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AS/NZS 4256.3:1994

[Available Superseded]

Plastic roof and wall cladding materials, Part 3: Glass fibre reinforced polyester (GRP)

Specifies requirements for general purpose translucent and opaque glass fibre reinforced polyester sheets of flat, corrugated and other geometrical configurations intended for roof and wall cladding materials.
Published: 05/12/1994
Pages: 7
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Application
3 Referenced documents
4 Definitions
5 Classification
5.1 Class
5.2 Type
5.3 Grade
6 Materials
6.1 Matrix binder
6.1.1 General-purpose grade (GP)
6.1.2 Fire-retardant grade (FR)
6.1.3 Chemical-resistant grade (CR)
6.2 Reinforcement
7 Workmanship
8 Dimensional requirements
8.1 Tolerances on nominated length, width and cover width
8.2 Nominal thickness
8.3 Squareness
8.4 Profile
9 Mass per unit area
10 Durability
11 Test requirements
11.1 Glass fibre content
11.2 Light transmission (applicable only to translucent sheets)
11.3 Impact resistance
11.4 Tensile strength
11.5 Determination of free volatiles
11.6 Colourfastness and impact resistance following ultraviolet light exposure
12 Marking
Appendix A
A.1 Scope
A.2 Statistical sampling
A.3 Product certification
A.4 Supplier’s quality system
A.5 Other means of assessment
Cited references in this standard
Determination of tensile properties of plastics materials
Sampling procedures and tables for inspection by attributes
Guide to AS 1199 - Sampling procedures and tables for inspection by attributes
Outdoor weathering of plastics in the Australian environment, Part 1: Commercial products
Plastics building sheets — General installation requirements and design of roofing systems
Content history

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