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AS/NZS 4024.1503:2014
[Pending Revision]Safety of machinery, Part 1503: Safety-related parts of control systems - General principles for design
Adopts ISO13849-1:2006, which specifies the characteristics of safety-related parts of control systems (SRP/CS). The characteristics include the performance level required for carrying out safety functions.
Published: 30/06/2014
Pages: 85
Table of contents
Cited references
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Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms
3.1 Terms and definitions
3.2 Symbols and abbreviated terms
4 Design considerations
4.1 Safety objectives in design
4.2 Strategy for risk reduction
4.2.1 General
4.2.2 Contribution to the risk reduction by the control system
4.3 Determination of required performance level (PLr)
4.4 Design of SRP/CS
4.5 Evaluation of the achieved performance level PL and relationship with SIL
4.5.1 Performance level PL
4.5.2 Mean time to dangerous failure of each channel (MTTFd)
4.5.3 Diagnostic coverage (DC)
4.5.4 Simplified procedure for estimating PL
4.6 Software safety requirements
4.6.1 General
4.6.2 Safety-related embedded software (SRESW)
4.6.3 Safety-related application software (SRASW)
4.6.4 Software-based parameterization
4.7 Verification that achieved PL meets PLr
4.8 Ergonomic aspects of design
5 Safety functions
5.1 Specification of safety functions
5.2 Details of safety functions
5.2.1 Safety-related stop function
5.2.2 Manual reset function
5.2.3 Start/restart function
5.2.4 Local control function
5.2.5 Muting function
5.2.6 Response time
5.2.7 Safety–related parameters
5.2.8 Fluctuations, loss and restoration of power sources
6 Categories and their relation to MTTFd of each channel, DCavg and CCF
6.1 General
6.2 Specifications of categories
6.2.1 General
6.2.2 Designated architectures
6.2.3 Category B
6.2.4 Category 1
6.2.5 Category 2
6.2.6 Category 3
6.2.7 Category 4
6.3 Combination of SRP/CS to achieve overall PL
7 Fault consideration, fault exclusion
7.1 General
7.2 Fault consideration
7.3 Fault exclusion
8 Validation
9 Maintenance
10 Technical documentation
11 Information for use
Annex A
A.1 Selection of PLr
A.2 Guidance for selecting parameters S, F and P for the risk estimation
A.2.1 Severity of injury S1 and S2
A.2.2 Frequency and/or exposure times to hazard, F2 and F2
A.2.3 Possibility of avoiding the hazard P1 and P2
Annex B
B.1 Block method
B.2 Safety-related block diagram
Annex C
C.1 General
C.2 Good engineering practices method
C.3 Hydraulic components
C.4 MTTFd of pneumatic, mechanical and electromechanical components
C.4.1 General
C.4.2 Calculation of MTTFd for components from B10d
C.4.3 Example
C.5 MTTFd data of electrical components
C.5.1 General
C.5.2 Semiconductors
C.6 Passive components
Annex D
D.1 Parts count method
D.2 MTTFd for different channels, symmetrization of MTTFd for each channel
Annex E
E.1 Examples of diagnostic coverage (DC)
E.2 Estimation of average DC (DCavg)
Annex F
F.1 Requirements for CCF
F.2 Estimation of effect of CCF
Annex G
G.1 General
G.2 Measures for the control of systematic failures
G.3 Measures for avoidance of systematic failures
G.4 Measures for avoidance of systematic failures during SRP/CS integration
Annex H
Annex I
I.1 General
I.2 Safety function and required performance level (PLr)
I.3 Example A, single-channel system
I.3.1 Identification of safety-related parts
I.3.2 Quantification of MTTFd for each channel, DCavg, common cause failure, category, PL
I.4 Example B, redundant system
I.4.1 Identification of safety-related parts
I.4.2 Quantification of MTTFd for each channel, DCavg, common cause failure, category and PL
Annex J
J.1 Description of example
J.2 Application of V-model of software safety lifecycle
J.3 Verification of software specification
J.4 Example of programming rules
Annex K
Technical Corrigendum 1
Cited references in this standard
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