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AS/NZS 3500.2:2021


Plumbing and drainage, Part 2: Sanitary plumbing and drainage

Specifies requirements for the design and installation of sanitary plumbing and drainage from fixtures to a sewer, common effluent system or an on-site wastewater management system, as appropriate. It applies to new installations as well as alterations, additions or repairs to existing installations. KEYWORDS: Plumbing; Drainage; Sanitary
Published: 28/05/2021
Pages: 218
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Application
1.2.1 Australia
1.2.2 New Zealand
1.3 Normative references
1.4 Terms and definitions
1.5 Plastics abbreviations
1.6 Measurement of pipe length
1.7 Pipe grades
1.8 Equivalent pipe sizes
2 Materials and products
2.1 Scope of section
2.2 General
2.3 Pipes and fittings — General limitations
2.4 Metallic pipes and fittings
2.4.1 Sanitary plumbing and drainage systems
2.4.2 Limitations
2.4.3 Fabricated metallic pipes and fittings
2.5 Plastics pipes and fittings
2.5.1 Sanitary plumbing and drainage systems
2.5.2 Limitations
2.6 Pipes and fittings — Other materials
2.6.1 Sanitary plumbing and drainage systems
2.6.2 Limitations
2.6.3 Pipes and fittings for pressure applications
2.7 Sheet materials
2.7.1 Copper
2.7.2 Stainless steel
2.8 Joints
2.8.1 Flanged joints
2.8.2 Elastomeric seals
2.8.3 Silver brazing alloy Copper and copper alloys Stainless steels
2.8.4 Filler rods for stainless steel joints
2.8.5 Solvent cement and priming fluid
2.9 Miscellaneous
2.9.1 Concrete mix
2.9.2 Cement mortar
2.9.3 Water for concrete and mortar
2.9.4 Timber Timber in Australia Timber in New Zealand
2.9.5 Epoxy resins
2.9.6 Pipe bedding
2.9.7 Backfill
2.9.8 External protective coatings
2.9.9 Fibreglass-reinforced plastics tanks
3 Drainage design
3.1 Scope of section
3.2 Location of drains
3.3 Size and length of drains
3.3.1 Fixture unit loading
3.3.2 Main drain
3.3.3 Branch drains
3.3.4 Limitations on vented DN 80 branch drains
3.3.5 Use of eccentric taper fitting
3.3.6 Size change
3.3.7 Downstream of boundary trap
3.3.8 Oversizing of drains
3.3.9 Maximum length of fixture discharge pipes
3.4 Grades of drains
3.4.1 Minimum grade
3.4.2 Reduced grades
3.4.3 Steep grades
3.4.4 Anchor blocks
3.5 Laying of drains
3.5.1 General
3.5.2 Easements and watercourses
3.6 Proximity to other services
3.6.1 General
3.6.2 Above-ground services
3.6.3 Separation from underground electrical supply cables or consumer gas pipes
3.6.4 Separation from underground electrical earthing electrode
3.6.5 Separation from underground communication cable
3.6.6 Separation from other underground services
3.6.7 Crossover of underground services
3.6.8 Clearance from underground obstructions
3.7 Depth of cover for buried pipes
3.7.1 General
3.7.2 Depth of cover
3.7.3 Drains installed with less than minimum cover
3.7.4 Drains under buildings
3.8 Building over drains
3.8.1 Alterations and additions to buildings
3.8.2 Installation near and under buildings
3.8.3 Fixture connections to vitrified clay drains under buildings
3.9 Venting of drains
3.9.1 General
3.9.2 Location Upstream vent Downstream vent Low level vent (ground vent)
3.9.3 Size of drainage vents Minimum size Rating of vents Connection of vent to drain Water closet pans in toilet blocks
3.10 Unvented branch drains
3.10.1 General
3.10.2 Sizing
3.10.3 Maximum length
3.10.4 Vertical sections
3.10.5 Connection of fixture discharge pipes
3.11 Unvented drains discharging to gullies
3.11.1 General
3.11.2 Length of unvented section
3.12 Inlet pipe to disconnector gully
3.13 Restriction on connections in proximity to a stack
3.14 Connection of basement fixtures
3.15 Connections in flood-prone areas
3.15.1 Inlet above flood level
3.15.2 Inlet below flood level
3.16 Re-use of existing sanitary drains
3.16.1 Re-use where buildings are demolished or removed
3.16.2 Re-use in existing buildings
3.16.3 Renovation techniques Cured in place pipe Other renovation techniques
3.17 Dump points
3.17.1 Soil waste dump points
3.17.2 Connection points for short-term sites
3.18 Drains connected to network utility operator vacuum sewerage systems
3.19 Common effluent drainage system
3.19.1 General
3.19.2 Drainage connections
3.19.3 Septic tanks
3.19.4 Sullage tanks
3.20 On-site wastewater treatment units
4 Drainage system
4.1 Scope of section
4.2 Point of connection
4.2.1 General
4.2.2 Tidal or water-charged locations
4.3 Drains
4.3.1 Below ground
4.3.2 Above ground under buildings
4.3.3 Changes of direction
4.3.4 Maximum length of fixture discharge pipes
4.4 Inspection shafts and boundary traps
4.4.1 General
4.4.2 Inspection shafts and boundary trap risers Installation Location Alternative locations
4.4.3 Installation of inspection shafts General Size
4.4.4 Installation of boundary traps Outside buildings Inside buildings Size
4.5 Reflux valves
4.5.1 Location
4.5.2 Installation
4.5.3 Surcharging sewer
4.5.4 Reflux valve chambers
4.6 Gullies
4.6.1 General
4.6.2 Installation
4.6.3 Maintenance of water seal
4.6.4 Soil fixtures
4.6.5 Disconnector gullies inside buildings
4.6.6 Overflow relief gullies General Omission of overflow relief gully Size Location Alternative locations Height of overflow point below lowest fixture Height above surrounding ground Height in flood-affected areas
4.6.7 Floor waste gullies General Discharge to floor waste gullies Connection of fixtures Waste pipes discharging to floor waste gullies Refrigerated coolrooms and air-conditioning return air plenums Removable grate Height of gully riser Discharges from tundishes Size of gully trap outlet Connection of waste pipes Size of waste pipes from fixtures
4.6.8 Charging floor waste gullies General Installation of charge pipes
4.7 Inspection openings
4.7.1 Location
4.7.2 Size
4.7.3 Types
4.7.4 Access to inspection openings
4.7.5 Sealing
4.8 Inspection chambers
4.8.1 General
4.8.2 Size
4.8.3 Construction Conduits and channels Jump-ups Ladders Cement rendering Top section Access opening Construction joints Inserts
4.8.4 Differential settlement
4.9 Junctions in drains
4.9.1 Drains installed at grade General New installations Other installations
4.9.2 Junctions installed in vertical plane
4.9.3 Square junctions
4.9.4 Junctions for stacks connected to below-ground drainage
4.10 Jump-ups
4.11 Disconnection and sealing
4.11.1 Disconnection from the sewer
4.11.2 Sealing
5 Excavation bedding support and backfilling
5.1 Scope of section
5.2 Excavation of trenches
5.2.1 Trench dimensions
5.2.2 Over-excavation
5.2.3 Water-charged ground
5.3 Concrete support for drains
5.4 Bedding of drains
5.4.1 General
5.4.2 Bedding materials
5.4.3 Pipe side support and overlay materials
5.4.4 Bedding and backfill
5.4.5 Minimum cover
5.5 Installation of backfill materials
5.5.1 General
5.5.2 Excavated material
5.6 Drains in other than stable ground
6 General design requirements for sanitary plumbing systems
6.1 Scope of section
6.2 Renovation
6.3 Fixture unit ratings
6.4 Venting for fixtures discharge pipes
6.5 Trapping of fixtures and appliances
6.5.1 General
6.5.2 Water seal
6.5.3 Location of traps and self-sealing devices
6.5.4 Multiple outlets General Distance between outlets
6.6 Graded discharge pipes
6.6.1 Minimum grades
6.6.2 Connection methods General Opposed discharges Junctions in graded pipes Junctions installed at grade General New installations Other installations Junctions installed in a vertical plane Junctions for stacks connected to a graded pipe
6.7 Junctions in stacks
6.7.1 Types
6.7.2 Restrictions for square and ball junctions
6.7.3 Opposed connections At the same level At different levels
6.8 Connections near base of stacks
6.8.1 Connections to drains or graded pipes
6.8.2 Connections above base of stack
6.8.3 Connection of stacks to graded pipes or drains above ground
6.8.4 Bends at the base of stacks
6.9 Vents
6.9.1 General
6.9.2 Minimum grade
6.9.3 Interconnections
6.9.4 Termination
6.9.5 Connection to graded pipes
6.10 Air admittance valves
6.10.1 General
6.10.2 Requirements for use
6.10.3 Location
6.10.4 Installation
6.11 Pressure attenuators
6.11.1 General
6.11.2 Installation of pressure attenuators
6.11.3 Location of pressure attenuators
7 Greywater plumbing and drainage systems
7.1 Scope of section
7.2 General
7.3 Material and products
7.4 Installation requirements
8 Fully vented systems and fully vented modified systems — Design and installation
8.1 Scope of section
8.2 System types
8.2.1 General
8.2.2 Fully vented system
8.2.3 Fully vented modified system
8.3 Size of discharge pipes
8.3.1 General
8.3.2 Fixture unit loading
8.3.3 Minimum size
8.3.4 Limitation on DN 80 pipes
8.3.5 Oversizing
8.4 Size of stacks
8.5 Venting
8.5.1 Trap vents Connection for fixtures Topmost fixture connected to the stack Size Installation Common vent for fixtures
8.5.2 Branch vents Size Arrangement Size changes
8.5.3 Relief vents General At offsets in stacks Connection Upper termination Size
8.5.4 Stack vents Extension Developed length
8.5.5 Cross-relief vents
8.5.6 Header vents General Sizing
8.5.7 Group and common vents General Arrangement Sizing Termination Group-vented branches Size Arrangement Connection of common discharge pipe Connection of basins and bidets Connection of all other fixtures
8.6 Offsets in stacks
8.6.1 Steep offsets General Sizing of stack Venting
8.6.2 Graded offsets General Minimum grade Restricted connection zones above the graded offset Restricted connection zone below the graded offset Restricted connection zone within the graded offset Sizing of stack Venting
9 Single stack systems and single stack modified systems — Design and installation
9.1 Scope of section
9.2 System design
9.2.1 General
9.2.2 Single stack system
9.2.3 Single stack modified system
9.2.4 Design requirements
9.2.5 Number of floor levels
9.3 Rating of fixtures
9.4 Fixtures to be connected
9.4.1 Domestic or residential buildings
9.4.2 Commercial or industrial buildings
9.5 Connection of fixtures without trap vents
9.5.1 Separate fixture discharge pipes
9.5.2 Acceptable variations
9.5.3 Opposed junctions
9.5.4 Bends in fixture discharge pipes
9.5.5 Vertical dropper on fixture discharge pipes
9.5.6 Connection from waste fixtures to stack
9.5.7 Connection from waste fixtures to stack below restricted zone
9.5.8 Floor waste gullies
9.5.9 Traps
9.5.10 Connection of ranges of fixtures
9.5.11 Ranges of basins General Fixture discharge pipe Common discharge pipe Spacing of traps
9.5.12 Range of water closet pans General Fixture discharge pipe Common discharge pipes Spacing of traps
9.5.13 Range of wall-hung urinals General Fixture discharge pipe Common discharge pipe Spacing of traps
9.6 Venting of stacks
9.6.1 General
9.6.2 Cross-vents (single stack modified system) General Installation
9.6.3 Relief vents (single stack modified system)
9.7 Sizing of stacks
9.7.1 Single stack systems
9.7.2 Single stack modified systems
9.8 Variations to single stack systems
9.8.1 General
9.8.2 DN 80 stack
9.8.3 DN 80 stack with the top section graded and installed in a domestic or residential building
9.8.4 DN 100 stack up to three floors with the top section graded and installed in a domestic or residential building receiving 30 fixture units
9.8.5 DN 100 stack of one floor with top section graded
9.8.6 Connection of multiple fixtures into or below a graded offset (DN 100 stacks)
9.8.7 Waste stack up to DN 100 with either graded or steep offset between the highest and lowest connections Graded offsets Steep offsets
9.8.8 DN 65 waste stack
9.8.9 DN 50 vertical section of stack
9.8.10 Connection at the change of direction in stack with top section graded
9.9 Offsets in single stack systems only
9.9.1 General
9.9.2 Steep offsets
9.9.3 Connection of laundry troughs to DN 100 stacks
9.9.4 Steep offsets below the lowest connection
9.9.5 Graded offsets
9.9.6 Connections above the offset
10 General installation of pipework
10.1 Scope of section
10.2 Support and fixing of pipework
10.2.1 Brackets, clips and hangers
10.2.2 Limitation of pipe supports
10.2.3 Holes in framework
10.3 Location
10.4 Concealment of pipes and fittings
10.4.1 General
10.4.2 Extension of inspection openings
10.4.3 Structural concrete or brickwork
10.4.4 Drywall construction
10.4.5 Multiple dwellings
10.4.6 Walk-in pipe ducts
10.5 Testing and inspection openings
10.5.1 General
10.5.2 Location of testing and inspection openings
10.5.3 Size of testing and inspection of openings
10.5.4 Access to inspection openings
10.6 Installation of copper and copper alloy pipes
10.6.1 General
10.6.2 Fixing
10.6.3 Expansion joints General Stacks Graded discharge pipes Bedpan sanitizer and washer
10.6.4 Freedom from restraint
10.7 Installation of other metallic pipes and fittings
10.8 Installation of plastics pipes and fittings
10.8.1 PVC-U pipe systems
10.8.2 ABS pipe systems
10.8.3 PE pipe systems
10.8.4 Installation of other plastics pipe systems
10.9 Disconnection of sanitary plumbing
10.10 Identification of pipes
10.11 Installation of above-ground pipework and connection of fixtures using drainage principles
10.11.1 General
10.11.2 Maximum length and size
10.11.3 Applicable installations
10.11.4 Installation
10.12 Installation of boundary traps, reflux valves and gullies above ground within buildings
10.12.1 Boundary traps
10.12.2 Reflux valves
10.12.3 Gullies
10.13 Methods of jointing of pipes
10.13.1 General
10.13.2 Bolted gland joints (BG)
10.13.3 Rubber ring joints (RR)
10.13.4 Epoxy resin joints (ER)
10.13.5 Cement mortar joints (CM)
10.13.6 Silver brazed joints (SB)
10.13.7 Solvent cement joints (SC)
10.13.8 Threaded joints (TH)
10.13.9 Band-clamped sleeve joints (BC)
10.13.10 PE joints
11 Reduced velocity aerator stack system
11.1 Scope of section
11.2 General
11.3 Size of stacks
11.4 Stack vents
11.5 Offsets in stacks
11.5.1 General
11.5.2 Pressure relief bypass for stack offsets
11.6 Aerator junction fittings
11.6.1 General
11.6.2 Opposed connections
11.7 Maximum length of discharge pipes
11.8 Size of discharge pipes
11.9 De-aerators
12 Pumped discharge
12.1 Scope of section
12.2 General
12.3 Compressed air ejection
12.4 Ejector vent
12.5 Wet wells
12.5.1 General
12.5.2 Construction
12.5.3 Base
12.5.4 Cover
12.5.5 Ladders
12.6 Installation of pumps
12.6.1 General
12.6.2 Inlet to wet well
12.6.3 Venting
12.6.4 Sealing
12.7 Pumped discharges or rising mains
12.8 Pump discharge from waste fixtures
12.8.1 General
12.8.2 Holding tank
12.8.3 Provision of valves
12.8.4 Inlet
12.8.5 Outlet size
12.8.6 Venting
12.8.7 Pump discharge pipe
12.9 Small bore macerator pumps
13 Fixtures and appliances
13.1 Scope of section
13.2 Installation of sanitary fixtures for people with a disability
13.3 General installation requirements
13.3.1 Installation of fixtures
13.3.2 Location of fixture traps or self-sealing devices
13.3.3 Untrapped fixtures
13.3.4 Connection of combination fixtures in pairs
13.3.5 Connection of soil fixtures
13.3.6 Fixture grates
13.3.7 Fixture discharge pipes
13.4 Plant rooms
13.5 Pressurized chambers
13.6 Autopsy tables
13.7 Bain-maries and boiling water units
13.8 Basins
13.9 Baths
13.10 Bedpan washers and sanitizers
13.11 Bidets
13.12 Dental units
13.12.1 Single
13.12.2 Multiple
13.13 Drinking fountains
13.14 Food waste disposal units (domestic type)
13.15 Refrigerated air conditioners, heat pumps, refrigerators, deep-freeze cabinets, commercial coffee-making machines and ice-making machines
13.15.1 General
13.15.2 Shower groups
13.16 Macerating sanitary napkin disposal units
13.17 Showers
13.17.1 Individual showers
13.17.2 Common channels
13.18 Sinks
13.18.1 Kitchen sinks
13.18.2 Bar sinks
13.18.3 Cleaners’ sinks
13.18.4 Pot, utility and laboratory sinks
13.19 Slop hoppers
13.19.1 Connection
13.19.2 Installation
13.20 Instrument sterilizers and autoclaves
13.21 Connection of tundishes
13.22 Domestic swimming pools
13.23 Troughs
13.23.1 Ablution
13.23.2 Laundry
13.24 Urinals
13.24.1 Slab type
13.24.2 Wall-hung General Flushing wall-hung urinals Non-flushing (waterless) urinals
13.24.3 Conversion to waterless urinals
13.25 Washing machines
13.25.1 Clothes-washing machines
13.25.2 Domestic dishwashing machines Discharge Connection of outlet hose
13.25.3 Commercial dishwashing machines
13.25.4 Glass-washing machines
13.26 Untrapped floor drains
13.26.1 General
13.26.2 Restrictions on use
13.26.3 Installation
13.26.4 Termination of discharge pipe
13.27 Water closet pans
13.27.1 Connection
13.27.2 Installation
14 Multi-unit developments
14.1 Scope of section
14.2 Methods of design
14.2.1 General
14.2.2 Maintenance shafts
14.2.3 Inspection shafts and overflow relief gullies and open upstream vents at each individual residential building
15 Testing of sanitary plumbing and sanitary drainage installations
15.1 General
15.2 Hydrostatic test (water test)
15.3 Air pressure test
15.3.1 Sealing inlets and outlets
15.3.2 Air pressure test procedure
15.3.3 Maximum pressure drop
15.4 Vacuum test
15.4.1 Sealing inlets and outlets
15.4.2 Vacuum test procedure
15.4.3 Maximum vacuum drop
16 Vacuum drainage design and installation
16.1 Scope of section
16.2 Materials and products for vacuum drainage systems
16.3 System design
16.3.1 General
16.3.2 Design requirements
16.3.3 Vacuum recovery
16.3.4 Vacuum pipework
16.3.5 Vacuum pipe sizing
16.3.6 Location of vacuum pipes
16.3.7 Eccentric tapered fittings
16.3.8 Change in pipe size
16.3.9 Grades of vacuum pipes
16.4 Inspection openings
16.4.1 Location and installation requirements
16.4.2 Size
16.4.3 Access to inspection openings
16.4.4 Sealing
16.5 Connections to vacuum system
16.6 Connections within a vacuum system
16.7 Vacuum automatic interface unit
16.8 Buffers
16.8.1 General
16.8.2 Sizing
16.9 Vacuum soil fixtures
16.9.1 General
16.9.2 Vacuum soil fixture backflow prevention
16.10 Vacuum lift pipe
16.10.1 Vacuum soil fixture lift pipe
16.10.2 Vacuum lift pipe connected to vacuum automatic interface unit
16.10.3 Vacuum lift pipe connection to horizontal vacuum pipe
16.10.4 Two-stage lift pipe
16.11 Vacuum reforming pocket
16.11.1 General
16.11.2 Open type vacuum reforming pocket
16.11.3 Closed type vacuum reforming pocket
16.12 Vacuum branch connections
16.13 Vacuum pipes installed above ground
16.13.1 General
16.13.2 Bracketing and supports
16.13.3 Brackets and supports
16.13.4 Securing of pipes and fittings
16.14 Vacuum pipes installed below ground
16.14.1 General
16.14.2 Anchor blocks
16.15 Vacuum test for vacuum drainage systems
16.15.1 Sealing inlets
16.15.2 Vacuum test pressure
16.15.3 Maximum vacuum drop
Appendix A
A.1 General
A.2 Australia
A.3 New Zealand
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
D.1 General
D.2 Operator’s report
Appendix E
E.1 General
Appendix F
F.1 General
F.2 Liner
F.3 Relining procedure
Appendix G
G.1 Scope
G.2 Site classification based on soil reactivity
G.3 Drainage for buildings on sites with predicted differential ground movement
G.4 Differential movement—inspection chambers or similar structures
G.5 Vertical risers
G.6 Graded risers
Amendment control sheet
AS/NZS 3500.2:2021
Amendment No. 1 (October 2021)
Correction amendment
Cited references in this standard
Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes - Determination of initial ring stiffness
NZS 7643
Code of practice for the installation of unplasticized PVC pipe systems
Plumbing and drainage, Part 1: Water services
Thermoplastics pipes - Determination of ring stiffness
Plumbing and drainage, Part 0: Glossary of terms
Content history
[Available Superseded]
DR AS/NZS 3500.2:2021

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