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AS/NZS 2040.1:2021


Performance of household electrical appliances - Clothes washing machines, Part 1: Methods for measuring performance, energy and water consumption

Specifies test procedures and minimum performance criteria for determining the performance characteristics of electric clothes washing machines intended for household and similar use that are within the scope of the relevant legislation. This Standard does not specify safety requirements.KEYWORDS: Electric clothes washing machines; Minimum performance criteria; Household
Published: 19/02/2021
Pages: 82
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Application
1.3 Normative references
1.4 Terms and definitions
1.5 Rounding
2 Test requirements and measurements
2.1 General
2.2 Test conditions, instrumentation and materials
2.3 Preparation of a clothes washing machine for testing
2.4 General test procedures
2.5 Check of rated capacity
2.6 Preparation and loading of loads
2.7 Percentage soil removal
2.8 Energy consumption, water consumption and standby power
2.9 Water extraction index
2.10 Severity of washing action index (WsI)
2.11 Vibration
2.12 Spectrophotometer used for percentage soil removal
2.13 Reference machine
2.14 Whiteness retention
2.15 Rinse performance
3 Use of reference machine
3.1 General
3.2 Program
3.3 Test conditions
3.4 Reference machine
3.5 Reference machine log
3.6 Record of results
3.7 Checks and repairs
4 Performance requirements
4.1 General
4.2 Water pressure
4.3 Rated capacity
4.4 Washing index
4.5 Water consumption
4.6 Water extraction index
4.7 Severity of washing action index (WsI)
4.8 Vibration during water extraction (spin drying)
4.9 Rinse performance
4.10 Wool wash program
5 Requirements for accompanying information
5.1 General
5.2 Rated load capacity
5.3 Water consumption
5.4 Program
5.5 Additional requirements
Appendix A
A.1 General
A.2 Accuracy and precision of measurements
A.3 Ambient conditions
A.4 Water supply
A.5 Water hardness
A.6 Electricity supply
A.7 Measurement accuracies and instruments
A.7.1 Mass
A.7.2 Temperature
A.7.3 Electrical energy consumption
A.7.4 Length
A.7.5 Time
A.7.6 Water consumption
A.8 Detergent
A.8.1 Detergent for drum type machines
A.8.2 Source of detergent
A.8.3 Storage and maximum age
A.9 Anti-sudsing agent
A.10 Soil removal swatches
A.11 Severity of washing swatches
A.12 Standard test load
A.13 Sources of materials
A.14 Built-in clothes washing machine test enclosure
A.14.1 General
A.14.2 Materials
A.14.3 Dimensions
A.14.4 Construction
A.15 Vibration walking test surface
A.16 Sandbags for vibration walking test
A.17 Additional requirements for testing
Appendix B
B.1 General
B.2 Condition, installation and use of machine
B.3 Filters
B.4 Test program
B.4.1 General
B.4.2 Washing machines with pre-set programs
B.4.2.1 Setting
B.4.2.2 Wash program
B.4.3 Semi-automatic washing machines
B.4.4 Twin-tub washing machines
B.5 Initial temperature of machine
B.6 Test enclosure
B.7 Detergent
B.7.1 Composition
B.7.2 Quantity
B.7.3 Adding detergent
B.8 Use of an anti-sudsing agent
B.9 Measurement of inputs
B.10 Mass of test load to be used
B.11 Pre-conditioning of test loads
B.12 Reconditioning of test load components
B.13 Life of test load components
Appendix C
C.1 General
C.2 Standard mixed cotton test loads
C.2.1 General
C.2.2 Mass of test load
C.2.3 Bone-dry mass of test load
C.3 Preparation of swatch attachments
C.3.1 Total number of swatches required
C.3.2 Number of swatches per load component
C.3.3 Types of fixing devices
C.3.4 Fixing and positioning devices
C.3.4.1 Severity of washing swatches
C.3.4.2 Other swatches
C.3.5 Location of the swatches
C.4 Procedure for loading machine
C.4.1 Preparation of items for loading
C.4.1.1 Picking up
C.4.1.2 Folding
C.4.2 Order of loading
C.4.2.1 General
C.4.2.2 Other than drum type machines
C.4.2.3 Drum type machines
C.4.3 Method of placement
C.4.3.1 Machines other than drum type machines
C.4.3.2 Drum type machines
Appendix D
D.1 General
D.2 Application
D.3 Test conditions
D.4 Principle
D.5 Apparatus
D.6 Procedure
D.7 Test report
D.8 Validity check
Appendix E
E.1 General
E.2 Application
E.3 Test conditions
E.4 Principles
E.4.1 Water consumption, program energy and program time
E.4.2 Cycle time, post program energy and end of cycle mode power
E.4.3 Tested energy consumption (Et)
E.4.4 Other standby power modes
E.5 Apparatus and materials
E.6 Procedures
E.6.1 Program measurements
E.6.2 Post program energy and cycle time
E.6.3 Delay start mode
E.6.4 Off mode
E.7 Determination of tested energy consumption and water consumption
E.7.1 General
E.7.2 Determination of water consumption
E.7.3 Cold water correction energy (Ec)
E.7.4 Hot water supply energy (Eh)
E.7.5 Energy contained in detergent solution
E.8 Determination of standby power
E.9 Test report
Appendix F
F.1 General
F.2 Application
F.3 Test conditions
F.4 Apparatus and materials
F.5 Program
F.6 Procedure
F.7 Test report
Appendix G
G.1 General
G.2 Application
G.3 Test conditions
G.4 Principle
G.5 Apparatus
G.6 Procedure
G.7 Test report
G.8 Validity
Appendix H
H.1 General
H.2 Principle
H.3 Application
H.4 Test conditions
H.5 Apparatus and materials
H.6 Procedure
H.7 Test report
Appendix I
I.1 General
I.2 Apparatus
I.3 Preparation
I.4 Procedure
I.5 Calculation of test method
I.5.1 General
I.5.2 Normalization of results
I.5.3 Test report
Appendix J
J.1 General
J.2 Water heating capability
J.3 Soil removal
J.4 Water extraction index
J.5 Severity of washing index
J.6 Rinse performance
Appendix K
K.1 General
K.2 Test conditions
K.3 Principle
K.4 Application
K.5 Apparatus and materials
K.6 Procedure
K.7 Test report
Appendix L
L.1 General
L.2 Test results
Appendix M
M.1 General
M.2 Test conditions
M.3 Principle
M.4 Application
M.5 Apparatus and materials
M.5.1 Spin extractor
M.5.2 Mass measurement accuracy
M.5.3 Sample bottles for storing rinse liquor from the spin extractor
M.5.4 UV spectrophotometer, reagents and glassware for UV spectrophotometry
M.5.5 Marker
M.5.6 NaOH
M.5.7 Water
M.6 Preparation
M.6.1 Conditioning of the load
M.6.2 Procedure for marker dose
M.6.3 Dosing of the marker
M.6.4 Standard soil removal test
M.6.5 Calculation of the mass of retained moisture in the load
M.6.6 Sampling procedure for rinse liquor
M.6.7 Measurement of PBIS concentration in the supply water and extracted liquor samples
M.6.8 Calculation of rinse performance score
M.7 Test report
Appendix N
N.1 General
N.2 Principle
N.3 Apparatus and reagents
N.3.1 Spectrophotometer
N.3.2 Spectrophotometer cells
N.3.3 Reagents and glassware
N.3.4 Analytical balance
N.4 Procedure
N.4.1 Glassware
N.4.2 Calibration procedure for each PBIS batch
N.4.3 Preparation of standard solutions
N.4.3.1 PBIS stock standard solution (100 mg/L)
N.4.3.2 Working standard solutions for sample working range 0.5 to 10 mg/l PBIS
N.4.4 Determination of PBIS in supply water and extracted liquor samples
N.4.4.1 Measurement procedure
N.4.4.2 Calculation of PBIS concentration
N.5 Linear regression
Appendix O
Cited references in this standard
Colorimetry - Part 2: CIE standard illuminants
Washing machines for household use - Methods for measuring the performance
Colorimetry - Part 1: CIE standard colorimetric observers
Household electrical appliances — Measurement of standby power (IEC 62301, Ed. 1.0 (2005) MOD)
Performance of household electrical appliances - Rotary clothes dryers, Part 1: Methods for measuring performance, energy and water consumption
Content history
[Available Superseded]
DR AS/NZS 2040.1:2019

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