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AS/NZS 4012:2014
[Pending Revision]Domestic solid fuel burning appliances - Method for determination of power output and efficiency
Sets out sufficiently comprehensive specifications and instructions to enable all interested organizations with appropriate test facilities to determine the power output and efficiency of solid fuel burning appliances.
Published: 08/08/2014
Pages: 27
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Application
1.2.1 General
1.2.2 Included appliances
1.2.3 Excluded appliances
1.3 Referenced documents
1.4 Definitions
1.5 Principle
2 Apparatus
2.1 Ambient temperature measurement system
2.2 Appliance temperature measurement system
2.3 Weight determination equipment
2.4 Mass flow measurement system
2.5 Ambient air pressure measurement system
2.6 Anemometer
3 Test enclosure and flue
3.1 General
3.2 Room insulation
3.3 Length of flue
3.4 Exposed flue within calorimeter room
3.4.1 Freestanding appliances
3.4.2 Fireplace-insert appliances
3.4.3 Built-in appliances
3.5 Air temperatures
3.6 Air pressure
3.7 Wall temperatures
3.8 Air flow
3.9 Calibration
3.9.1 General
3.9.2 Calorimeter room
3.9.3 Barometer
3.9.4 Anemometer
3.9.5 Weighing instruments
4 Measurement accuracy
4.1 Temperature and mass flow
4.2 Calorimeter room scales
4.3 Uncertainty of measurement of efficiency
5 Test fuel
5.1 General
5.2 Fuel chamber usable volume
5.3 Test fuel load
5.3.1 General
5.3.2 Firewood test fuel load mass
5.3.3 Coal test fuel load mass
5.3.4 Combination firewood and coal fuels
5.4 Firewood piece dimensions
5.4.1 General
5.4.2 Length range
5.4.3 Cross-section
5.4.4 Calculation of number of fuel pieces in a test fuel load
5.4.5 Firewood piece length
5.5 Test fuel requirements for Australia
6 Test procedure
6.1 Preparation before testing
6.1.1 Appliance air flow test
6.1.2 Conditioning burn
6.1.3 Post-conditioning adjustment
6.1.4 Ash
6.1.5 Fire lighting
6.1.6 Pretest burn cycle
6.2 Fuel loading
6.2.1 General
6.2.2 Firewood loading geometry
6.2.3 Coal fuel-loading geometry
6.2.4 Mixed firewood and coal fuel-loading geometry
6.3 Burn rates
6.4 Burn cycle
6.5 Number of burn cycles
6.6 Data-recording interval
6.7 Operation of the appliance
6.7.1 Baffle bypass damper
6.7.2 Burn-rate control
6.7.3 Fans
6.7.4 Other controls
6.7.5 Automatic controls
6.8 Appliances with a water-heating facility
6.9 Ducted appliances
6.10 Post-burn appliance air-flow test
7 Calculation and reporting of results
7.1 Calculations
7.1.1 Average power
7.1.2 Heat output
7.1.3 Energy input
7.1.4 Efficiency
7.1.5 Fuel consumption rate
7.2 Report
8 Marking
8.1 General
8.2 Compulsory permanent marking
8.3 Fuel types
8.4 Additional marking
8.5 Retesting exemption
9 Minimum allowable heating efficiency level
9.1 General
9.1.1 For Australia
9.1.2 For New Zealand
9.2 Valid tests
Appendix A
A1 Scope
A2 Worked example—firewood determination
Appendix B
B1 Scope
B2 Requirements
B3 Equipment and facilites
B3.1 Water temperature measurement system
B3.2 Water flow measurement system
B3.3 Water supply
B4 Installation
B5 Procedure
B6 Calculation
B7 Reporting
Amendment control sheet
AS/NZS 4012:2014
Amendment No. 1 (2015)
Cited references in this standard
[Pending Revision]
Domestic solid fuel burning appliances - Method for determination of flue gas emission
AS/NZS 4014
Domestic solid fuel burning appliances—Test fuels (series)
Uncertainty of measurement - Part 3: Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM:1995) - SUPPLEMENT 2: Extension to any number of output quantities
Content history
[Available Superseded]
DR AS/NZS 4012
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