickness measurement
10.4.2 Immersion
10.4.3 Final thickness measurement
10.5 Expression of results
11 Wet bending strength
11.1 Principle
11.2 Test equipment
11.2.1 Hot or boiling water tank
11.2.2 Racks to hold test pieces
11.2.3 Cooling water bath
11.2.4 Test machine
11.2.5 Measuring equipment
11.3 Test pieces
11.3.1 Sampling and cutting
11.3.2 Dimensions
11.4 Procedure
11.4.1 Dimensions
11.4.2 Immersion Method A—Immersion in water at 70°C for 2 h Method B—Immersion in boiling water for 2 h Method C—Immersion in boiling water for 72 h
11.4.3 Cooling
11.4.4 Bending strength test
11.5 Expression of results
12 Thickness stability and glue bond quality
12.1 Principle
12.2 Test equipment
12.2.1 Measuring equipment
12.2.2 Testing machine
12.2.3 Vacuum-pressure chamber
12.3 Test pieces
12.3.1 Sampling and cutting
12.3.2 Dimensions
12.4 Procedure
12.4.1 Initial measurement
12.4.2 Pressure soaking of test pieces
12.4.3 Thickness stability measurement
12.4.4 Bending strength test
12.5 Expression of results
12.5.1 Glue bond quality
12.5.2 Thickness stability
13 Surface water absorption
13.1 Principle
13.2 Test equipment
13.3 Test pieces
13.3.1 Sampling and cutting
13.3.2 Dimensions
13.4 Procedure
13.5 Expression of results
14 Moisture resistance under cyclic test conditions
14.1 Principle
14.2 Procedure
15 Resistance to the axial withdrawal of screws
15.1 Principle
15.2 Procedure
16 Dimensional stability
16.1 Principle
16.2 Procedure
17 Formaldehyde emission—Desiccator method
17.1 Principle
17.2 Test equipment
17.2.1 Desiccator
17.2.2 Glass crystallizing dish
17.2.3 Wire grid
17.2.4 Sample holder
17.2.5 Temperature measuring device
17.2.6 Spectrophotometer
17.2.7 Water bath
17.2.8 Volumetric flasks
17.2.9 Bulb pipettes
17.2.10 Micro-burette
17.2.11 Flasks
17.2.12 Balance
17.3 Reagents
17.3.1 General
17.3.2 Acetylacetone—Ammonium acetate solution
17.4 Test pieces
17.4.1 Sampling
17.4.2 Number of emission tests
17.4.3 Testing of secondary processed panels
17.4.4 Conditioning
17.5 Procedure
17.5.1 Desiccator preparation
17.5.2 Test conditions
17.5.3 Positioning of the test pieces
17.5.4 Monitoring of test conditions Temperature Background formaldehyde
17.5.5 Test duration
17.5.6 Sample collection
17.6 Determination of formaldehyde
17.6.1 Principle
17.6.2 Procedure
17.6.3 Calibration curve General Formaldehyde standard solution Reagents Procedure Calculation Formaldehyde calibration solution Determination of the calibration curve
17.6.4 Calculation of the concentration of formaldehyde in the glass crystallizing dish in the desiccator
17.6.5 Alternate small scale quality control test methods
17.7 Expression of results
18 Surface absorption
18.1 Principle
18.2 Test equipment
18.2.1 Support
18.2.2 Graduated pipette
18.2.3 Solvent
18.2.4 Measuring tape
18.3 Test pieces
18.4 Procedure
18.4.1 Positioning
18.4.2 Discharge of the solvent
18.4.3 Measurement
18.5 Expression of results
Appendix A
A.1 General
A.2 Notation symbols
A.3 Calculations
A.3.1 Mean value of each individual panel (panel mean)
A.3.2 Grand mean (mean of panel means)
A.3.3 Standard deviation of panel mean
A.3.4 Calculation of rolling standard deviation
A.3.5 5-percentile and 95-percentile comparison values of normally distribution panel property
Appendix B
Appendix C
C.1 General
C.2 Notation definitions
C.3 Evaluation of alternative test methods: comparing two measurement methods to establish if they are equivalent
C.4 Evaluation of alternative test methods: comparing two measurement methods to establish if there is a valid correlation
C.4.1 General
C.4.2 Evaluation of the correlation
C.4.3 Establishing the 95th percentile specification value for an alternative method
Amendment control sheet
AS/NZS 4266.1:2017
Amendment No. 1 (October 2021)
Revised text amendment
Cited references in this standard
Reconstituted wood-based panels — Specifications, Part 2: Dry process fibreboard
Reconstituted wood-based panels - Specifications, Part 1: Particleboard
Reconstituted wood-based panels — Specifications, Part 4: Wet process fibreboard
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