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AS/NZS 4024.1901:2014


Safety of machinery, Part 1901: Displays, controls, actuators and signals — Ergonomic requirements for the design of displays and control actuators — General principles for human interactions with displays and control actuators

Adopts EN894-1:1997, which applies to the design of displays and control actuators on machinery. It specifies general principles for human interaction with displays and control actuators, to minimize operator errors and to ensure an efficient interaction between the operator and the equipment.
Published: 30/06/2014
Pages: 16
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Definitions
4 Design principles for operator-task relationships
4.1 Suitability for the task
4.1.1 Principle of function allocation
4.1.2 Principle of complexity
4.1.3 Principle of grouping
4.1.4 Principle of identification
4.1.5 Principle of operational relationship
4.2 Self-descriptiveness
4.2.1 Principle of information availability
4.3 Controllability
4.3.1 Principle of redundancy
4.3.2 Principle of accessibility
4.3.3 Principle of movement space
4.4 Conformity with user expectations
4.4.1 Principle of compatibility with learning
4.4.2 Principle of compatibility with practice
4.4.3 Principle of consistency
4.5 Error tolerance
4.5.1 Principle of error correction
4.5.2 Principle of error handling time
4.6 Suitability for individualisation and learning
4.6.1 Principle of flexibility
Annex A
A.0 Introduction
A.1 Overview
A.2 Attention
A.2.1 Deliberate and forced attention
A.2.2 Simultaneous attention toward several sources
A.3 The perceptual system
A.3.1 Decay times
A.3.2 Attention and expectancy
A.3.3 Perceptual organisation
A.4 The cognitive system
A.4.1 Short term memory
A.4.2 Long term memory
A.4.2.1 Declarative memory
A.4.2.2 Procedural memory
A.4.2.3 Expectations
A.4.2.4 Learning skills
A.4.2.5 Problem solving
A.5 Reaction times of the motor system
A.6 Performance shaping factors
A.6.1 Increased stress
A.6.2 States of reduced activation
A.7 Suitability of humans and machines for different tasks
Annex ZA
Annex ZB
Cited references in this standard
EN 292-1
Safety of machinery - Basic concepts, general principles for design - Part 1: Basic terminology, methodology.
EN 292-2
Safety of machinery - Basic concepts, general principles for design - Part 2: Technical principles and specifications.
EN 418
Safety of machinery - Emergency stop equipment, functional aspects - Principles for design.
EN 614-1
Safety of machinery - Ergonomics design principles - Part 1: Terminology and general principles.
prEN 894-2
Safety of machinery - Ergonomics requirements for the design of displays and control actuators - Part 2: Displays.
Content history
EN 894-1:1997+A1:2008
DR AS/NZS 4024.1901
EN 894-1:1997

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