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AS/NZS 2712:2007
[Current]Solar and heat pump water heaters - Design and construction
Specifies performance-based requirements for the design and construction of both components of solar and heat pump hot water supply systems, and complete systems, for household premises and for commercial and industrial installations comparable with household installations, intended to deliver drinking water of acceptable quality.
Published: 12/09/2007
Pages: 56
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Application
1.3 Systems covered by this standard
1.3.1 System types
1.3.2 System configurations
1.3.3 System components
1.3.4 Packaged or factory made systems
1.4 Referenced documents
1.5 Definitions
2 General design requirements
2.1 Scope of section
2.2 Materials in contact with drinking water
2.3 Facilities for installation
2.4 Facilities for maintenance
2.5 Pipes
2.6 Pressure and temperature protection
2.6.1 Requirement for protection
2.6.2 Rating of relief valves
2.7 Over-temperature protection device
2.8 Supplementary heating unit
2.9 Instructions
2.9.1 Installation instructions
2.9.2 Operating and maintenance instructions
3 Containers
3.1 Scope of section
3.2 Construction and performance
3.3 Marking
4 Collectors
4.1 Scope of section
4.2 Absorbers
4.2.1 Materials
4.2.2 Fluid ways of absorbers
4.3 Collector materials and construction
4.3.1 Thermal insulation of collector
4.3.2 Collector casing
4.3.3 Sealing materials
4.3.4 Evacuated tube collectors
4.3.5 Loss of water due to glazing failure
4.4 Glazing of collectors
4.4.1 Securing of glazing
4.4.2 Thickness of flat plate glazing
4.4.3 Glass breakage
4.4.4 Glazing weather resistance
4.5 Resistance to stagnation conditions
4.5.1 General
4.5.2 Systems with collectors designed to resist stagnation conditions
4.5.3 Systems designed to avoid stagnation conditions
4.6 Impact resistance
4.7 Protection against ingress of water
4.8 Protection against freezing
4.9 Structural requirements
4.9.1 Provisions for mounting
4.9.2 Strength
4.10 Marking
5 Heat exchangers
5.1 Scope of section
5.2 General
5.3 Heat transfer fluid
5.3.1 Stability
5.3.2 Approvals
5.3.3 Indicator colour
5.3.4 Water as a heat transfer fluid
5.4 Design and construction
5.4.1 Materials
5.4.2 Strength of materials
5.4.3 Support
5.4.4 Over-pressure test—Internal
5.4.5 Facilities for drainage and filling
5.4.6 Maintenance of heat transfer fluid level in vented heat exchange systems
5.5 Instructions and marking
5.5.1 General
5.5.2 Pressure information
5.5.3 Leakage indication
5.5.4 Systems with non-toxic heat transfer fluids other than water
5.5.5 Systems with toxic heat transfer fluids
6 Pumps and controllers
6.1 Scope of section
6.2 Circulating pump
6.2.1 Construction
6.2.2 Collector circuit flow rate
6.3 Controllers for pumps and supplementary heating
6.3.1 Design
6.3.2 Pump and controller instructions
7 Solar water heater systems
7.1 Scope of section
7.2 Solar hot water systems
7.3 Air vent
7.4 System performance
7.4.1 General
7.4.2 Thermal performance
7.4.3 No-load system operation test General Potential for water dumping Damage Water discharge Reverse thermosyphoning
8 Heat pump water heaters
8.1 Scope of section
8.2 System performance
8.2.1 General
8.2.2 Thermal performance
8.3 Refrigerant
8.3.1 Refrigerant type
8.3.2 Maximum charge of refrigerant
8.4 Design and construction
8.4.1 Materials
8.4.2 Over-temperature protection (thermal cut-out)
8.4.3 System pressures and temperature
8.4.4 Circulating pump construction
8.4.5 Controllers for circulating pumps and supplementary heating Design Circulating pump and controller instructions
8.4.6 Pressure relief
8.4.7 Heat exchangers
8.5 Instructions and marking
8.5.1 Installation instructions
8.5.2 Marking
Appendix A
A1 Scope
A2 Relevance
A3 Product certification
A4 Definitions
A5 Testing
A5.1 Type testing
A5.2 Batch release testing
A5.3 Retesting
Appendix B
B1 Scope
B2 Apparatus
B2.1 Method 1
B2.2 Method 2
B3 Test conditions
B4 Procedure
B4.1 Method 1
B4.2 Method 2
B5 Test report
Appendix C
C1 Scope
C1.1 Impact resistance
C1.2 Glass breakage safety
C2 Test specimen
C3 Impact resistance tests
C3.1 Point of impact
C3.2 Method 1
C3.2.1 Apparatus
C3.2.2 Procedure
C3.3 Method 2
C3.3.1 Apparatus
C3.3.2 Procedure
C4 Impact resistance test report
C5 Assessment of glass breakage safety
C5.1 Collector installation
C5.2 Procedure
C6 Glass breakage test report
Appendix D
D1 Scope
D2 Apparatus
D3 Procedure
D4 Test report
Appendix E
E1 Scope
E2 Apparatus
E3 Test conditions
E3.1 Method A (with clear sky simulator)
E3.2 Method B (without clear sky simulator)
E4 Temperature measurements
E4.1 Chamber air temperature
E4.2 Heat sink temperature
E5 Procedure
E6 Test report
Appendix F
F1 Scope
F2 Principle
F3 Type testing
F4 Apparatus
F5 Test A
F5.1 General
F5.2 Procedure
F5.3 Test report
F6 Calculation of thermal expansion of tank contents
F7 Test B
F7.1 General
F7.2 Procedure
F7.3 Test report
Appendix G
G1 Scope
G2 Test specimen
G3 Apparatus
G4 Procedure
G5 Reporting of results
Appendix H
Amendment control sheet
AS/NZS 2712:2007
Amendment No. 1 (2011)
Revised text
Amendment No. 2 (2011)
Amendment No. 3 (2014)
Revised text
Cited references in this standard
NZS 3501
Specification for copper tubes for water, gas, and sanitation
Content history
DR 06573
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