
AS/NZS 3785.6:2015


Underground mining - Shaft equipment, Part 6: Fixed guides, rope guides and rubbing ropes for conveyances

Specifies requirements for fixed guides, rope guides and rubbing ropes for conveyances used in vertical mine shafts.
Published: 15/04/2015
Pages: 34
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Referenced documents
3 Definitions
4 Materials
4.1 General
4.2 Fixed steel guides
4.3 Fixed timber guides
4.4 Wire guide ropes and rubbing ropes
4.5 Rope suspension glands
5 Design—Fixed guides
5.1 Design philosophy
5.2 Shaft condition classification for fixed guides
5.3 Shaft zone classification
5.4 Actions and effects
5.4.1 General
5.4.2 Fixed guides in vertical shafts in shaft zone A Lateral imposed loads (H) and maximum guide bending moment (Mg) Vertical loads (Fv)
5.4.3 Fixed guides in vertical shafts in shaft zone B Lateral imposed loads (H) and maximum guide bending moment (Mg) Vertical loads (Fv)
5.4.4 Fixed guides in vertical shafts in shaft zones C and D Lateral imposed loads (H) and maximum guide bending moment (Mg) Vertical loads (Fv)
5.4.5 Fixed guides in conveyance loading zones
5.4.6 Assessment of other loads and actions
5.5 Operating conditions—Load factors and load combinations
5.5.1 Partial load factors and load combination factors
5.5.2 Load combinations
5.5.3 Fatigue design loads
5.6 Emergency conditions—Load combinations
5.7 Special design requirements for shaft guidance structures for different shaft zones
5.8 Additional limit states
5.8.1 Strength and serviceability
5.8.2 Lateral displacement of conveyance
5.8.3 Fatigue
5.8.4 Rebound velocity ratio
5.8.5 Amplification of loads and load effects
5.9 Allowances, tolerances, adjustments
5.9.1 Corrosion/wear allowance
5.9.2 Shaft clearances
5.9.3 Guide alignment
5.9.4 Adjustment
5.9.5 Shrinkage—Timber guides
5.9.6 Thermal expansion—Steel guides
5.9.7 Splices
5.9.8 Hydrostatic pressure
5.9.9 Guide stiffness
6 Design—Rope guides and rubbing ropes
6.1 General
6.2 Design requirements
6.2.1 Static clearances
6.2.2 Dynamic clearances during hoisting
6.2.3 Calculation of dynamic clearances
6.2.4 Rope static design factor
6.2.5 Rope attachments and suspension components
6.2.6 Tensioning
6.2.7 Tension monitoring and adjustment
6.2.8 Suspension method
6.2.9 Spillage protection
6.3 Rope selection
7 Manufacture
7.1 Steel guides
7.1.1 Manufacture and inspection
7.1.2 Tolerances
7.2 Timber guides
7.2.1 Manufacture
7.2.2 Tolerances
7.3 Guide ropes and rubbing ropes
8 Inspection and maintenance
8.1 General
8.2 Fixed guides
8.3 Guide ropes and rubbing ropes
8.3.1 General
8.3.2 Visual inspection
8.3.3 Non-destructive testing
8.3.4 Tensioning
8.3.5 Spillage protection
Appendix A
Appendix B
B1 General
B2 Forces affecting conveyance trajectory
B2.1 Aerodynamic forces
B2.2 Head/tail rope torque
B2.3 Coriolis forces
B2.3.1 General
B2.3.2 Due to the conveyance itself
B2.3.3 Due to the tail ropes
B2.3.4 Due to the head ropes
B3 Restorative forces
B3.1 Restoring action of guide ropes
B3.2 Restoring action of head ropes
B3.3 Restoring action of tail ropes
B4 Location and number of guide ropes
B5 Bibliography
Appendix C
Cited references in this standard
BS 7608
Guide to fatigue design and assessment of steel products
SANS 10208-3
Design of Structures for the Mining Industry, Part 3: Conveyances
Non-destructive examination and discard criteria for wire ropes in mine winding systems
Structural design actions, Part 1: Permanent, imposed and other actions
Steel structures
Content history
DR AS/NZS 3785.6:2014

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