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AS/NZS 4024.1401:2014
[Current]Safety of machinery, Part 1401: Ergonomic principles — Design principles — Terminology and general principles
Adopts EN614-1:2006, which establishes the ergonomics principles to be followed during the process of design of work equipment and, in particular, machinery, to ensure safety of machinery.
Published: 30/06/2014
Pages: 21
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 General principles
4.1 General
4.2 Accessible design for people with special requirements
4.3 Taking account of people's body dimensions, postures, body movements, and physical strength
4.3.1 General
4.3.2 Body dimensions
4.3.3 Postures
4.3.4 Body movements
4.3.5 Physical strength
4.4 Taking account of people's mental abilities
4.4.1 General
4.4.2 Requirements for interaction between operator and machinery
4.4.3 Signals and controls
4.5 Taking account of the influence of the physical work environment on people
4.5.1 General
4.5.2 Noise and vibration
4.5.3 Thermal emissions
4.5.4 Illumination
5 Incorporating ergonomic principles into the design process of machinery
5.1 General
5.2 Ergonomics tasks to be performed during the design process of machinery
5.2.1 General framework
5.2.2 Establish ergonomic criteria for the design of machinery
5.2.3 Prepare the outline of the work tasks and the interface of the machinery
5.2.4 Specify the work tasks and the interface of the machinery
5.2.5 Evaluation of the usage of the machinery
Annex A
A.1 Introduction
A.2 Definition and use of the 3-zone rating system
Annex ZA
Annex ZB
Cited references in this standard
EN ISO 14121-1
Safety of machinery – Risk assessment – Part 1:Principles (ISO 14121-1:2007)
EN ISO 12100-2:2003
Safety of machinery — Basic concepts, general principles for design — Part 2: Technical principles (ISO 12100-2:2003)
EN ISO 12100-1
Safety of machinery — Basic concepts, general principles for design — Part 1: Basic terminology, methodology (ISO 12100-1:2003)
EN 894-3
Safety of machinery — Ergonomics requirements for the design of displays and control actuators — Part 3: Control actuators
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