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AS/NZS 3007:2013
[Current]Electrical equipment in mines and quarries — Surface installations and associated processing plant
Applies to the design, installation and operation of electrical plant and equipment installed at surface mining and quarrying operations, the surface of underground mines, and associated processing plants.
Published: 24/06/2013
Pages: 112
Table of contents
Cited references
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Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Referenced documents
1.3 Definitions
2 General requirements
2.1 Risk management
2.2 Low voltage and extra low voltage installations
2.3 High voltage installations
2.4 Earthing
2.5 Removal of power at a closed electrical operating area
2.6 Electrical machinery
2.7 Protection from non-electrical hazards
2.8 Protection from electrical hazards
2.8.1 General
2.8.2 Interlocking methods
2.8.3 Electrical interlocking for restrained plugs and receptacles
2.8.4 Electrical protection tripping systems for distribution networks
2.8.5 Arc flash/blast protection
2.9 Isolating switches (disconnectors)
2.10 Circuit-breakers
2.10.1 General
2.10.2 Low voltage distribution boards
2.11 Cables
2.12 System design
2.12.1 General
2.12.2 Harmonic sources
2.12.3 Supply system to trailing cable and reeling cable fed machinery
2.12.4 Switch mode power supplies
2.13 General requirements for electrical components
2.13.1 Relevant Standards
2.13.2 Design and selection
2.13.3 Construction of components and enclosures
2.13.4 Terminals
2.13.5 Measuring instruments
2.13.6 Isolation of data and communication lines
2.13.7 Clearance and creepage
2.13.8 Information requirements
3 Protection against overloads and faults
3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 General
3.1.2 System fault levels
3.2 General rule
3.3 Automatic interruption—Protection against overcurrent due to overload
3.4 Coordination of overload and short-circuit protection afforded by separate devices
3.5 Earth fault protection on impedance earthed IT systems
4 Electrical wiring of equipment and machinery
4.1 General
4.2 Electrical isolation
4.3 Isolating for mechanical maintenance
4.4 Remote control
4.5 Pendant control (umbilical cord)
4.6 Cabling
4.6.1 Single-core cables
4.6.2 Machinery cables
4.7 Rotating electrical machines
4.7.1 Mechanical construction
4.7.2 Guarding
4.7.3 Particular features
4.7.4 Variable speed drives
4.8 Mobile machinery cable attachments
4.9 Cable reels
4.9.1 Introduction
4.9.2 General
4.9.3 Drum rating factors
4.9.4 Permissible reductions in cable reel drum diameters
4.9.5 Cable reel interlock limit
4.10 Mobile machinery lighting systems
4.11 Control circuits and control devices
4.11.1 Control, protection and auxiliary conductors
4.11.2 Centre tapped control circuits
4.11.3 Unearthed control circuits
4.11.4 Earthed control circuits
4.11.5 Control device location
4.11.6 Synchronous motor control Automatic discharge of field energy Automatic field excitation control Power loss protection
4.11.7 Dead man control
4.11.8 Start controls
5 Transportable/relocatable distribution and control equipment
5.1 General
5.1.1 Issues
5.1.2 Enclosures
5.1.3 Means of isolation
5.1.4 Location of explosion vents
5.1.5 Positioning of outlets
5.1.6 Lighting
5.1.7 Internal wiring
5.1.8 Control, protection and auxiliary conductors
5.1.9 Monitoring protective conductor continuity in trailing cables
5.2 Transportable substations
5.2.1 General requirements
5.2.2 Earthing terminals
5.2.3 Primary switchgear
5.2.4 Primary protection
5.2.5 Transformers General Core, coil and tank bracing Enclosures Off-load tap changing Oil containment
5.2.6 Secondary protection
5.2.7 Labelling
5.3 Distribution and control equipment
5.4 Flexible cable termination boxes
6 Flexible feeder, trailing and reeling cable selection, application and use
6.1 Design of cables
6.1.1 AS/NZS 2802 compliant cables
6.1.2 Phase conductors
6.1.3 Protective conductor
6.1.4 Armouring as protective conductor
6.1.5 Protection against partial discharge
6.1.6 Semi-conducting layers
6.1.7 Provision of screens and/or armouring for cables above 1000 V
6.1.8 Segregation of power and control cores Multicore cables Composite multicore cables on reeling drums Compliant cables Repair of cables
6.2 Power cable twist limitation
6.3 Cable connectors
6.4 Moving cables
6.4.1 Cable management plan
6.4.2 Flexible cable risks
6.4.3 Cable damage prevention
6.5 Installation of cables
6.5.1 Protection of cables
6.5.2 Maximum tensions to be applied to trailing cable General Calculating the maximum cable length to be pulled Calculating the maximum cable length to be suspended
6.5.3 Minimum bending radii of trailing cable
6.5.4 Cable roadways
6.5.5 Anchoring of cables
6.5.6 Storage of cables
6.5.7 Transporting of cables
6.5.8 Snigging of cables
6.5.9 Cable towers and high wall gantries General Cable towers Cable gantries
6.5.10 Manual handling of cables
6.5.11 Additional protection requirements for trailing cables
6.6 Cable repair
6.7 Precautions during lightning storms
7 Overhead lines
7.1 General
7.2 Easements
7.3 Mine owned/operated OHLs
7.3.1 Placement of OHLs
7.3.2 Other design considerations
7.4 OHL corridors and work near OHLs
7.5 Clearance to mobile plant
7.5.1 Risk assessment
7.5.2 Vertical clearances
7.5.3 Horizontal clearances
7.6 Clearances to hand-held objects
7.7 Clearance to excavations
7.8 Clearance to blasting operations
7.9 Clearance to stockpile and tailing areas
7.10 Clearance to storage areas
7.11 Clearance to structures and people transit areas
7.12 Reduction of clearances
7.13 Moving of OHLs
7.14 Precautions during lightning storms
7.15 Operations involving long metallic structures
7.16 Clearing vegetation near OHLs
7.17 Mine site information on OHLs
7.18 Emergency response plan for contact with OHLs
7.19 Emergency action if there is an accident
8 Specific power supplies
8.1 Power supplies from mobile machinery
8.2 Self-contained power systems
8.3 Welding machines and equipment
8.4 Inverters and uninterruptable power supplies
8.4.1 General
8.4.2 Inverters
8.4.3 Uninterruptible power supplies
8.5 Relocatable buildings and IT earthing systems
8.5.1 General
8.5.2 Isolation switches
8.5.3 Earth fault protection testing
9 Electricity supply to safety critical mine infrastructure for underground mines∗
9.1 Safety critical electrical systems
9.1.1 General
9.1.2 Safety critical infrastructure
9.1.3 Examples of safety critical infrastructure
9.1.4 Risk assessment
9.2 Continuity of the electrical supply to the mine
9.2.1 Integrity, reliability and security of the supply to the mine
9.2.2 Severe weather conditions
9.3 Continuity of supply to the underground workings containing safety critical infrastructure
9.3.1 Design of networks and selection and maintenance of equipment Distribution network design Protecting circuits Sustaining network supplies in the event of disruption Cable, cable couplers
9.4 Continuity of safety critical, electrically powered ventilation equipment
9.4.1 Provision of ventilation equipment
9.4.2 Surface fans
9.4.3 Provision of a dedicated feeder system for booster fans
9.4.4 Surface restarting and automatic restarting of booster fans
9.5 Monitoring and control
9.6 Powered winding systems
9.6.1 Availability of exits from the mine
9.6.2 Facilities to cater for breakdown of powered winding systems
9.6.3 Gravity winding
9.6.4 Testing of auxiliary pony drive and gravity winding systems
9.6.5 Diesel-driven emergency generators
9.7 Power supplies to de-watering and firedamp drainage plant and equipment
10 Transport conveyor systems
10.1 General
10.2 Conveyor controllers
10.3 Cables of moveable conveyors
10.4 Belt splicing equipment
11 Deep-well type pumps at surface mining operations
11.1 General
11.2 Risers as protective conductors
11.3 Continued operation after first earth fault
11.4 Equipotential bonding
11.5 Exemption from insulation-monitoring device
11.6 Double line to earth faults
12 Reclaim and transfer tunnels for coal mines
12.1 General
12.2 Automatic gas monitoring system
12.2.1 Explosive atmospheres
12.2.2 Irrespirable gasses
12.2.3 Reclaim or transfer tunnel shutdown
12.2.4 Reclaim or transfer tunnel emergency lighting
12.2.5 Stockpiles above reclaim or transfer tunnels
13 Fire detection and protection systems for electrical areas
13.1 General
13.2 General protection requirements
13.2.1 General
13.2.2 Analysis of need for protection
13.2.3 Means of protection Protection by means of escape Protection by portable means Protection by means of barriers and/or enclosures Protection by manually activated systems Protection by automatically activated systems Fixed detection, alarm and fire extinguishing systems and their equipment Quantity and type of fire extinguishing medium available
13.3 Additional requirements and recommendations
13.3.1 Fire protection notices
13.3.2 Protection of equipment or plant
13.3.3 De-energization of electrical equipment
13.3.4 Supplementary fire extinguishing equipment
13.3.5 Maintenance of fire protection systems
13.3.6 Ventilation systems and air conditioners
14 Static electricity, radioactive sources and inductive sources
14.1 Static electricity
14.2 Electrostatic precipitators
14.3 Radioactive sources
14.4 Hazards from induction
15 Labels, signage and information requirements and colour coding of enclosures
15.1 General
15.2 Specific requirements
15.3 Enclosures with covers guarding access to live conductors
15.4 Voltage identification of electrical enclosures
16 Operational requirements
16.1 General
16.2 Restrictions on access by personnel
16.2.1 Identification of closed electrical operating areas
16.2.2 Access to closed electrical operating areas
16.3 Operations involving personnel working in the vicinity of exposed live parts
16.3.1 Low voltage
16.3.2 High voltage
16.3.3 Use of stop controls
16.3.4 Use of interlocking
16.4 Use of radio remote control equipment
16.5 Overhead lines
17 Management of alterations to the mining operation
17.1 General
17.2 Management of change
Appendix A
A1 General
A2 Description of the systems
A3 Protective measures for TN systems
A3.1 General
A3.2 Bonding of exposed conductive parts
A3.2.1 General
A3.2.2 Single conductor as combined protective and neutral conductor
A3.2.3 Interruption of combined protective and neutral conductor
A3.2.4 Separation of protective conductor from a combined protective and neutral conductor
A4 Protective measures for TT systems
A4.1 General
A4.2 Neutral conductor insulation and installation
A4.3 Bonding of exposed conductive parts
A4.4 Protective devices
A5 Protective measures for IT systems
A5.1 General
A5.2 Artificial earthable point
A5.3 Star point conductor in IT systems
A5.4 Bonding of exposed conductive parts
A5.5 Protective devices
A5.6 Neutral conductor in IT systems
Appendix B
B1 Selection of protective devices and protection systems
B1.1 Introduction
B1.2 Operating characteristics
B1.3 Discrimination between protective devices
B2 Protective devices
B2.1 General
B2.2 Measuring transformers
B2.3 Residual-current-operated protective devices
B2.4 Residual-voltage-operated protective devices
B2.5 Fault-voltage-operated protective devices
B2.6 Combined residual-current/voltage-operated protective devices
B2.7 Insulation-monitoring devices
B2.8 Distance relays
B2.9 Differential protection
B2.10 Overcurrent-operated protective devices
B2.10.1 General
B2.10.2 Thermal overload ANSI code 49 RMS
B2.10.3 Phase overcurrent ANSI code 50/51
B2.11 Loss of vacuum/frozen contact protection devices
B2.12 Under/overpressure protection devices
B2.13 Earth-continuity protection devices
B2.14 Earth leakage protection
B2.15 Earth fault lockout protection
B2.16 Neutral-connected current limitation system integrity protection
B2.17 Undervoltage ANSI code 27/27S
B2.18 Positive sequence undervoltage ANSI code 27D
B2.19 Phase rotation direction check ANSI code 27D/47
B2.20 Remanent undervoltage ANSI code 27R
B2.21 Directional active overpower ANSI code 32P
B2.22 Directional reactive overpower ANSI code 32Q/40
B2.23 Phase undercurrent ANSI code 37
B2.24 Temperature monitoring ANSI code 38/49T
B2.25 Negative sequence/unbalance ANSI code 46
B2.26 Broken conductor ANSI code 46BC
B2.27 Negative sequence overvoltage ANSI code 47
B2.28 Excessive starting time locked rotor ANSI code 48/51LR/14
B2.29 Breaker failure ANSI code 50BF
B2.30 Earth fault ANSI code 50N/51N or 50G/51G
B2.31 Starts per hour ANSI code 66
B2.32 Directional overcurrent (67) and directional earth fault (67N)
B2.33 Neutral voltage displacement (59N)
B2.34 Volt/Hertz (24)
B2.35 Bus overcurrent blocking schemes
B3 Protection arrangements for transportable substations
B4 Testing of power system protection system
B4.1 Electromechanical relays
B4.2 Digital and numerical relays
Appendix C
C1 Introduction
C2 Assessment of general characteristics
C3 Protection of persons against the transfer of unsafe voltages
C3.1 Causes of voltage transfer
C3.2 Measures for protecting persons against direct transfer of unsafe voltages
C3.3 Measures for protecting persons against indirect transfer of unsafe voltages
C4 Protection of low signal level systems against malfunction due to interference
C4.1 Basic principle
C4.2 Protection measures
C4.2.1 Design features
C4.2.2 Other measures
C4.3 Transmission by cable
C4.3.1 Screening against capacitive (electrostatic) interference
C4.3.2 Shielding against inductive (electromagnetic) interference
C4.3.3 Physical separation from power cables and equipment
C4.3.4 Segregation of circuits
C4.3.5 Transmission by powerline carrier
C4.4 Transmission by radio
C4.4.1 Safety precautions relating to the use of radio
C4.4.2 Physical isolation of sensitive elements
Appendix D
Appendix E
E1 Safety file
E2 Proprietory information
Appendix F
F1 Introduction
F1.1 General
F1.2 Objectives
F1.3 Risk management treatment methods
F1.4 Risk management additional approaches
F1.5 Risk management of transferred touch voltages
F1.5.1 General
F1.5.2 Risk management of transferred touch voltages using impedance earthed IT systems
F2 Earthing design, management and integration
F3 Underground mines (coal and metals)
F4 Underground coal mines
F5 Touch voltage/operating times
Cited references in this standard
Safe working on or near low-voltage and extra-low voltage electrical installations and equipment
Electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres - Repair and overhaul (IEC 60079-19:2015 (ED. 3.1), MOD)
AS/NZS 62040
Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) (series)
AS/NZS 61000
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) (series)
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