AS/NZS 3500.1:2015
[Superseded]Plumbing and drainage, Part 1: Water services
Sets out requirements for the installation of water services from the point of connection to the network utility’s water supply or from an alternative drinking water supply to the points of discharge. This Standard applies to new installations as well as alterations, additions and repairs to existing installations.
Published: 30/06/2015
Pages: 115
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Application
1.2.1 Australia
1.2.2 New Zealand
1.3 Normative references
1.4 Definitions
1.5 Equivalent pipe sizes
1.6 Facilities for people with disabilities
1.7 Abbreviations
1.8 Termite management
2 Materials and products
2.1 Scope of section
2.2 Authorization
2.3 Selection and use of materials and products
2.4 Limitations on use of pipes and fittings
2.4.1 General limitations
2.4.2 Metallic pipes and fittings
2.4.3 Plastics pipes and fittings
2.5 Safe-trays and waste pipes
2.6 Joints
2.6.1 Flanged joints
2.6.2 Elastomeric seals
2.6.3 Shouldered or grooved joints
2.6.4 Silver brazing alloy Copper and copper alloys Stainless steels
2.6.5 Soft solders
2.6.6 Solvent cement and priming fluid
2.6.7 Filler rods for stainless steel joints
2.7 Concrete and mortar
2.7.1 Concrete mix
2.7.2 Cement mortar
2.7.3 Chemical admixtures
2.7.4 Water for concrete and mortar
2.7.5 Steel reinforcement
2.8 Miscellaneous materials
2.8.1 Timber
2.8.2 External protective coatings
2.9 Backflow prevention devices
3 Sizing of water services
3.1 Scope of section
3.2 Flow requirements
3.2.1 Flow rates
3.2.2 Loading units
3.2.3 Probable simultaneous demand (PSD)
3.2.4 Probable simultaneous flow rate (PSFR)
3.3 Pressure requirements
3.3.1 Available pressure
3.3.2 Pressure at outlets
3.3.3 Pressure losses
3.3.4 Maximum pressure within buildings
3.3.5 Availability of water supply
3.4 Velocity requirements
3.5 Pipe size limitations
3.5.1 Water service
3.5.2 Branch offtakes
4 Cross-connection control and backflow prevention
4.1 Scope of section
4.2 Protection of water supplies
4.2.1 Design
4.2.2 Protection against contaminants
4.2.3 Combined tanks
4.2.4 Alternative water supplies
4.2.5 Integral backflow prevention
4.3 Cross-connection hazard rating
4.4 Provision of backflow prevention devices
4.4.1 General
4.4.2 Type of backflow protection
4.4.3 Hose taps
4.4.4 Additional backflow protection
4.4.5 Water downstream of backflow prevention device
4.4.6 Commissioning and maintenance
4.4.7 Heated water systems
4.5 Suitability of devices for hazards
4.6 Installation of backflow prevention devices
4.6.1 General installation requirements
4.6.2 Location of devices General Accessibility Drainage and leakage
4.6.3 Specific installation requirements for testable and non-testable devices General Testable devices Non-testable devices
5 Installation of cold water services
5.1 Scope of section
5.2 Proximity to other services
5.2.1 General
5.2.2 Separation from above-ground electrical conduit, wire, cable or consumer gas pipes
5.2.3 Separation from underground electrical supply cables or consumer gas pipes Electrical supply cables Consumer gas pipes
5.2.4 Separation from underground electrical earthing electrode
5.2.5 Separation from underground communication cable
5.2.6 Separation from underground drains
5.2.7 Separation from non-drinking water
5.2.8 Separation from other underground services
5.2.9 Crossover of other underground services
5.2.10 Clearance from underground obstructions
5.3 Isolating valves
5.3.1 General
5.3.2 Location
5.3.3 On fire services
5.3.4 Multiple dwellings
5.3.5 Maintenance
5.4 Location of piping
5.4.1 Location
5.4.2 Concealed piping Walls
5.4.3 Chases, ducts or conduits
5.4.4 Under concrete slabs
5.5 Methods of jointing
5.5.1 General
5.5.2 Threading
5.5.3 Bolted gland and gibault type joints General Joints below ground
5.5.4 Capillary fitting
5.5.5 Compression joints
5.5.6 Flanged joints
5.5.7 Roll-grooved joints
5.5.8 Silver brazing Joints Taps and valves
5.5.9 Soft soldering
5.5.10 Solvent cement joints
5.5.11 Jointing of stainless steel pipe and fittings Jointing of piping, up to and including DN 25 Jointing of piping larger than DN 25
5.5.12 Jointing of dissimilar metallic pipes and fittings below ground
5.6 Support and fixing above ground
5.6.1 General
5.6.2 Brackets, clips and hangers
5.6.3 Limitations of pipe supports
5.6.4 Spacing
5.6.5 Securing of pipes and fittings
5.7 Standpipes
5.8 Anchorage below ground
5.8.1 General
5.8.2 Location of thrust blocks
5.8.3 Construction of thrust blocks
5.9 Depth of cover
5.10 Bedding and backfill
5.11 Installation in contaminated areas
5.12 Corrosive areas
5.13 Pipes in water-charged or filled ground
5.14 Open channels or watercourses
5.15 Private easements
5.15.1 Proximity of water services
5.15.2 Depth of piping
5.16 Dry services
5.17 Protection against freezing
5.17.1 General
5.17.2 Piping located outside buildings
5.17.3 Pipes located on metal roofs
5.17.4 Pipes located inside buildings General Pipes in unheated roof spaces Pipes adjacent to external walls
5.17.5 Insulation of piping
5.18 Identification of piping
5.19 Temperature control devices
5.20 Bushfire zones
6 Fire services
6.1 Scope of section
6.2 Materials and products
6.3 Installation
6.4 Water storage tanks
6.5 Identification
7 Irrigation and lawn watering systems
7.1 Scope and section
7.2 System types
7.3 Backflow protection requirements
7.4 Materials
8 Water storage tanks
8.1 Scope of section
8.2 Purpose of tanks
8.2.1 General
8.2.2 Limitations on use
8.3 Design and installation requirements
8.3.1 General
8.3.2 Capacity of storage tanks—Measurement
8.3.3 Access
8.3.4 Placement of tank Safe-tray Limitations on location of drinking water tanks
8.4 Tank design
8.4.1 General
8.4.2 Internal corrosion protection
8.4.3 Tank cover
8.4.4 Tank overflow General Discharge of overflow Discharge not readily visible Size of air gap
8.5 Inlet piping
8.5.1 Connections
8.5.2 Stop valve
8.6 Outlet piping
8.6.1 Connections
8.6.2 Service outlets
8.7 Sludge valves
8.8 Safe-tray
8.8.1 General
8.8.2 Safe-tray construction
8.8.3 Overflow
8.9 Marking of tanks
9 Non-drinking water services
9.1 Scope of section
9.2 Materials and products
9.3 Installation requirements
9.3.1 Installation
9.3.2 Non-drinking water services and outlets Service pipes Service fittings External hose tap outlets other than those installed as part of a fire service Other outlets, including fire service outlets
9.3.3 Proximity to other services
9.3.4 Water meters
9.4 Testing and commissioning a non-drinking water service
9.5 Cross-connection control
10 Treated greywater services
10.1 Scope of section
10.2 Materials and products
10.3 Cross-connection control
10.4 Installation
11 Water for sanitary flushing
11.1 Scope and section
11.2 General
11.3 Water closet
11.4 Urinals
11.5 Installation of cisterns
11.5.1 General
11.5.2 Urinal type cisterns
11.5.3 Manually operated cisterns
11.5.4 Water closet pan and slop hopper pan type cisterns
11.6 Flush valves supplied from break tanks
11.6.1 General
11.6.2 Capacity
11.6.3 Operating head
11.6.4 Pipe size guide
11.6.5 Urinal flush valves
11.7 Flush pipes and water flow distribution
11.8 Pressure ratio valves
11.8.1 General
11.8.2 Requirement for pressure gauges
11.9 Flush valves connected to the drinking water service
11.9.1 General
11.9.2 Compatibility
11.9.3 Pipe size
11.9.4 Protection
11.9.5 Location
11.9.6 Pressure and velocity limitations
11.9.7 Branch service pipe
12 Installation of water supply to specified fixtures
12.1 Scope of section
12.2 Bidet, bidette and toilet seat douche
12.2.1 Bidets
12.2.2 Bidette
12.2.3 Toilet seat douches
13 Pumps
13.1 Scope of section
13.2 General
13.3 Control of pumps
13.4 Installation of pumps
13.5 Booster pumps
14 Water requirements for haemodialysis machines
14.1 Scope of section
14.2 Connection to the water service
14.3 Maintenance of flow rate
14.4 Water meters
15 Property water meters
15.1 Scope of section
15.2 Location of water meters
15.3 Installation inside buildings
15.4 Installation below ground
15.5 Protection from mechanical damage
15.6 Frost protection
16 Installation of water supply system from rainwater tanks
16.1 Scope of section
16.2 Pipes, valves and fittings
16.3 Installation
16.3.1 General
16.3.2 Additional marking and signage of pipework and outlets Pipework Water outlets
16.3.3 Connection between service pipes
16.4 Protection of other water supplies from rainwater
17 Multi-unit developments
17.1 Scope of section
17.2 Methods of design and installation
17.3 Division of development
17.4 Ring mains and flushing points
17.5 Fire services
18 Testing and commissioning
18.1 Scope of section
18.2 Flushing
18.3 Testing
18.3.1 Hydrostatic test
18.3.2 Storage tanks (except rainwater tanks)
18.4 Cleaning and disinfection of drinking water storage tanks
18.5 Disinfection of water services
18.6 Commissioning
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
D1 General
D2 Procedure
D3 Worked example
Appendix E
E1 General
E2 Procedure
E3 Worked example
Appendix F
F1 Scope
F2 Potential cross-connections
Appendix G
Appendix H
H1 General
H2 Inflow rate
H3 Overflow size and spilling level
H4 Air gap
H5 Height of inlet above invert level of overflow
Appendix I
I1 General
I2 Cleaning
I3 Disinfection
Appendix J
J1 General
J2 Precautions against contamination
J3 Flushing of water services
J4 Chlorination
J5 Final flushing
Amendment control sheet
AS/NZS 3500.1:2015
Amendment No. 1 (2017)
Revised text
Cited references in this standard
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