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AS/NZS 2890.1:2004

[Pending Revision]

Parking facilities, Part 1: Off-street car parking

Sets out minimum requirements for the design and layout of off-street parking facilities, including multi-storey car parks for motor cars, light vans and motorcycles. It includes access and egress requirements for both public and private car parks, and car parking on domestic properties.
Published: 05/03/2004
Pages: 67
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Referenced documents
1.3 Definitions
1.4 Classification of off-street car parking facilities
2 Design of parking modules, circulation roadways and ramps
2.1 General
2.2 General description
2.3 Preliminary design considerations
2.3.1 Design coordination
2.3.2 Parking angle
2.3.3 Parking aisle length
2.3.4 Assignment of user class to parking modules
2.4 Design of parking modules
2.4.1 Angle parking spaces
2.4.2 Angle parking aisle
2.4.3 Angle parking module layout
2.4.4 Parallel parking in parking aisles
2.4.5 Physical controls General description Kerbs Barriers Wheel stops Other protective devices
2.4.6 Gradients within parking modules Maximum gradients Minimum gradients
2.4.7 Provision for motorcycles
2.5 Design of circulation roadways and ramps
2.5.1 General
2.5.2 Layout design of circulation roadways and ramps
2.5.3 Circulation roadway and ramp grades
2.6 Design of domestic driveways
2.6.1 Width
2.6.2 Gradients
3 Access facilities to off-street parking areas and queuing areas
3.1 General
3.1.1 Access design principles
3.1.2 Categories of access facilities
3.2 Access driveways—Width and location
3.2.1 Access driveway widths
3.2.2 Width requirements at low volume (Category 1) access driveways and connecting roadways
3.2.3 Access driveway location
3.2.4 Sight distance at access driveway exits
3.3 Gradients of access driveways
3.4 Queuing areas
3.5 Access to mechanical parking installations
4 Other considerations
4.1 Pedestrian service
4.1.1 General
4.1.2 Parking structures
4.1.3 Surface car parks
4.2 Bicycle parking
4.3 Signposting
4.3.1 General
4.3.2 Vehicular guide signs
4.3.3 Pedestrian direction signs
4.3.4 Regulatory and warning signs
4.3.5 Signs for people with disabilities
4.3.6 Sign size
4.3.7 Sign location
4.3.8 Variable message signs
4.4 Pavement markings
4.4.1 Marking of parking spaces
4.4.2 Pedestrian crossing markings
4.4.3 Pavement arrows
4.5 Parcel pick-up
4.6 Shopping trolley requirements
4.7 Lighting
4.8 Landscaping
4.9 Humps
4.10 Special loading/unloading parking spaces
5 Additional requirements for car parking structures
5.1 General
5.2 Column location and spacing
5.3 Headroom
5.3.1 General requirements
5.3.2 Parking spaces and vehicular access for people with disabilities
5.4 Design of enclosed garages
Appendix A
A1 Scope
A2 Study of vehicle dimensions
A3 The B85 vehicle
A4 The B99 vehicle
A5 Van heights
A6 Small vehicles
A6.1 The Australian fleet
A6.2 The New Zealand fleet
A7 Sources of data
Appendix B
B1 Scope
B2 The base dimension
B2.1 General
B2.2 The B99 vehicle
B2.3 The B85 vehicle
B3 Swept paths
B3.1 Standard single turn swept path templates
B3.2 Swept path clearances
B4 Parking spaces and parking aisles
B4.1 Angle parking space design
B4.2 Angle parking space length
B4.3 Reverse-in parking
B4.4 Design of parking aisle for manoeuvring
B4.5 Angle parking at other than 90 degrees
B4.6 Circulating traffic in the parking aisle
B4.7 Ramp and circulation roadway widths
B4.8 Parking in residential and domestic car parks
B5 Ground clearance
B6 Headroom
Appendix C
C1 General
C2 Method of use
Appendix D
Amendment control sheet
AS/NZS 2890.1:2004
Amendment No. 1 (2005)
Revised text
Cited references in this standard
Structural design actions, Part 1: Permanent, imposed and other actions
Slip resistance classification of new pedestrian surface materials
ADR 43
Australian design rules for vehicle configuration and dimensions
Standard alphabets for road signs
[Available Superseded]
Parking facilities, Part 6: Off-street parking for people with disabilities
Content history
DR 02352

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