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AS/NZS 2693:2007


Vehicle jacks

Specifies requirements for the design, construction, performance and labelling of jacks designed to raise vehicles.
Published: 01/02/2007
Pages: 20
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Application
3 Referenced documents
4 Definitions
5 Design and construction
5.1 General
5.2 Materials
5.3 Protective coatings
5.4 Baseplate dimensions
5.4.1 Jacks with nominated capacity up to and including 2000 kg
5.4.2 Jacks with nominated capacity of greater than 2000 kg
5.5 Head cap
5.5.1 General purpose jacks except high lift jacks
5.5.2 Specific vehicle jacks and caravan/trailer jacks
5.6 Stability
5.6.1 General purpose jacks
5.6.2 Specific vehicle jacks and caravan/trailer jacks
5.7 Prevention of overtravel
5.8 Minimum height
5.8.1 General
5.8.2 Specific vehicle jacks
5.8.3 Caravan/trailer jacks
6 Performance
6.1 Test procedure
6.2 Durability
6.3 Ease of operation
6.4 Lowering
6.5 Loss of height with time
6.6 Overload protection
6.7 Overload capacity
6.8 Minimum capacity
6.8.1 General purpose jacks
6.8.2 Specific vehicle jacks
6.8.3 High lift jacks
6.8.4 Caravan/trailer jacks
7 Marking
7.1 Jack marking
7.1.1 Jacks other than specific vehicle jacks General requirements For high lift jacks For other than high lift jacks For hydraulic jacks For caravan/trailer jacks
7.1.2 Specific vehicle jacks
7.2 Packaging marking
8 Instructions
8.1 General
8.2 Maintenance instructions
8.3 Safe usage instructions
Appendix A
Appendix B
B1 Scope
B2 General test conditions
B2.1 Specific vehicle jacks
B2.2 Caravan/trailer jacks
B3 Head cap engagement test
B3.1 Conditions of test
B3.1.1 Specific vehicle jacks
B3.1.2 Caravan/trailer jacks
B3.2 Procedure
B4 Stability
B4.1 Conditions of test
B4.2 Procedure
B5 Report
Appendix C
C1 Scope
C2 General test conditions
C3 Apparatus
C4 Procedure
C4.1 Hydraulic jacks
C4.2 General purpose jacks other than hydraulic jacks
C4.3 Specific vehicle jacks or caravan/trailer jacks other than hydraulic jacks
C5 Report
Appendix D
D1 Scope
D2 Apparatus
D3 Reference marks
D4 Procedure
D5 Report
Appendix E
E1 Scope
E2 Apparatus
E3 Procedure
E4 Report
Appendix F
F1 Scope
F2 Apparatus
F3 Procedure
F4 Report
Cited references in this standard
Electroplated coatings — Nickel and chromium
Electroplated zinc (electrogalvanized) coatings on ferrous articles (batch process)
Grey cast iron
Ductile cast iron
Malleable cast iron
Content history
AS/NZS 2693-2007 REC:2017
DR 05324

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